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The Merits of Privatization

The Merits of Privatization

Respond to the following statements in a three to four page paper:
Discuss the rationale for privatizing state and federal government services as a viable alternative to taxpayer-supported public services. Be sure to address both alternatives using at least two pros and two cons of privatization.
Discuss what services you believe government at the state and federal levels should not be privatizing, and provide a rationale explaining why those services do not belong in the private sector.
Discuss which government services should be reviewed to see if privatization makes sense as a viable, cost-effective alternative. Be sure to give at least one example with support.
Analyze the degree to which privatization negatively impacts citizens. Describe how the cost savings originating from privatization negate any disadvantages caused by government abandoning the provision of certain services.
Discuss the degree to which private entities are held accountable for the services they provide for the government. Consider who, ultimately, is responsible if privatized services fail to match the quality or consistency of formerly government-provided services.
Discuss which entity will be responsible if privatized services fail to match the quality or consistency of formerly government controlled services. How easy or difficult would it be for privatized functions to be returned to government if privatization does not work
Submit your three- to four-page paper.

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Labor statistics from different countries

  Labor statistics from different countries

Analyze labor statistics from different countries in order make a recommendation for an overseas manufacturing site for a selected organization. Then, prepare an 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation to present your findings to decisions makers and members of the management team.
REQUIRED RESOURCE International Labour Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ilo.org
Select a company that has a manufacturing component to use as the basis for your analysis. You will be performing research to make a recommendation for an overseas manufacturing site for your chosen organization. If you choose the organization where you are currently employed, please keep in mind that the analyses you make must be based on facts that can be documented rather than your personal opinion as an employee.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) is an agency of the United Nations that creates and promotes international labor standards. The ILO convenes representatives of governments, employers, and workers to form international policies and programs promoting human rights and decent work for all. The ILO maintains an online database of international labor statistics. To use the database to prepare for this assessment, navigate the ILO, linked in the Resources, to complete the following:
• Under Statistics and Databases, click ILOSTAT-ILO database of labour statistics.
• Click on Country Profiles and select three countries of interest.
• Review the data presented for each of the selected countries.
• Create a table comparing the most recent data available for each of the selected countries.
o Examples of relevant data could include monthly earnings, labor force, employment/unemployment rates, working time, et cetera. This data is a starting point for your research, but do no feel limited to this site. You are welcome to conduct additional research as you see fit on additional topics such as corporate tax incentives, education rates, economic status, competition for labor, or the number of exiting manufacturing facilities in the area.
• It will be helpful for your recommendation to compare the data from the three selected countries to U.S. data.
• Incorporate your prepared tables of comparison into the assessment.
Based on your research of international labor statistics and the organization you selected, complete the following:
• Write a research paper that includes the following components:
o Briefly compare the data for the three countries you selected.
o Determine which country you would recommend for further investigation as a potential overseas manufacturing site for your selected company.
o Explain why you selected this country.
o Identify the types of additional information needed to make a final decision.
• Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that represents your findings from your analyses. Be sure to follow the formatting instructions listed below.
Additional Requirements
• Your submitted assessment should include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page.
• Be sure you support your analyses with references to at least two resources.
• You should format this assessment as a research paper following APA 6th edition guidelines for both style and citing sources, making sure that you also use correct grammar and mechanics.
• There is no required minimum or maximum page length; however, you should strive to be as detailed as possible in addressing each bullet point, while also being as clear and concise as possible.
PowerPoint Presentation:
• Audience: Decision makers and members of management of your chosen organization.
• Length: 8–10 slides.
• Resources: Use APA guidelines in your PowerPoint presentation to cite and reference your sources. If you use a source in the text of a slide, you need to reference it on the slide. The last slide of your presentation should be your reference list.
• Elements: Introduction, Recommendations, Conclusion.
• Complexity: Do not get hung up on adding graphics, audio, or video. This should be a summary of findings and recommendations that highlights the key points of the information you gathered for your analyses.

