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The Big Cheese of Mousetraps

Trap-Ease America: The Big Cheese of Mousetraps
Assignment Instructions A hands on review–I expect your application of concepts review to be approximately 500-700 words; to include references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and that the paper be written in proper grammar/spelling. The intention of this assignment is to apply the concepts to real world situations. Write well–Do your best work. Be sure to cite your work! Trap-Ease America: The Big Cheese of Mousetraps A group of investors has purchased from an inventor the U.S. rights to sell a patented, innovative mousetrap. The group has hired Martha House to manage the company that includes assuming responsibility for sales and marketing. This case provides details of the marketing strategy employed by Ms. House. Despite the innovativeness of the mousetrap and its success at gaining public attention, sales are disappointingly slow. Martha finds herself wondering why the world is not beating a path to her door, as Ralph Waldo Emerson would have predicted. 1. Martha and the investors in Trap-Ease seem to face a `once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.` What information do they need to evaluate this opportunity What do you think the investor group would write as its `mission statement` 2. Who is identified as Trap-Ease’s target market Are there other possible market segments that the firm could target 3. How is the product positioned relative to the selected target market in the case Are there other ways to position the product 4. What marketing mix has Trap-Ease established Do you see any problems with this mix 5. Who is Trap-Ease’s competition 6. How would you change Trap-Ease marketing strategy What kinds of control procedures would you establish in connection with this strategy

Trap-Ease America: The Big Cheese of Mousetraps
1. For the Trap Ease to be able to evaluate and get their once in a life time opportunity, Martha and the investors require sufficient information on whether there is another way of fighting against mice in US. For this information to be availed there need to have a research to identify those other tools of fighting the mice. If the research shows that there is another way of fighting the mice then their opportunities will be low. But in case the research shows that there is no other way to fight the mice then the Trap Ease will be the only way and most successful on the market. The mission statement should read as “the most successful way to trap mice”. I would request the strategic management to have a mission statement as “if you want the simplicity to get rid of mice in a way that will cause no harm-then go for Trap-Ease mousetraps”.
2. For me, I think the target segment would be women since they are the one mostly involved in housekeeping services. The other market would be the owner of ship or docks since the vessels has so many rats and mice (Ahmed, Sattar, Khoso & Parmar, 2014). The ship owners will buy in large numbers and therefore these  mlkwill increase sales and revenues.
3. This company’s has positioned itself as the easier way of trapping mice i.e. Trap-ease. This positioned is not the best since it only talks of easy way. The positioned would be like, trap mice easier with no harm and keeping your hands clean. This would be catchy and not broad.
4.Price- $2.49 per 2 units, product- the trap ease, place it is sold on hardware and drug chains, promotion-to spend $ 10000 on advertising and $ 50000 to use on trade shows and for making calls to cus  tomers.
This company can increase the point of sales by targeting places like supermarkets since most women visits supermarkets for shopping. Promotion need to target most women through use of magazines. Women love reading magazines and they will find the advertisement there.Then for other marketing mix strategies i.e. the product and the price they can remain the same.
5. The competitors of this company are the traditional trapping tools and the spring loaded trap which are cheaper and simple to manufacture. These products are the substitute of the Trap ease product.
6. To start with, this product is not customer oriented product since Martha focuses on ways to increase sales rather than ways to give satisfaction to customers.The product should focus on the needs of the customers and ways on which to increase value(Davari & Strutton, 2014). To change the marketing strategy of this product, I would first think of product differentiation to increase the target segments. Then my consumer target would be the women mostly house wives and the ship owners. Then the product should be made in such a way that the women will not see the mice inside the plastic tube. Most women are afraid of mice and therefore need a blackened out tube for them not to see the mice. For the case of future growth, the company should come up with new tools such as sprays which would keep off mice. The products would be made available to all by taking the products to retailers on time. In case of the product ordered then it should be delivered immediately. The company also would engage on after sales services(Cain, 2014).These after sales services would include technical assistance on how to use the product and demonstrate by using samples of their own.

