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Market Entry and STP Strategy

Market Entry and STP Strategy

Length: 3500 words
Submission method options
Alternative submission method


In this assessment, you will continue to use the country and focus organisation you worked on in Asst 2. Here you will develop the next steps in their international marketing plan.
Part 1 requires you to evaluate all realistic market entry options for this organisation in your target country market (typically at least three, including your preferred option). These options should be discussed, covering advantages and disadvantages, how they might work and reasons for adopting or discarding each one, within the context of your company and the chosen market.

In Part 2, it is now necessary to identify potential market segments (target markets) in the chosen country and consider how they might be serviced by your organisation. You must show your understanding of the concepts involved and your ability to think through and express marketing strategy options.

In justifying your choice for the STP strategies, you must:

• Explain the strategic approach you used to segment the market, and justify why you have selected particular target market segment(s) in the chosen market. These may be within the B2B sector, B2C or a combination.
• Identify your recommended positioning strategies for each target market.
More detail on what should be included in these sections is available in the Project Guide in Resources.

This assessment has been designed to:

• demonstrate the application of the knowledge gained in the subject to the development of strategies in an international market;
• allow you to develop your information searching and critical thinking skills; and provide you with further experience in academic writing

On successful completion of this assessment, you should:
• be able to interpret and assess the impact of marketplace variables on marketing practice in the global marketplace;
• be able to select markets and justify market entry options; and
• be able to create justifiable and effective marketing strategies.

Marking criteria

Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Critical analysis skills – Student applies and integrates critical analysis when selecting and justifying marketing strategies
Value 30% No evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis. No attempt to take and understand multiple perspectives Little evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis.

Attempts to take and understand multiple perspectives Some evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis. Takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide a critical discussion of the relevant issues Evidence of independent investigation, and original questioning and analysis.

Independently takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide an insightful critical discussion of the relevant issues. Strong evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis. Independently takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide an insightful and/or exhaustive critical discussion of the relevant issues

Application skills – This criterion is about linking theory to a specific context
Strategic perspective This is about strategic recommendations for the company

Realism – This is about practicality/realism in the country context

Communication – This is about the presentation of the work including: Structure, Format, Grammar
Value 15% Poor grammar, spelling, punctuation, concepts were not clear, materials difficult to read – no tables or figures, inconsistency in style and content between sections. Word count is 10% over or under limit.

Some grammatical errors, sentences were clear and complete, clear structure and formatting, some diagrams, but not explained and only decorative, some inconsistencies in style and content. Adheres to word limit.  Adheres to word limit.

Free of grammatical errors. Structure and format were clear. Sentences were well constructed. Language was concise. Excellent use of relevant graphics Clear consistency in style and content. Adheres to word limit. Free of grammatical errors. Structure and format were clear, logical and consistent. Sentences were well constructed. Exceptional use of clearly relevant graphics. Obvious consistency in style and content, with relevant links between sections. Adheres to word limit.

Referencing Skills

This criterion is about the application of APA referencing  Application was still inconsistent with some points remaining unreferenced. Both in-text and reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA
This Asst should be a maximum of 3500 words. Please use headings/sub-headings to highlight changes in topic.
‘In your own words’ is critical in displaying your understanding of the material, rather than being expert at copy and paste.

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Drivers of International Marketing

 Drivers of International Marketing

We have provided three resources for you to use to help you with Assessment One. Even if you feel very confident about your researching and referencing skills, please go to each resource before you begin the assessment as you will need to use them to complete the task.
Access the following in your Resources folder on Interact:
Online research using Google Scholar
Finding sources using Primo Search
Referencing using APA style
How to apply theory to practice
Then, select an Australian-based organisation with which you are familiar.Use theory and real world examples to illustrate your points.
Market needs
Cost – scale
Students should NOT contact the organisation at any time while undertaking this assessment.

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Case study on Strategic Plan

Case study on Strategic Plan

Create the Final Strategic Plan. The Final Strategic Plan contains the elements of all the previous weeks’ components and incorporates instructor feedback. The strategic recommendations will be evaluated and the best options chosen for recommendation. The final strategic plan contains:

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary (350 to 700 words)
  • Company Background
  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Value Statement
  • Environmental Scan
  • Internal and External Environmental Analysis
  • Strategic Recommendation
  • Implementation Plan
  • Organizational Change Management Strategies
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Conclusion
  • References


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Case study on employee under-performance.

Case study on employee under-performance.

In response to a simulated business scenario, and using work completed in Assessment Task 1, you will develop, monitor and review performance systems, analyse performance, identify areas of underperformance, take prompt remedial action and report on operational performance.