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Databases and Business Intelligence

Databases and Business Intelligence

Assignment 1 (50 Marks total)
PART 1 and PART 2 will be handed in at different times in semester. See the schedule in the unit
plan to see when you submit each part.
Part 1 – Sales, Purchase and Stock Database System (25 marks)
Submit answers in a single MS-WORD file. Use headings to clearly separate each task.
You are required to create a simple stock control system with a small number of common sense
attributes. The system should contain the following information
• Inventory details
• Customer details
• Sales order details
• Supplier Details
• Purchase order details
So consider what stock control is needed when a customer raises a sales order or an inventory
manager within the organisation raises a purchase order.
You need to identify the tables you require and the information that they are to contain. It is
recommended that sale and purchase orders have header and line details tables.
This is only a small system, do not over-complicate it.
1. Design – Marks 10
Create a entity-relationship model drawn with MS WORD or POWER POINT if you prefer.
You are required to submit a print out of your database schema:
• Set of normalised tables – with your sample data.
• Indicate the table relationships using multiple keys; PK, FK, and SK using UML notation.
2. SQL – Marks 10
Use MYSQL to create the set of database tables of the relational database model and complete the
associated queries given.
1) Write all the SQL statements, necessary to create all tables and relationships, with Primary &
Foreign keys.
2) Execute each statement in the correct order so as to create the relational database in MYSQL
3) Insert some data into each table
Edith Cowan University
MAN6905 – Databases and Business Intelligence Assignment 2
4) Use all your SQL create and Insert statements (from MS Word) to execute in the MYSQL
5) Write in MS Word and execute in MYSQL WorkBench the statements necessary to;
i. display all tables,
ii. identify stock levels for items
iii. identify customer total expenditure
3. FORM – Marks 5
Using MS-ACCESS, link to the MYSQL database (see the instructions in MYSQL Connection from
ACCESS on Blackboard) and create forms to enter sales and purchase orders.
• No buttons are necessary, just what ACCESS generates to scroll forward, add a record etc.
• Make it clear what the forms do in the Form by adding text or headers.
• Note: If you don’t own MS-ACCESS, do this part of the assignment in the lab.
For this part of the assignment you are required to submit:
(a) A detailed database schema diagram drawn in Excel or PowerPoint
(b) The required SQL CREATE TABLE and SELECT statements
(c) The result of all SQL statements run in MYSQL Query Browser as screen shots to
demonstrate correct execution of the statements
(d) The required MS-ACCESS screen shots.
Part 2 – Business Intelligence (25 Marks)
Submit answers in a single MS-WORD file. Use headings to clearly separate each task.


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A report on customer

 A report on customer

Using any company, conduct the necessary research and submit a report on customer needs as they relate to the provision of quality customer service. The customers may be internal, external or both. The report should cover the following areas:
I. An introduction, explaining the purpose of the report
II. A description of the organisation and department and the products / services provided.
III. A description of the methods that you used to research and identify customer characteristics and needs.
IV. A summary of the information that you gathered in relation to:
1. Customer characteristics
2. Customer needs
V. Based on your data gathering/summary of the information collected on customer characteristics and needs, explain how would you plan for quality customer service
VI. Are there any legislative requirements that your proposed quality customer service plan should meet Just mention few of them.
VII. A conclusion, analysing the information that you gathered and identifying the key requirements for quality customer service.
Part 2:
Imagine your quality customer service plan has been successfully implemented in your example/chosen organization. Six months later, you want to investigate the current customer service quality level. Besides, you are also interested in monitoring the progress of your plan.
Answer the following questions considering this scenario.
Q1. What mechanism you would use to investigate customer satisfaction
Q2. Design a customer satisfaction survey and attach a copy of the survey as an evidence to the answer of this question.
Q3. Imagine your customer satisfaction survey revealed too many customer handling complaints. Discuss your strategy to resolve this issue.
Q4. Imagine your monitoring mechanism has identified staff’s incompetency as the root cause for downfall in customer services. What strategies would you recommend to your management to fix this issue
Q5. Imagine your monitoring mechanism has identified staff’s incompetency as the root cause for downfall in customer services. What strategies would you recommend to your management to fix this issue

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The business partnerships.

 The business partnerships.