Davari, A., &Strutton, D. (2014).Marketing mix strategies for closing the gap between green consumers’ pro-environmental beliefs and behaviors.Journal of Strategic Marketing, (ahead-of-print), 1-24.
Ahmed, R. R., Sattar, I., Khoso, I., &Parmar, V. (2014). New product development: strategy & implementation mechanism based on primary & secondary data research in pharmaceutical industry. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 4(5), 152-176.
Cain, P. M. (2014). Brand management and the marketing mix model.Journal of Marketing Analytics.

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Impact of thousands of lobbyists in Washington DC and millions of dollars spent every year to change federal policies

Impact of thousands of lobbyists in Washington DC and millions of dollars spent every year to change federal policies

Discuss the impact of thousands of lobbyists in Washington DC and millions of dollars spent every year to change federal policies. Is it effective the majority of the time? Explain.

According to Northouse (2007, p.3) leadership can be defined as the ability of an individual to exert influence on a group of people with the aim of achieving a common desired goal. Having the necessary knowledge and skills in leadership is a prerequisite for any leader. Often, people say that good leaders are made and not born. This statement holds truth because with the necessary desire and willpower, an individual can achieve effectiveness in leadership.
Leadership values
As a leader, being trustworthy and confident is critical in creating satisfaction among employees in an organization. Effective and efficient communication by a leader in an organization setting instills trust and keeps people up to date with what is happening. The ability to uphold integrity, respect, accountability and transparency are also effective traits of a leader. Values form an important element in leadership. For instance, a leader may be fully trained on employee counseling and motivation. However, without empathy and compassion, the leader will be ineffective in delivering proper counseling to staff. Credible leaders are empathetic and are concerned with the well-being of team members. Good leaders are high spirited and optimistic and work hard to ensure that the team remains focused on objectives. Great leaders are those who constantly seek personal improvement and continually fortify their attributes (US Army, 1983).
Leadership theories and which resonate with me
There are different leadership theories including; the great man theory, trait theory, participative leadership theory, behavioral theory, transformational leadership, contingency and transactional leadership theory. As a leader, participative leadership theory resonates with me because it is more democratic. Leaders provide guidance and also participate in implementation. This enhances motivation and creativity. Participative leaders make employees take pride in being part of a team. It is the complete opposite of authoritative leadership where the leader dictates and delegates duties to members of the team. When employees are actively involved in running an organization, they become productive. Participatory leadership enhances commitment of employees to achieving organizations goals.
Vision statement
This describes what is expected of me as a leader in a nutshell. As a leader, “my mission is to be all inclusive, empathetic, goal oriented, focused and to actively engage in the advancement of my organization. My mission is to provide participatory governance that where everyone feels motivated and encouraged in achieving desired goals and objective”
As a leader, it is my role to be authentic, practical, make timely and sound decisions, conduct team training, make sure instructions are understood by team members, keep the team informed, take responsibility for organizations actions and stay knowledgeable. Good leaders set an example to their sub-ordinates. They own their responsibilities are accountable for the whole team.
Areas of growth in leadership/ Goals
Becoming a good leader is a continuous process whereby leaders are in constant acquisition of knowledge and skills that improve their ability to guide teams to achieving goals. Leadership involves setting strategic goal that act as the catalyst for hard work. Without goals, leaders and teams have nothing to work hard for. As a participative and democratic leader in an organization setting, employees are involved in setting goals. The goals refer to the position where an organization ought to be in a specified period of time.
Acquisition of leadership skills is a learning curve for all leaders. While leadership is acquired, a leader’s values, ethics, beliefs and character plays a big role in determining success or failure. Adhering to leadership values gives leaders attributes and characteristics that depict them as unique among sub-ordinates. It is there crucial that leaders engage actively in the process of improving their attributes.

