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The moral status of the fetus

 The moral status of the fetus

Short-Essay Assignment 1


For this assignment you will compose a well-written and thoughtful short-essay of 500-750 words in length (2-3 pages). Select and answer one of the four questions provided.

Format & Expectations

State your thesis, the answer you want to defend using at least three well-supported reasons embodying logic, reason, and research. Give possible objections to your arguments, answer these objections and restate your conclusion.

Essays should include a Works Cited page following MLA Style.

For grading expectations, please refer to the PHIL200 Writing Rubric.


Submit your essay as an attachment within the Assignments area.

Due: Sunday, by 11:55 p.m., ET


Answer one of the questions below in a well-written, thoughtful essay:

Do all arguments about abortion come down to the question of what is the moral status of the fetus Explain.
Agree or disagree with the statement, the only proper context for sex given its nature is as part of a committed personal relation.
Agree or disagree with the statement, there is no objective right and wrong because people never agree about what is right and wrong.
Psychological egoism is the view that all persons, without exception, seek their own self-interest. Argue for or against.


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Developing a Data Collection Tool Introduction

Developing a Data Collection Tool Introduction

This week, you will begin your Mini-Project by developing an appropriate data collection tool. You will test your data collection tool and provide interview questions and field notes.On what do you base your predictions QUESTION: The assignment: Provide the interview questions and protocol. Provide field notes for each interview. In 3 to 5 pages: o Summarize the responses to the questions. o Analyze the responses.Where can the questions or protocol be improved  _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Required Resources Course Text: Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches o Chapter 7, “Data Collection” In this chapter, you will read about the process for collecting data, including forms of data, sampling strategies, recording procedures, and field issues. Course Text: Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (4th ed.).

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Maruti Suzuki India case study

Maruti Suzuki India case study

Review the case study Maruti Suzuki India: Defending Market Leadership in the A-Segment and identify a problem that can be addressed by a research report. Draft a preliminary description of the problem and a research question based on the problem identified. For this journal and the first final project milestone, you will not need to reference the data sets provided, but you may want to review the data briefly to help inform the development of your research question.

Note: You will notice that there are both qualitative and quantitative data sets accompanying the case study.

Use the questions posed in the summary of the case study on page 8 to inform your ideas for your research problem.

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Course research paper

Course research paper

This week, you will assemble at least five scholarly academic references that will be used to write your course research paper.  The focus should be on your specific research assignment. An approximate length for this bibliography is two to three pages.

For the past decades, we have seen computers that have been way too clunky in size to run the most basic of programs for programming’s sake. In this day and age we have motherboards and computing that could fit in one’s pocket, namely Micro-ATX boards and Raspberry PI’s. In the 80’s, it would take nearly one’s entire life’s fortune to run an arcade/coffee spot. Now with the Raspberry Pi, you can emulate the gaming machines of old and have more than enough to make end’s meat. For my course project I propose to talk about computing, size per processing power, where it began and where it has led up to.

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Discussion for ECONOMICS No Plagiarism minimum 250 words.

Read the following statement,

“I have been reading about the harmful effects of pollution. It’s responsible for so many of our modern ailments. I think every government’s aim should be to have a zero tolerance policy towards pollution. Our goal should be bring pollution to zero level.”

Look at it in an economic point of view, the cause and effect, moral hazard, marginal analysis.

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Accrual Accounting Concepts

Accrual Accounting Concepts

Please answer each question in 100-200 in your own words.

After reading about Accrual Accounting Concepts what have you learned about the theory behind the matching principle Discuss the method of accounting, accrual or cash that the matching principle applies to.
What are the benefits of each Accrual Accouning Concepts for business
Do all costs and expenses have a cause and effect relationship with sales or revenues
Accounting information systems rely on a process called the accounting cycle. You will learn more about this in Chapter 4. How is a journal used in the recording process


Kimmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., & Kieso, D. E. (2016). Accounting: tools for business decision making (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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The nature of love

  The nature of love


1)Discuss how the family obligations experienced by characters in two of the works we’ve read/viewed are shaped by culture. Are the obligations or responsibilities similar or different to each other and to your own American-influenced understanding of familial obligation


2) In what ways are the love stories at the center of Anna Karenina and Love in the Time of Cholera alike and different Feel free to discuss Anna and Vronsky, Anna and Karenin, and/or Levin and Kitty and Florentino and Fermina, or Urbino and Fermina from Love in the Time of Cholera.



3) Describe how A Passage to India, The First Grader, and The Joy Luck Club use relationships to express themes about cultural understanding. Examine a relationship pair ( two people) from each of those three works and discuss how they reflect a major theme or message of the overall work.