Company/Brand Selected (Jeep Cherokee Automobiles, Amazon, or Google): Amazon
Who are the current customers/users Include information related to demographics, psychographics and buying behavior, price sensitivity, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
What changes can the company/brand expect in the future How can the company/brand better serve its customers Include information about potential opportunities and threats.
Define the current business environment. Include information about political, legal, economic technological and societal factors that may influence sales.
Define the business partnerships. Does the company/brand have any current partnerships What other company/brand may be a good partner for them Competitors
Who are the main competitors 

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Case study on Electric car ads

Electric car ads
An ad is a commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar. Ads are important and advantageous to consumers in many ways. Firstly, they help introduce a new product to the market as they stimulate people to purchase the product. Secondly is that it educates the consumers in that it familiarizes the customers with new products and their diverse uses and also educated them about the new uses of existing products. Thirdly is that it provides better quality products as branded product assures a standard quality to the consumers. The manufacturer provides quality goods to the consumers and tries to win their confidence in his product. Consumers will buy a product that they are familiar with and they familiarize with products through ads. Therefore, advertising is a very essential tool to consumers.
Car ads are advertisements on cars. On this case, we will focus on an electric car ad as our example.Though hybrids and all-electric vehicles are now fixtures of the auto industry, it has been an uphill battle for the segment since the turn of the 21st century. Range anxiety was to blame for some consumer skepticism, but so has the reputation of certain cars (say, the Toyota Prius) that left style at the door in favor of practicality. Tesla Motors has had a major influence on the shift in perception of electric vehicles, but other factors have helped as well. This ad targets all the population as it is aired on television which is easy to assess than a newspaper.it can also be easily understood by people of all age brackets as it has no foul language. A good example is the Chevy Volt: Baffling Aliens ad on you tube.
GM took a clever approach to disseminating information about EVs with this commercial that aired during Super Bowl XLVI in 2012. While extraterrestrials marvel over the battery pack of the Volt in the garage, the exasperated owner explains once again that, indeed, it runs on electricity for several dozen miles before it switches over to gasoline power. The aliens are impressed, which draws a smile, but it makes the Chevy Volt seem like a technological wonder worth exploring.This ad made its point with style while never approaching a preachy tone. It also made electric cars seem like something your neighbor might have in the garage next door (i.e. something normal) and that anyone could handle it. This introduced this new product to the market well and thus consumers were more aware. Also, it showed that this was a new and even much better product in terms of quality and hence this ad is very reliable. This electric car ad persuaded many people to think of buying this new model as it was automatic compared to the manual cars that once dominated.
There are also some disadvantages associated with ads. Some undermine social values in that the brilliance of new products really gets on peoples nerves. They want to buy them but have no resources at their command. Consequently, they start feeling upset with their present status. Taking it as a social evil, it can be said that advertisement undermines social values. Some ads confuse the buyers,many a time distorted version of reality is shown in the advertising. Believing in advertising, consumers buy the product. On its use, they feel cheated. Ads encourages sale of inferior products asevery manufacturer projects his product as superior one in the advertisement. Therefore, the buyer is unable to decide as to which product is really good. Some adverts may use foul language. However, the advantages of ads outweigh their disadvantages. In conclusion ads are more beneficial than disastrous to consumers.

Works cited
Carley, Sanya, et al. “Intent to purchase a plug-in electric vehicle: A survey of early impressions in large US cites.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 18 (2013): 39-45.

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“Cherry Volt: Baffling Aliens.” Online video clip. https://youtu.be/VB78y1yrNBs