1. Northouse, G. (2007). Leadership Theory and Practice. (3rd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
2. U.S. Army. (1983). Military Leadership. Field Manual 22-100. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

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The United States Navy Seals

The $ 500 million dollar man: He who dares, wins.
The United States Navy Seals have a quote that equivocally states that He, who dares, usually wins. This is what Toby Keith has done in the past 20years. He dared to follow his dream to become a country music star. Toby Keith is one of the lucky few country musicians to win an Academy and amongst the most accomplished, successful songwriter and country music star of his time and age.
His story is that of a humble beginning. Toby never started playing or writing music until he owned a guitar. In fact, Toby never had dreams of becoming a musician. Her grandmother wanted him to work in the oil fields in Oklahoma. In fact, Toby Keith has an honorary degree from the Villanova University after which he had to become a petroleum engineer in Oklahoma. Toby Keith fell in love with country music when he used to play music at his grandmother’s bar. Later on, he would get funds and move to greater stages in Oklahoma City.
Toby was creative ever since he was a young kid, His teachers in middle school testify to the fact that he possessed great writing mastery at his tender age. He admits he has been successful as a songwriter, with his first debut single “Should have been a cowboy” topping the Billboard magazine in the year of release. His passion and dedication, he admits has seen him sail through in his music career. He reveals that he has been successful because he strives to bring his character, attitude, and personality into life through his creative songwriting and singing abilities.
Having a conversation with him, revealed how fruitful and industrious he has been in a span of 25 years; he has managed to immerse 500 million dollars of wealth. His success story inspires majority of the youths in Oklahoma and the nation at large. All this did not come in an instant; He stresses that sheer discipline and dedication hugely contributed to his success. He explains that he never used to sit around and do nothing. He says he had many sleepless nights pursuing his passion now and then. He says that there are no short cuts towards success and insists that an individual has to sacrifice a lot achieve his goals.
Toby unequivocally states “It’s about baby steps and moving towards your goal. First having the guts to have that objective even and then steadily moving towards it. Toby believes that the most important part of being successful is the ability to delay an individual’s self-satisfaction — and be able to work for a substantial amount of time without expecting pay. He is an excellent example of this ideal. In the 1990s, Toby Keith left for Tennessee where he joined a band with the hope of getting a short at a record signing with one of the greatest record signing labels in the city. He distributed demo tapes they had recorded with his band to major record labels only to be turned down. He went back to Oklahoma feeling frustrated and depressed. He never gave up; he went on writing and distributing his music in Oklahoma until lack struck him. That is why he believes that individuals have to make lots of sacrifices before they get their rewards
He also believes that connections and relationships are fundamental aspects of the success. He emphasizes the point that it is not about whom you know rather than who knows you in this world. He states that being successful requires surrounding you with trustful and reliable individuals. He reveals that all his life, and he has put effort to surround himself with people who have aided him nature his talent; Individuals like Harold shed, on mercury records executive that produced his debut single.
He shares with me that individuals are all unique in various aspects, but what determines whether an individual becomes a successful is the ability to determine what makes him or her unique. Toby emphasizes that determining one’s personal capacity and competencies enabled him to become one of the best songwriters of this day and age.
As much works hard on his music, he reveals that he also plays hard. During his free time, he takes his time to support the University of Oklahoma sports. Also importantly, he is an adamant profession wrestling fun. In fact in the past Oklahoma wrestling shows, he has committed to perform for all the WWE supporters.
He is a staunch Democrat party supporter. He has supported the former president George W Bush election and President Obama by presenting and urging his followers to support them. In addition, he has supported the US redeployment from Iraq. Additionally, the father of three believes in giving back to the society; and that is why he supports Ally’s House that is a non-profit organization that is based in Oklahoma that was set up to help kids that suffered from cancer. Keith says that this type of charity is special to him because he has experienced how a child’s cancer diagnosis can stress a family. Additionally, he worked with Little Kids Rock, a non-profit organization that works to restore music in United States schools in public schools. He says that music has given him all what he has and therefore it is important to take care and help other individuals in need.