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National Security Policy Vs. Democracy

National Security Policy Vs. Democracy

Democracy issues are critical in the national security policy because they help to both prevent violence and manage conflicts. The respect for human rights and public representation is important in meeting the objectives of human development (Schoultz, 2014). The U.S National security policy has collided with democracy in various ways. First, the national security policy demands for increasing investment of resources towards dealing terrorism and violent extremism and thus, leaving minimal resources for promoting democratic administration and equality in the society. For instance, the national security policy has emphasized on the increased global efforts to counter violent extremism in the United States. Terrorism is still one of the greatest dangers of the global security (Chubin, 2014). Today, the U.S federal government is more focused on global security and thus, foregoing domestic security and democracy.
Following the 9-11 attacks, the U.S national security policy was characterized by increased suspicion of non-Americans and more aggressive foreign policy. The Arab, Muslims and Asian Americans were highly perceived to be threats to the U.S security. This explains the conflicts of national security policy and democracy in the country. Since, the residents of the United States who were non-Americans were discriminated upon violating their democracy and human rights (Colaresi, 2014). Cultural and demographic tensions are usually attributed to the rising demand of resources and lack of inclusive security strategies in the nation. The government should ensure that the national security policy considers the impact of security resource allocation to the overall economic resource allocation to promote equal redistribution of resources and wealth.
Secondly, the transition of the current National Security policy appears more dynamic and thus, accumulating circumstances for political and democratic conflicts. Since, the changes in the national security policy expect the society to adapt swiftly. Of which, the expected transitions does not occur as expected creating some democratic tensions among the involved parties. Another way in which the national security policy collides with democracy is presence of low capacity of the transitioning frameworks to deal with the conflicts brought about by the setting up of the new national security policy. The national security institutions and bodies are weak and poorly equipped to deal with the conflict resolution processes needed to minimize the democracy (Johansen, 2014). When new national security policies are created, there are emerges oppositions from interested groups such as Human Rights Activist groups. The inability of the institutions to handle the conflicts creates more frictions between the national security concerns and democracy in the society.
Some of the contemporary examples of national security policy include the counterinsurgency objective. The U.S has sought to engage in increased interagency cooperation and communication with Muslim nations across the word to promote global peace. This security policy would help in stabilizing the democracy and economic growth of the countries (Schoultz, 2014). However, the policy overlooks the need to build strong domestic policy to promote domestic security. Domestically, the U.S is struggling with racial abuse and drug cartels. The counterinsurgency policy would affect the ability of the government to promote democracy in the society.
However, in 2015, the President issued a revised National security policy that focuses on protecting the national needs and universal in the country. The recent security approach is best suited in dealing with the conflicts between the security policy and democracy. Another contemporary national security policy is explained by the recent efforts of the U.S eradicate nuclear weapons in the world (Colaresi, 2014). The U.S has taken a center in advocating for the eradication of nuclear weapons. Such efforts have questioned the U.S political superiority and influence in the world in influences the sovereign rights of other independent countries.

Chubin, S. (2014). Wither Iran?: Reform, domestic politics and national security. London, UK: Routledge.
Colaresi, M. P. (2014). Democracy declassified: The secrecy dilemma in national security. Evans Road Cary, NC: Oxford University Press.
Johansen, R. C. (2014). The national interest and the human interest: An analysis of US foreign policy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Schoultz, L. (2014). National security and United States policy toward Latin America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


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Language and Education

Write a discussion or exposition responding to the following question. You must include references to sources provided in the readings for this subject, as well as additional sources.
What is the value of the concept of genre in learning to read and write in primary school OR secondary schools, OR in adult contexts.
You will need to find at least 2 readings with relevance for the topic amongst your e-readings. You MUST include references to at least 2 readings from that list in your essay, along with references to the textbook and other references as seem relevant to you. (IN total at least 6 source texts must be cited).
NOTE: You have access to the UOW Library online to search through a wide selection of readings, including journals such as:
• Language and Education
• Linguistics and Education
• Journal of Second Language Writing
• Prospect