In accordance with contingency planning developed in Assessment Task 1, you will take prompt action to address employee underperformance.



Read the simulated BBQfun case study information provided in Appendix 1 of this task and in the business documentation previously provided form Assessments 1 and 2.


  1. Based on the information provided, prepare a plan for monitoring performance from the start of implementation to the end of the financial year. Use the action plan template provided in Appendix 2. Ensure you include plans for monitoring and/or documenting the following:
    1. budgetary and financial performance
    2. productivity performance
    3. employee performance in line with performance management policy
    4. milestone achievement and performance against targets
    5. dates for monitoring activities in line with scenario
    6. resources for monitoring
    7. progress reporting at the end of each quarter to the Operations General Manager
    8. regular performance management of online staff and lodgement of records with the HR Manager.







  1. From the case study, identify areas of employee underperformance and determine possible remedial actions.



  1. a description of productivity performance


  1. an analysis of milestone achievement and performance against targets


  1. three recommendations for operational improvement.


  1. Analyse the operational performance as described in the case scenario (Appendix 1). Using the Operational Status report template (Appendix 5) produce an operational plan status report based on the information provided in Appendix 1.




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Trends in Alcohol Use, Cocaine Use, and Crime: 1989–1998

Trends in Alcohol Use, Cocaine Use, and Crime: 1989–1998

Please don’t use .edu. .com, .net, .org websites. Use government or academic websites only. Please complete each question completely.
From the South University Online Library, read the following article:
Trends in Alcohol Use, Cocaine Use, and Crime: 1989–1998
Also available as a PDF.
On the basis of your readings, address the following questions:
How did the authors study the correlation between drugs, alcohol, and crime What sampling techniques were used to identify subjects for this study

What were the authors’ findings and conclusions How did the sampling methods impact the generalizability of the study How did this article improve your knowledge of drugs, alcohol, and crime

Identify two issues with the methodology that might limit the use of this study to direct public policy concerning drugs and crime.

Note: The journal article describes a model; you are requested to assess the viability and practicality of that model in other contexts.

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Protect openings in a floor at a production

Protect openings in a floor at a production

Compare and contrast the different types of barriers that might be used to protect openings in a floor at a production facility. What factors should an engineer take into account when designing one of these barriers In your opinion, which type barrier would be most appropriate for an opening between all four floors of a facility that is designed to move material between floors using a crane located on the top floor


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Advanced Network Design Assessment

Advanced Network Design Assessment

 Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

Unit Code BN321
Unit Title Advanced Network Design
Assessment Type Individual written report and group demonstration–T2 2017 (Assignment 2)
Assessment Title Advanced Network Design and Setup
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Main objectives of this assignment is to enable student toplan a network design, setup WAN appropriately using physical networking devices and implement appropriate to business requirements. After successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

a. Analyse the need for WAN networks, standards and network solutions
b. Ability to analyse network design requirements.
c. Ability to plan, design and implement networks appropriate to business requirements.
Weight 15% of the total assessments
Total Marks 50
Word limit 2000
Due Date Week 11, demonstrate during laboratory class and submit report on Moodle
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.

• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
Extension • If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School’s Administration Officer, on academic reception level. You must submit this application within three working days of the assessment due date.

Academic Misconduct

• Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree.

Client’s Requirements

The school required the conversion of an existing classroom into an ICT classroom. The school required the successful tenderer to provide a complete project management solution which was to include the delivery of the ICT Network, data cabling, electrics, furniture, security and audio visual facilities.

Detailed school structure:
1. Each ICT classroom can accommodate 24 students and one instructor, total of 25 people.
2. Design 5 ICT classroom with 25 PCs, one whiteboard, one projector / Display monitor in the center of a wall.
3. Phone are located in each ICT room to communicate to service desk.
4. Two campuses are located in different cities.

Write a report on a network plan and configurations.
1. Draw a complete network design for an above scenario. (Include block diagram for each ICT room)
2. Detailed setup of one ICT room.
3. Write configurations of each networking device which are included in the whole network including WAN.
4. Configure switches, routers and PCs on physical networking devices and demonstrate the working model.

Demonstration: Students can demonstrate in a group of 2. Students should be ready with all setup and configurations before start of the laboratory class. Tutor will ask 2-3 questions to each student to demonstrate any configuration of the setup. Demonstration from each student should not be more than 3 minutes.

Students should give their group members to tutor in week 10 during lab class. Students will get demonstration timetable before start of the week 11 lab class.

In your report include the following contents

• Project Scope
• Network diagrams (including WAN)
• Project hardware requirements
– Name of the network device with manufacturer’s name, series, model and ports
• Network device configurations
– Include most of the suitable feature which you have studied from laboratories 7 to 10.


