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How Do You Write and Cite the Names of Ships in an Essay?

At times, it might be difficult to decide on how to write and cite names of various objects in an essay. The confusion comes in when one doesn’t know whether the object should be treated as a proper noun.

Of interest here is writing and citing names of ships. Remember, all ships have specific names through which they are identified. Review the guidelines below and have your facts right:

Learn more on the use of APA reference italicization here When Should Italicization be Used in the Reference List in APA Style?

Family-Centered Practices: Reviewing Knowledge of Research-based practices.

Reflective Briefs (10 points each, 50 points total)
The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to learn about and reflect on their knowledge of research-based, recommended practices. Students will be expected to prepare written briefs in which they reflect on the readings and identify practices that plan to implement in their own classrooms. Additional readings and guidance for writing each reflective brief can be seen below. Briefs must be typewritten in APA format and may not exceed 5 pages.

Reflective Brief 2: Family-Centered Practices

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to learn about and reflect on their knowledge of research-based, recommended practices. Students will be expected to prepare written briefs in which they reflect on the readings and identify practices that plan to implement in their own classrooms. Additional readings and guidance for writing each reflective brief can be seen below.


Briefs must be typewritten in APA format and may not exceed 5 pages. 

Reflective Brief #2:  Family-Centered Practices 
Review the assigned readings and share your thoughts on how family-centered practices benefit young children with special needs and their families. Describe what practices you might implement and why. Provide a clear rationale for each practice that is supported with references to course readings.

Required readings (please download from link ):

·       *Division for Early Childhood [DEC]. (2014). DEC recommended practices in early intervention/early childhood special education 2014. Retrieved from http://www.dec-sped.org/recommendedpractices – Introduction, Family, and Teaming and Collaboration topic areas

·       *Byington, T. A., & Whitby, Peggy, J. S. (2011). Empowering families during the early intervention planning process. Young Exceptional Children, 14(4), 44-56

·       *Cheatham, G., & Milagros, R. M. (2011). Collaborating with families from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds: Considering time and communication orientations. Young Children, 66(5), 76-82.

·       *Gatmaitan & Brown (2016). Quality in individualized family service plans: Guidelines for practitioners, programs, and families. Young Exceptional Children, 19(2), 14-32.

·       *Isik-Ercan, Z. (2017). Culturally appropriate positive guidance with young children.Young Children, 72(1), 15-21.



  • You can use first person (I and me ) when you write this paper
  • The recourse provided above and I will send it to u as a PDF
  • Please make sure to use people first language

Also see what term papers entail Term Paper

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Discussion: Forensic Evaluations

Read the following article on ethical issues in forensic evaluations: Ethical Issues in Conducting Forensic Evaluations. by Kalmbach and Lyons

In your initial posts to your peers, discuss some of the major ethical issues that arise when conducting forensic evaluations and how they can impact the outcomes. What does it mean to be competent? How does it impact an evaluation? How do you think one becomes competent?

In response to your peers, think about your ideas of competence and if they differ. Do you think this plays into the field professionally? Do you think it impacts the weight of an evaluation?

You will discuss the following issue: What are the major differences between digital immigrants and digital natives? Do the differences, if any, affect the ability to educate? If so, how?

This is a paper designed to show that you know how to consider both sides of an issue equally and know how to articulate scholarly, thoughtful, and balanced arguments for each side. The goal of the Personal Debate is to understand each side of an issue while prayerfully and intelligently forming a conclusive conviction about that issue.

Your Personal Debate will consist of a title page, 2 pages that present a balanced and objective articulation of both sides of the issue, 1 page with your conclusion that presents your personal thoughts and persuasive views about the issue, and a bibliography with a minimum of 3 scholarly references. The assignment must be a minimum of 5 pages, including the title page and bibliography, and must follow current APA format.

You will discuss the following issue: What are the major differences between digital immigrants and digital natives? Do the differences, if any, affect the ability to educate? If so, how?


CriteriaPoints PossiblePoints EarnedInstructor’s Comments
The submission shows a clear understanding of the issue.20
The submission presents a balanced and equal articulation of the issue.20
The submission provides elements of scholarly thought, insight, and analysis.10
The conclusion shows a strong articulation of personal thought, analysis, and conviction.20
Proper spelling and grammar are used.5
Required page count (1 title page, 3 body pages, and 1 bibliography page) is met.5


Discuss the different ways research has tested social disorganization theory, using peer-reviewed articles as examples. You should discuss how social disorganization is defined, the data used to measure these concepts, and how different definitions and measures matter for testing a theory. Have these tests found support for social disorganization theory?

Discuss the different ways research has tested social disorganization theory, using peer-reviewed articles as examples. You should discuss how social disorganization is defined, the data used to measure these concepts, and how different definitions and measures matter for testing a theory. Have these tests found support for social disorganization theory?

(Hint: Be sure to look at the tests mentioned in Walker and Zawisza (2014), and the other tests of social disorganization we read in class.)