Case study on art

2 pages essay about an art piece. the picture of the piece is attach with this post. please to make sure to include the following, 1/ what drew you about the piece(subject,color,style,,,) 2/what the artist is trying to talk about 3/what makes this art note: the picture was taken at the art Museum in Springfield, MO, USA, make sure to include that. make it sound like it’s not from an english native speaker. and no plagiarismGouache is an opaque watercolor paint whose use can be traced back to some 800years ago is continuously appreciated and used by few artists that use it as a primary painting medium, unlike others who use it occasionally as a diversion from their other primary mediums. The name originates from an Italian word “guazzo”, meaning “water paint.” It is said to be an opaque watercolor since the pigment to water ratio is usually high. It has a tendency of drying very fast other than its property of colors that are light and dark becoming intense in value after drying (Parker, 2009).
The picture of this piece was taken at the Art Museum in Springfield, MO, USA. The art piece ‘a win and a loss’, done by Margaret Harrell, shows a painting of a hawk with a dead snake in its claws while standing on an anemometer. It is a gouache painting on paper done by paying a lot of attention to details and painting in layers from dark to light parts. My love for paintings on nature and its ecosystem draws me to this painting. The artist being a lover of birds explores her interest through the painting.
The artist conveys the use of texture on the flat surface by creating a softly stippled background through employing in a subtle basket weave a mix of crosshatching technique that is precise and delicate. As opposed to the use of transparent watercolor, her use of gouache makes it easier for her to use thin transparent washes as for the case of the background and thicker more opaque washes having strokes similar to oils for the hawk. The details on the piece have been clearly brought out, and her use of colors similar to real appearances shows how well her interaction with nature is deep (Springfield Art Museum, 2015).
Depending on how light falls on the painting, value helps differentiate the light and dark parts. Balance is associated with the ratio of the painting to the working paper that the artist has clearly developed. Moreover, the subjects in the painting are in sync to one another. Since paper is the medium used, the artist manipulates gouache paint carefully on it to avoid cracking when applied too thickly. She shows how well she can work with gouache on paper
The artist is conveying a very important message from this painting. The painting is titled, ’a win and a loss’ indicating a happy and sad feeling respectively. Hawks are known to be powerful birds of prey. The hawk having fended for itself and gotten a prey, the snake, which is going to be its meal indicates a win for it because it does not have to go hungry. On the other hand, the loss implied in the title is of the snake since it is prey to the hawk.
My expressive interpretation of the painting is a metaphor for real life scenarios. There is a moment when one experience a loss, not necessarily death, but situations that inflict pain on someone and there are moments that one prospers or succeeds which calls for a change in mood since happiness is the only feeling one has after a win. It is what life is all about, and one has to accept.
Art is meant to create some mood in someone when they come in contact with it. For a piece to be defined as art, there are certain properties that are put in consideration. Elements of art including form, line, shape, texture, and color are used and properties such as unity, repetition, balance, contrast, dominance, rhythm, variety embraced. The piece fully incorporates all this aspects and, therefore, qualifies to be a work of art.

Works Cited

Parker, R. (2009, September). Painting with Gouache. Retrieved December 11, 2015, from Thoughts on Art and other stuff: https://ralphparker.wordpress.com/gouache-paintings/
Springfield Art Museum. (2015, March 9). Springfield Art Museum. Retrieved December 11, 2015, from Websta Instagram Webviewer.


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Tempering qualities of humility and restraint.

 Tempering qualities of humility and restraint.

Quotes journal
1. “The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms.”
This quotation signifies the status quo. The speaker is referring to the perennial speeches and promises. Most of which are never actualized. It emphasizes on the continued will to succeed even in tough moment faced with hurdles. Nonetheless, efforts should be put in place to counter the negative connotation. The message calls upon all to accept their current situation but never to stop believing in change, positive change.
In most instances, the quotation is used with regards to individuals more so a grouping that need a challenge to improve. It takes into consideration that many may have been de-motivated but. Bottom-line, individuals have to rise from the cocoon of comfort zone and venture more into success oriented ventures. It helps individuals rediscover themselves. It is used to show individuals that even with the status quo, more is expected.
2. “They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions as; greater than all the differences of birth or wealth or faction.”
It implies that sacrifice is needed sometimes for success, a willful act without bias. They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, or does it entitles us to do as we please. Thus other individuals sacrificed themselves for us, they knew that our power grows through its prudent use; our security emanates from the justness of our cause and the tempering qualities of humility and restraint.
In life, this quotation is used to encourage individuals to be selfless. The act may not be rewarded instantly but the legacy remains forever, for generations to come. It helps one to see the bigger picture, the country at large. It discourages biasness and encourages patriotism. It helps individuals from different backgrounds or different goals to work together, each without minding their differences.