In summary, Keith’s music and multiple businesses have transformed him into one of the wealthiest individuals in Oklahoma City. In fact, Forbes magazine recently revealed that Keith was worth 500 million dollars

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Cognitive Maltreatment and Neural Development

Cognitive Maltreatment and Neural Development

Chapter 5 of the course textbook discusses the brain development of the child in early life as well as the impact of accidents and maltreatment. The required article by Perry (2009) illustrates and defends an approach to child maltreatment based on neurodevelopmental analysis that seeks to understand and treat abuse victims with reference to the areas of the brain affected.

Based on these readings, account for or respond to each of the following in your initial post:

Analyze the findings of the Perry study, addressing the strengths and shortcomings of the neurodevelopmental approach. Are there limits to this sort of approach, and if so, what alternative approach might add something to a neurobiological analysis?
Offer a real life experience, alternative study, or recent news report that in some way illustrates or casts light upon Perry’s findings. Additionally, identify any insights you have gained as a result of reading the responses of others.

This assignment is worth 5 points of the total course grade. 

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Nursing case study

Nursing case study

In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 1. Cite references to support your positions. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

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2Unfair labor practices for management and 2 for labor unions

2Unfair labor practices for management and 2 for labor unions

From the textbook there is discussion regarding the influence of Government regulation. Identify 2 possible unfair labor practices for management and 2 for labor unions.If you are the HR leader for an organization,how would you seek to avoid any of the unfair practices Be specific. •Review this model: TM Strategies Model.bmp Now, you have about 2 minutes to explain to your CEO how your HR or Talent Management strategy will align with the business strategy and add value to the organization. Be creative in your explanation.


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Accrual Accounting Concepts

Accrual Accounting Concepts

Please answer each question in 100-200 in your own words.

After reading about Accrual Accounting Concepts what have you learned about the theory behind the matching principle Discuss the method of accounting, accrual or cash that the matching principle applies to.
What are the benefits of each Accrual Accouning Concepts for business
Do all costs and expenses have a cause and effect relationship with sales or revenues
Accounting information systems rely on a process called the accounting cycle. You will learn more about this in Chapter 4. How is a journal used in the recording process


Kimmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., & Kieso, D. E. (2016). Accounting: tools for business decision making (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A research paper about the Chinese Contemporary Art

A research paper about the Chinese Contemporary Art

A research paper about the Chinese Contemporary Art would better make the topic be small and detailed. 7 pages. the paper should Good use citation and the most important is that: don’t use books as the references, try to find the scholarly sources online. There is no limit to the topic of the article, as long as it is about Chinese Contemporary Art. also, the paper should be easy to understand.

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Artificial Intelligence Assignment

Artificial Intelligence Assignment

The 1989 Math Contest in Modeling posed The Midge Classification Problem (attached). Given that this is an artificial intelligence course, how would you develop an artificial intelligence with which you could answer questions 1. and 2. Don’t solve this with statistical techniques. Your artificial intelligence must exhibit attributes of artificial intelligence in Chapter 1 of our text.

1. Given a midge that you know is species Af or Apf, how would you go about classifying it

2. Apply your method to three specimens with (antenna, wing) lengths(1.24, 1.80), (1.28, 1.84), (1.40, 2.04).

Your artificial intelligence must be specified as a step-by-step procedure for solving this specific problem with finite amounts of resources (algorithm). Each step must be executable by a human using pencil and paper. You must, therefore, carry out your artificial intelligence algorithm for midge classification. Use the data in the graph to train your artificial intelligence. Then exercise your artificial intelligence using the three specimens in 2. above

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Analysis of how change management can help retain employee loyalty by taking into account

Analysis of how change management can help retain employee loyalty by taking into account

Purpose of Assignment

Students learn to understand associate and leadership involvement in creating metrics that fit the organization’s culture and strategy.They will also be able to successfully track progress to goals.

Today’s workforce is diverse in terms of age and other aspects that influence performance and success. Leaders must both motivate and support employees so that they can continuously adapt to change while creating opportunity in their careers.

Assignment Steps

Develop a 1,500-word analysis of how change management can help retain or promote employee loyalty by taking into account:

Motivating individuals to stay engaged
Monitoring employee performance through the control function of management
Communicating the change process at both a strategic and tactical level
Include at least three peer reviewed references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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