Evidence Based Nursing in Geriatrics

Nurses who work in the field of geriatrics, also known as gerontology, focus on caring for older adults. This is a high-demand practice area, because older people are more likely to require health services. Half of all hospital admissions are for patients over age 65, but only 1% of nurses are certified in geriatrics (ExploreHealthCareers.org, 2013). Geriatric nurses are educated to understand and treat the often complex physical and mental health needs of older people. Nurses try to help their patients protect their health and cope with changes in their mental and physical abilities, so older people can stay independent and active as long as possible. Many older people have health conditions that do not require hospitalization, but must be treated with medication, changes in diet, use of special equipment, daily exercises or other adaptations. The nurses often function as a case manager, linking families with community resources to help them care for elderly members. (ExploreHealthCareers.org, 2013.) Geriatric nursing is a fast-growing career, because Americans are living longe…




Technology and Accreditation in Nursing

On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signs into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The law promotes electronic medical records (EMR) and infrastructure development, such as reimbursement-based pay, to cut health care costs (Frequently Asked Questions, 2009). Likewise, the ARRA is restructuring Medicare disbursements to reimburse for quality not quantity. While the law does not mandate EMR use, the federal government has set aside twenty billion dollars to help in the development of a strong health information technology infrastructure. Title IV states, “NO INCENTIVE PAYMENT IF FIRST ADOPTING AFTER 2014” (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 2009). In times of economic turmoil, hospitals and physicians, who are not hospital-based, can receive incentive payments (Frequently Asked Questions, 2009). So, most institutions will comply with the restructuring and use EMR’s, even though there are pros and cons.
EMRs provide a common access point where clinicians and health care providers can review and document information about clients and the…




Informatics Use in Nursing Practice

One area of nursing that is growing at an extraordinary pace is the specialty of informatics. A majority of hospitals today have implemented informatics into nursing care in one form or another. By looking at one hospital’s use of technology the extent of nursing informatics becomes clearer. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how informatics has influenced nursing paperwork, communication, support tools, and patient safety in a level one trauma center in downtown Phoenix.
Hospital Information
Health System
Banner Health System is a non-profit health system that has 23 hospitals spanning seven states. While it is one of the largest health systems in the Southwest it is also one of ten integrated health networks in the nation. The system has reached this status by offering physician services, hospice services and home care. With such a large system it has become expected that services offered are going to be the most current and technological available. This is no more evident than at Banner Health’s flag hospital located across the street from their corporate headqu…




Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

The purpose of this assignment is to explore a healthcare issue from a legislative perspective. You will use a program called Glogster to make an interactive electronic poster. Glogster allows you to create posters that have embedded audio, video, or text.

Imagine you are running for U.S. Senate and you want to make a poster for some type of healthcare issue.  Create a poster presentation using www.glogster.com. Address the following areas in your poster.  Use text, graphics, video and/or audio to present information.

  1. What is the cornerstone of your platform? (15%).
  2. What legislation do you propose to present to the Senate, if elected (15%).
  3. How do you propose to pay for this legislation? (15%)
  4. What do you propose to do about the current Medicare/Medicaid systems? (20%)
  5. Explain your views regarding a national health care system. (20%)
  6. Describe the lobbyists or PAC’s that you will contact and explain your platform for their support. (15%).

This assignment is worth 100 points and is due in Week 3, on Thursday, by 2359 EST/EDT. You will copy and paste the link to your glogster into a word document (the first page should be your title page and the second page should be your link) – submit this to the assignment drop box.

Directions to enrolled in Glogster:

  1. Go to http://edu.glogster.com/
  2. In the top right corner of the page, click on the green “Get Started” box
  3. For user type, choose “Student”
  4. Enter the school code: 8FHDG2
  5. For Username enter your Delhi email
  6. Click “Create My Account”

This assignment is worth 100%.


Follow the link to access the solution http://edu.glogster.com/glog/high-quality-and-affordable-care/2k5ur5fqjiv

Nurse Practitioner Reflective Paper

Reflective Paper

As a Nurse Practitioner, one can be exposed to a variety of healthcare challenges. Additionally, time for reflection and synthesis of education and attitude can help one to frame events of life and work. A biblical worldview can guide an individual in these thought processes as well as provide “peace that surpasses all understanding.” With this in mind, you will write a Reflection Paper. This paper is designed to help you purposely think and reflect on topics that will become a part of your life as a Christian FNP. After the paper is due, we will spend time discussing these topics. The paper is to be APA formatted with the body of the paper being 3–5 pages in length (not including the cover page and references).

This is an example of a good research paper.

Scenario for Reflective Paper: As a FNP, you are planning for an office visit with an established patient who has been diagnosed with an aggressive terminal illness. The patient is experiencing a rapid decline. You anticipate that death could happen as soon as a couple of weeks and need to have an end of life discussion. The patient is from another country and culture. You have asked for the patient to bring a family member and have already discussed the progression of the disease as well as physical symptom management. Spiritual and cultural considerations are a priority for the visit. Please select a faith and/or culture that you would like to explore in your response to the scenario (the faith and culture that you will be exploring is Muslim)   Review the rubric below for specifics on how to address this scenario in the paper.

You can  review a sample research paper here.

How You’ll Be Graded

This activity is worth 10% of the course grade. See the rubric for specifics.

Reflective Paper Grading Criteria

Review of a cultural/spirituality resource
Identify and describe one resource you could use from lay literature (i.e. article, website, downloadable app)10
Identify and describe one resource you could use from professional literature (i.e. article, website, downloadable app10
Identify key points in the discussion
Clearly state at least 3 points to review in the discussion related to culture/spirituality15
Supports each strategy with evidence from literature/resource15
Describe a biblical worldview of death and your thoughts about this worldview15
Use at least 2 Scripture references for support10
Written References
Strength of references5
APA format5
Organization/paper length10

Also, see why it is important to write research papers.