Format / Length / Duration Essay, 2000-2500 words

Rose, D., & Martin, J. R. (2012). Learning to Write, Reading to Learn: Genre, Knowledge and Pedagogy in the Sydney School: Equinox.
Recommended Readings
Brice Heath, S (1994) What no Bedtime Story Means: narrative skills and home and school. Reprinted in J Maybin (ed) Language and Literacy in Social Practice Milton Keynes, Multilingual Matters
Christie, F. (2002). Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective London: Continuum.
Christie, F., & Derewianka, B. (2008). School Discourse. London: Continuum.
Christie, F., & Martin, J. R. (Eds.). (1997). Genre and institutions: social processes in the workplace and school. London: Cassell.
Coffin, C., North, S., & Donohue, J. (2009). Exploring Grammar: From Formal to Functional. London: Routledge.
Derewianka, B. (1990). Exploring how texts work. Sydney: Primary English Teaching Association.
Derewianka, B. (1998). A grammar companion: for primary teachers. Sydney: Primary English Teaching Association.
Droga, L., & Humphrey, S. (2003). Grammar and Meaning: An Introduction for Primary Teachers. Berry, NSW: Target Texts.
Eggins, S. (2004). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics (2 ed.). London: Continuum.
Eggins, S., & Slade, D. (1997). Analysing Casual Conversation. London: Cassell.
Fang, Z., & Schleppegrell, a. (2008). Reading in the secondary content areas: A language-based pedagogy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Fang, Z and Schleppegrell, M (2010) Disciplinary Literacies Across Content Areas: Supporting Secondary Reading Through Functional Language Analysis in Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 53(7) 587-597
Feez, S., & Joyce, H. (1998). Narrative & Non-Fiction Text Types. Albert Park, Vic: Phoenix Education.
Halliday, M. A. K. (1985). Speaking, writing and learning Spoken and Written Language (pp. 92-101). Waurn Ponds, Vic.: Deakin University Press.
Halliday, M. A. K. (2008). Three Aspects of Children’s Language: Learning Language, Learning through Language, Learning about Language (1980). In J. Webster (Ed.), The Language of Early Childhood – M.A.K. Halliday (pp. 308-326). New York: Continuum.
Halliday, M. A. K., & Hasan, R. (1985). Language, context, and text: Aspects of language in a social-semiotic perspective. Deakin: Deakin University Press.
Halliday, M. A. K., & Matthiessen, C. (1999). Construing Experience through Meaning: A Language-Based Approach to Cognition. London: Continuum.
Halliday, M. A. K., & Matthiessen, C. (2004). An introduction to functional grammar (3 ed.). London: Arnold.
Halliday, M. A. K., & Matthiessen, C. (2004). An introduction to functional grammar (3 ed.). London: Arnold.
Hasan, R., Matthiessen, C., & Webster, J. (Eds.). (2005). Continuing discourse on language: A functional perspective (Vol. 1). London: Equinox.
Hasan, R., Matthiessen, C., & Webster, J. (Eds.). (2007). Continuing discourse on language: A functional perspective (Vol. 2). London: equinox.
Hood, S. (2005) What is evaluated, and how, in academic research writing The co-patterning of attitude and field. [online]. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. Series S; n.19 p.23-40; 2005. Availability: ISSN: 0817-9514. [cited 06 Jun 16]. 7 | EDGT976 SUBJECT OUTLINE SPRING 2017

Hood, S. 2006, ‘The persuasive power of prosodies: Radiating values in academic writing’, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, vol. 5, pp. 37-49.
Hood, S., & Forey, G. (2005). Introducing a conference paper: Getting interpersonal with your audience. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 4(4), 291-306. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2005.07.003
Humphrey, S., Droga, L., & Feez, S. (2011). Grammar and Meaning (2 ed.). Sydney: Primary English Teaching Association Australia (e-Lit).
Humphrey, S., Love, K., & Droga, L. (2011). Working Grammar: An Introduction for Secondary English Teachers. Melbourne.
Knapp, P., & Watkins, M. (2005). The genre of arguing Genre, Text and Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing (pp. 187-219). Sydney: University of NSW Press.
Love, K. (2009). “Literacy pedagogical content knowledge in secondary teacher education: reflecting on oral langauge and learning across the disciplines.” Language and Education 23(6): 541-560.
Love, K., Baker, G., & Quinn, M. (2008). LASS: Literacy across the School Subjects (DVD)
Love, K., Pidgon, K., Baker, G., & Hamston, J. (2005). BUILT: Building understandings in literacy and teaching (DVD)
McMullen, T.J. (2001) How has a Literacy Focus Changed pedagogy across the Curriculum in Sydney Catholic Secondary Schools, 1995-2000. Paper presented at the Joint National Conference of the Australian Association for the Teaching of English and the Australian Literacy Educator’s Association, Hobart, Tasmania
Macken-Horarik, M. (2009). Multiliteracies, Metalanguage and the Protean Mind: Navigating School English in a Sea of Change. English in Australia, 44(1), 33-43.
Macken-Horarik, M., Love, K., & Unsworth, L. (2011). A grammatics ‘good enough’ for school English in the 21st century: four challenges in realising the potential. .Australian Journal of Language and LIteracy, 34(1), 9-23.
Mahboob, A. (2014) Meeting the Challenges of English-medium higher education in Hong Kong. IRAL 52(2) 183-203
Martin, J. R. (1992). English Text Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Martin, J. R. (1993). Life as a Noun: Arresting the universe in science and humanities. In M. A. K. Halliday, Martin, J.R. (Ed.), Writing Science: Literacy and discursive power (pp. 221-267). London: Falmer Press.
Martin, J. R. 1999, ‘Mentoring semogenesis: ‘genre-based’ literacy pedagogy’, in F. Christie (ed.), Pedagogy and the shaping of consciousness, London, Continuum, pp.170-187.
Martin, J.R. 2000, ‘Beyond Exchange: Appraisal systems in English’, in S. Hunston & G. Thompson (eds), Evaluation in Texts: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 142-75.
Martin, J. R. (2002). Writing History: Construing Time and Value in Discourses of the Past. In M. Schleppegrell & M. C. Columbi (Eds.), Developing Advanced Literacy in First and Second Languages: Meaning with power. Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Martin, J.R., Maton, K. & Matruglio, E. 2010, ‘Historical Cosmologies: Epistemology and axiology in Australian Secondary school history discourse’, Revista Signos, vol. 43, no. 74, pp. 433-63.
Martin, J. R., & Rose, D. (2007). Working with discourse: Meaning beyond the clause (2 ed.). London: Continuum.
Martin, J. R., & Rose, D. (2008). Genre Relations: Mapping Culture. London: Equinox.
Martin, J. R., & White, P. R. R. (2005). The language of evaluation: Appraisal in English. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Martin, J. R., Matthiessen, C. M. I. M., & Painter, C. (2010). Deploying Functional Grammar. Beijing: The Commercial Press.
Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2007) The ‘architechture’ of language according to systemic functional theory: devlopments since the 1970s in Hasan, R., Matthiesses, C.M.I.M., and Webster, J. (eds) Continuing Discourse on Language: A functional perspective, London, Equinox, p505-561
Painter, C. (1986). ‘The role of interaction in learning to speak and learning to write’. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Occasional Papers. 8 | EDGT976 SUBJECT OUTLINE SPRING 2017