3. “On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.” “We understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. “
The above quotation means that the subject in reference is facing some challenges due to complacency. It’s more of a disclaimer on the shortcomings facing the audience. The quotation calls for a new turn. It discourages complacency. Also, it asks for the subjects to work diligently to overcome the shortcomings facing them.
In life, such quotations are used to encourage individuals in the society to work hard. It cautions them against laxity and wrongdoings. By and large, it motivates a community to work as one with less or no inequalities. At the end of the day, it’s they teach that one conforms to the societal expected code of conduct so as to salvage ultimate success, a case which is evidently mandatory in all aspects of life. Evidently, it invokes individuals to realize that success calls for hard-work and sacrifice.
4. “Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America – they will be met.”
This quotation signifies the status quo. The speaker is referring to the perennial speeches and promises. Most of which are never actualized. A point is noted that the challenges are common to all. Moreover, what matters is how each responds to the challenges. It emphasizes on the continued will to succeed even in tough moment faced with hurdles. Nonetheless, efforts should be put in place to counter the negative connotation.
In most instances, the quotation is used with regards to individuals more so a grouping that need a challenge to improve. It takes into consideration that many may have been de-motivated but. Bottom-line, individuals have to rise from the cocoon of comfort zone and venture more into success oriented ventures. It is used to show individuals that even with the status quo, more is expected.

5. “Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted – for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things – some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, which have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom.”
This quotation reflects on the subjects lives. The speaker is referring to the common beliefs of the people being referred to. Most of which are never actualized. It emphasizes on the continued will to succeed even in tough moment faced with hurdles. Nonetheless, efforts should be put in place to counter the negative connotation.
In most instances, the quotation is used with regards to individuals more so a grouping that need a challenge to improve. It takes into consideration that many may have been de-motivated but. Bottom-line, individuals have to rise from the cocoon of comfort zone and venture more into success oriented ventures. It is used to show individuals that even with the status quo, more is expected.

6. “Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year. ““Our capacity remains undiminished. But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions – that time has surely passed. “
The above quotation means that the subject in reference is facing some challenges due to complacency. The quotation calls for a new turn. It discourages complacency. Also, it asks for the subjects to work diligently to overcome the shortcomings facing them. It calls for more input from the audience. They should be ready for changes as the environment is rampant and keeps on changing. What matters most is how each of them responds to the changes
In life, such quotations are used to encourage individuals in the society to work hard. It cautions them against laxity and wrongdoings. By and large, it motivates a community to work as one with less or no inequalities. At the end of the day, it’s they teach that one conforms to the societal expected code of conduct so as to salvage ultimate success, a case which is evidently mandatory in all aspects of life

7. “For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. “
The quotation encourages individuals in the society to work hard. It cautions them against laxity and wrongdoings. By and large, it motivates a community to work as one with less or no inequalities. At the end of the day, it’s they teach that one conforms to the societal expected code of conduct so as to salvage ultimate success, a case which is evidently mandatory in all aspects of life.
In life, it is used to invoke a positive thinking approach amongst the targeted audience. In summary, the ultimate goal of this quotation is to enlighten on the need for unity and the fruits associated with it.
8. “For as much as government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies. It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours. It is the firefighter’s courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parent’s willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate.”
This quote bases its approach on one being his/her brother’s keeper. It emphasizes on unity and transformation. It implies that one in the society has to be cautious of others state. It calls for togetherness. In general, they aspire to motivate and invoke positive thinking while encouraging unity amongst the citizens. Moreover, they encourage individuals to work hard for a common goal.
In life, such quotations are used to encourage individuals in the society to work hard. It cautions them against laxity and wrongdoings. By and large, it motivates a community to work as one with less or no inequalities (Jennings p.84). At the end of the day, it’s they teach that one conforms to the societal expected code of conduct so as to salvage ultimate success, a case which is evidently mandatory in all aspects of life. It invokes a positive thinking approach amongst the targeted audience. In summary, the ultimate goal of the quotations is to enlighten on the need for unity and the fruits associated with it.