Marking criteria:

Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks
Project scope Outline of the report ( in 3-4 sentences) 2
Project hardware requirements
– Name of the network device with manufacturer’s name, series, model and ports
Network Design
Write justification of the WAN network design 8
Network device configurations Configuration commands to configure network
– WAN protocols
– LAN protocols
– VOIP protocols 10
Network device configurations –Demonstration on physical device Demonstration of various features (4 marks each protocol demonstration)
– VOIP 24
Reference style Follow IEEE reference style 2
Total 50


Marking Rubrics

Grades Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Project scope Concise and specific to the project Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic.
Project hardware requirements

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but did not source reference material appropriately Demonstrated ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately Did not demonstrate ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately
Network Design

Network device configurations All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present with good cohesive Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Proposal lacks structure.

IEEE Reference style Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimes clear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors

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The county health department

 The county health department

Assignment 2: Required Assignment 2—PSA Submission: Letter and PowerPoint

In this assignment, you review all your work and, using instructor feedback, finalize and submit your PSA for your selected public health problem.

Here are the components you need to include:

  • In M1: Assignment 3, you selected a public health problem to examine throughout your course project.
  • M2: Assignment 1, you explored funding sources for your PSA.
  • M2: Assignment 2, you defined and described the extent of the public health problem and contributing factors.
  • M3: Required Assignment 1, you created a MAPP model for the public health problem.
  • M4: Assignment 2, you explained your plan for designing a culturally competent PSA.
  • M5: Required Assignment 2, you submit your PSA.

You agree with this premise, but also fear that some public health activities may actually suffer in such a consolidation.

For this assignment, you are to complete a:

  1. Letter (approximately 2–3 pages) to the editor of an appropriate publication of your choice that clearly states your position and includes your rationale and relevant evidence. Include adequate research on the risks and benefits of regionalizing public health. Identify the publication for which you will write the letter. Be sure to research constraints the publication has for letters to the editor.
  2. PowerPoint (PPT) presentation (approximately 5–7 slides) to deliver to the board to gather support for your previously created letter. The PPT presentation should explain what you feel are the advantages and disadvantages of the consolidation. Include detailed speaker notes to explain each slide.


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Case study on investment

Case study on investment

Most of Winston’s business has been for cash but he has given credit to a few customers he knows well. Winston has also taken advantage of the offer of credit from 2 wholesalers.

Winston makes payments either by cash or by cheques drawn on his business bank account. He makes all his cash payments from his cash float as he does not keep a petty cash account. On Saturdays after closing the shop, starting from the 12 July 20X1, Winston totals up the till slips (cash register receipts) for the week. He then deposits his week’s cash received (net of his week’s cash payments) into his business bank account, ensuring he always retains a cash balance of £200 in the shop at the start of the following week.

Winston has a daughter, Jackie, who has recently been awarded a Professional Certificate in Accounting from a leading UK university. Jackie is about to start a training contract with an accounting practice in order to complete her professional qualification, but currently has time available to help her father run his business. Jackie has offered to produce double-entry bookkeeping records for Winston on Excel. She has convinced her father of the importance of using double-entry bookkeeping in order to produce ‘true and fair’ accounts. Winston is aware that he only needs to provide accounts once a year for tax purposes but thinks it might be a good idea to produce final accounts for the first two months of his new business so that he can assess how ‘Wi R Tools’ is progressing.

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Protecting Personal Information

Protecting Personal Information

This assignment has two goals:  1) have students increase their understanding of the concept of Protecting Personal Information (PPI) and other ethical issues related to the use of information technology through research, and 2) learn to correctly use the tools and techniques within Word to format a research paper including using Word 2010/2013’s citation tools.  These skills will be valuable throughout students’ academic career.  The paper will require a title page, NO abstract, three to four full pages of content with incorporation of a minimum of 3 external resources from credible sources, and a Works Cited/Reference page.  Three pages of content means 3 full pages, to the bottom of the third page with text on page 4.  Two pages plus several lines on the third page will not suffice.


A list of topics from which students can choose is provided below.  Wikipedia and similar websites are NOT creditable sources.  Blogs and discussion groups are not creditable sources.  The course textbook cannot be used as a source for the research paper.  No more than 10% of the paper may be in the form of a direct citation from an external source.


Topics for Research Paper


  1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  2. Social Engineering
  3. Employee Monitoring
  4. Information Privacy
  5. Electronic Medical Records
  6. Biometrics (in terms of ethical and privacy issues)
  7. Identity Theft
  8. Use of Cookies
  9. Privacy Laws related to Information Technology use
  10. Intellectual Property Rights; Copyright

This is not a speech, it is a research paper.  First and second person should NOT be used.


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