Painter, C., Derewianka, B., & Torr, J. (2007). From microfunction to metaphor: learning language and learning through language. In R. Hasan, C. Matthiessen & J. Webster (Eds.), Continuing Discourse on Language: A Functional Perspective (pp. 563-588). London: Equinox.
Quinn, M. (2004). Talking with Jess: Looking at how metalanguage assisted explanation writing in the Middle Years. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 27(3), 245-261.
Rose, D. (2011) Beyond Literacy: building an integrated pedagogic genre. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 34 (1) 81-97
Rose, D., Lui-Chivizhe, L., McKnight, A., & Smith, A. (2003). Scaffolding Academic Reading and Writing at the Koori Centre. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education (23), 41- 49.
Rose, D., & Martin, J. R. (2012). Knowledge about Language Learning to Write, Reading to Learn: Genre, Knowledge & Pedagogy in the Sydney School. (pp. 206-264). Sheffield & Bristol CT Equinox.
Ryshina-Pankova, M. (2010) Toward mastering the discourses of reasoning: Use of grammatical metaphor at advanced levels of foreign language acquisition. The Modern Langauge Journal, 94 (ii) 181-197
Schleppegrell, M. (2004). The language of schooling: A functional linguistics perspective. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum
Schleppegrell, M. J., Greer, S., & Taylor, S. (2008). Literacy in History: Language and Meaning. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 31(2), 174-187.
Spinks, S., Fahey, R., Feez, S., & Butt, D. (2012). Using Functional Grammar: An Explorer’s Guide. South Yarra, Vic: MacMillan Education Australia.
Thwaite, A. (2006). Genre writing in the primary school: From theory to the classroom, via First Steps (1). Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 29(2), 95-114.
Unsworth, L. (2008). Multiliteracies, E-literature and Teaching. Language and Education, 22(1), 62-75.
Webster, J. (2005). M.A.K. Halliday: the early years 1925-1970. In R. Hasan, C. Matthiessen & J. Webster (Eds.), Continuing Discourse on Language (Vol. 1). London: Equinox.
Webster, J. (Ed.). (2009). The Essential Halliday: M.A.K. Halliday. London: Continuum.
Williams, G. (2005). Grammatics in Schools. In R. Hasan, C. Matthiessen & J. Webster (Eds.), Continuuing Discourse on Language: A Functional Perspective (Vol. 1, pp. 281-310). London: Equinox.
Williams, G (2008) Language Socialization: a systemic functional perspective, in P. A. Duff and N. H. Hornberger (eds), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 2nd Edition, Volume 8: Language Socialization, 57–70.
Reference should be Harvard Australia style font 12 new romanand use at least 6 references and 2 included from recommended e learning

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