9. “Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends – honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism – these things are old. “
This quote means all the parties are aware of the situation, more so, appreciating the conditions surrounding them. It emphasizes on never relenting in spite of the situation in consideration. It calls for individuals to apply the virtues that motivates or invoke success. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility – recognition, on the part of every individual, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world. It discourages on us doing our duties grudgingly but to accept the situation and even tackle the difficult tasks.
In life, such quotations are used to encourage individuals in the society to work hard. It cautions them against laxity and wrongdoings. By and large, it motivates a community to work as one with less or no inequalities (Jennings p.84). At the end of the day, it’s they teach that one conforms to the societal expected code of conduct so as to salvage ultimate success, a case which is evidently mandatory in all aspects of life
10. “With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our children’s children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God’s grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.”

The above quote is futuristic. It mirrors what the future holds for the subjects. Broadly, it states the hurdles ahead, the real situation but still highlights on ways of countering the hurdles. It highlights on unity, hard work and success. They facilitate success by overcoming the hurdle. Success is earned through continuous strategizing and follow-up implementation (Jennings p.67). They also portray that nothing comes on silver platter thus discourage laziness.
The quotation is aimed at invoking the minds of the audience. With regards to the above case, the American people and the world at large. In general, it aspires to motivate and invoke positive thinking while encouraging unity amongst the citizens. Moreover, they encourage individuals to work hard for a common goal. It lays the foundation for overcoming any hurdle. It also reminds the subjects on the need to recognize God and his supernatural powers in their undertakings.

Works cited
Obama Inaugural Address. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2009, from press gallery: http://obamaspeeches.com/
Jennings, Penny. My Inspirational Journal. Xlibris Corporation, 2012.


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The message of the article, cartoon, or advertisement

 The message of the article, cartoon, or advertisement

Complete a web search to find an article, cartoon, or advertisement that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and aging. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your article, cartoon, or advertisement with your assignment submission.
What is the message of the article, cartoon, or advertisement
What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed Explain.
The stereotyping associated with sexuality and aging population is pervasive. They both affect the independence of an individual in the society. The personal autonomy significance of any individual cannot be downplayed in any society. Moreover, the independence of a person does not depend on the sex or the age of the person. Gender disparity debates and views have always provided a battlefield contest irrespective of the age. The manly figure approach in the family always extends to the work stations leaving the women looked down upon everywhere. Dating back to the Biblical creation story, the woman personality is viewed to be second to man. This stereotype has grown nerves into the heads of individuals(Jacobson and Mazur p.47. The press media specifically on advertisement has infamously portrayed women with a lot of prejudice as objects of sexual gratification. Ideally, the notion of femininity and masculinity is brought into play focusing on stereotyping and generalization that walk hand in hand. In the end various images of gender presentation are thus created even without intention.
In contemporary times the population of the aging people is shooting up with each passing day. This has been attributed to a number of factors in the residential health center that has contributed to people living unusually longer than the conventional time. Cases of individuals reaching average age of 65 years and even surpassing the ninth and tenth decades are prevalent (Jacobson and Mazur p.67). With Morality and ethics put in their position and considering the ever increasing population of the old people, the standards of the core systems should be of top notch and no compromise. This is because currently, the admission of aging population into this residential care center is not met with much anticipation. Stories told about the centers by the social media make many of them dread ever stepping there let alone getting older.
With that in mind, it becomes imperative for the advertising news media agents to integrate the best mode that will sell to the audience. Sex, because of its ability to sell effectively, despite the topic subject is used as the means of passing the message to the consumers. Basing on the macho nature of contemporary time news rooms, the feminist gender view of the new material is often overlooked. Accordingly, the image of women is henceforth depicted as a sexual object which in my view is disrespecting the essence of a woman. The television industry advertising is most affected by this. This marks an era of moral degradation and inequality even in the aging population centers. However there is no otherwise as the products have to sell lest the companies close.

Works cited
Jacobson ,MF, Mazur, L.A. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2009, from gallery: http://www.slideshare.net/anthony_morgan/sexism-and-sexuality-in-advertising


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