Assignment 1 –
Personal Learning Portfolio (60%) Submission information Weighting Details Date/Week See Study Schedule Place Via Blackboard Turnitin Format MS-WORD (Not PDF or PowerPoint or Publisher) The assignment is a personal learning portfolio.
Four weekly tasks will be set and students will write an entry in their portfolio of about 500 words for each of these. Each entry in the portfolio will require investigating a particular resource such as a video or report, observing and reflecting upon a work situation or analyzing a problem situation. The key activities that will help you build the portfolio are:
1. Reflection
– thinking about the questions in regard to your own experience, organisational environment capabilities and desires. 2. Collaboration – exchanging ideas with your colleagues, friends and mentors and testing out the solutions and directions you have arrived at 3.
Information – researching further, using your existing knowledge of the Internet, business and the materials presented in this course. You should use a small number of academic references for each activity (<= 5), but refer to other reliable or useful Internet resources such as online articles, reports, videos and so on. 2.
Task 1
– Decision Making Typologies This task is directed at your ability to conceptualise problems or real life situations using material and concepts from the unit (CLO 2.1) 1. Consider Simon’s normative model of decision making (intelligence, design, choice, implementation) 2. Think of a decision you made recently in your personal or family life. 3. Write down exactly how you approached the decision in terms of the model 4. Where does the model break down 5.
Is the model still useful, can it be adapted or improved to support everyday decision making Task 2– Inputs to decision making – data, information & knowledge; systems analysis This task is directed at your ability to apply technical skills to authentic situations using material and concepts from the unit (CLO 2.2) Identify a recurring or annoying problem or inefficiency at work.
Consider the business analysis and mapping tools presented in the lecture. 1. Define the problem clearly 2. Map the processes and show where the problem occurs. 3.
Present a solution(s) to the problems Task 3
– Decision making issues – uncertainty, biases, in personal and group decision making This task is directed at your ability to critically reflect on processes and assumptions using material and concepts from the unit (CLO 2.4) 1. Reflect critically upon the lecture information about group decision making. 2.
Which distortions disturb you the most and why 3. What alternative decision-shaping technologies, techniques or processes will you use to improve your managerial practice Perth Graduate School of Business (PGSB) MBA6030 – Information, Contemporary Technologies and Decision Making 13 Task 4 – Methodologies and tools for solving complex problems: soft systems, dialogue mapping, IBIS, satisficing.
This task is directed at your ability to solve complex problems using material and concepts from the unit (CLO 2.3) Consider the various tools and methodologies presented in the lecture about complexity, wicked problems and group deliberation: in this exercise you will identify a problem at work and collect a group of colleagues to resolve the issue and consensually decide a course of action. You should: 1. Identify a genuine, but not necessarily major, issue which may contribute to improvement at work or home 2.
Select a group of colleagues, some friends or a partner to work on this. 3.
Decide upon a workshopping tool such as soft systems, brainstorming, decision quadrant etc. You may download or use from the cloud a free piece of software to project on the screen, such as Dialogue Manager or MindMeister. 4. Conduct the workshop for about one half to one hour 5. Document any outcomes, new knowledge, solutions, decisions or consensus to emerge 6.
Compare the meeting to one which might NOT use such a tool Weekly Readings Each week you should take a look at the following readings prior to the seminar: they are in blackboard or accessible via the web link. Mod. Reading 1 • Mintzberg, H. (1975). The manager’s job: Folklore and fact. Harvard
Some suggested titles are as follows:
Title Field of Research Theory and Decision: an international journal for multidisciplinary advances in decision sciences Cognitive Science Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Business and Management Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Information Systems Decision Support Systems Information and Computing Sciences Decision Sciences Business and Management Judgment and Decision Making Psychology Group Decision and Negotiation Business and Management Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision
Analysis Business and Management Risk, Decision and Policy Business and Management International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining Information and Computing Sciences Perth Graduate School of Business (PGSB) MBA6030 – Information, Contemporary Technologies and Decision Making 7 Web based resources These can be useful for checking up on recent developments and for gaining access to international newspapers.
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