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The Health Hazard Evaluation Report

  The Health Hazard Evaluation Report

Unit VIII Case Study

Select one of the three NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Reports listed below, and perform a critical analysis of the report.

Option 1. Health Hazard Evaluation Report, HETA 2010-0114-3168. (2012). Ergonomic Evaluation of Surfacing and Finishing Tasks during Eyeglass Manufacturing – Minnesota.


Option 2. Health Hazard Evaluation Report, HETA 2010-0008-3148. (2011). Ergonomic and Safety Climate Evaluation at a Brewery – Colorado.


Option 3. Health hazard evaluation report, HETA 2007-0098-3061. (2008). Ergonomic Evaluation of Frank Hangers at a Turkey Processing Plant – California.


Your case study review must include the following headings per APA guidelines:

1. Introduction –Provide a description of the selected case. Describe the issues of the case, and state the purpose for the paper.

2. Methods – State the evaluation criteria used in the NIOSH HHE Report.

3. Results – Present the findings from the Health hazard evaluation.

4. Recommendations – Describe the recommendations for improvements.

5. Discussion – Review relevant literature on the subject. Does research support the recommendations of the case In addition, are there any other issues of concern



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Regulations Case Study

Regulations Case Study

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Must post first.
In your initial posting explain the regulatory means that are used by regulators of hospitals, physicians, drugs, health insurance, and managed care.
In your student replies choose one regulatory means listed by your class and explain why that item has had a negative or adverse impact on patient care.
Your initial posting should contain at least 300 words with a reference list. Student replies must contain at least 100 words to assure credit. Support your answer through research.

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Case study on Marketing Triangle

 Case study on Marketing Triangle

  1. This question must be answered in a 150 word count.

As you have now seen, marketing consists of many different disciplines and functions. publicity (free media coverage); and P.R. (personal relationships). An easy way to remember it is this is, “With advertising you PAY, with publicity you PRAY (that it will be publicized and accurate), and with P.R. you PLAY.” Think of the business you work for, or a Fortune 500 company you are familiar with. Does it utilize all three sides of the Marketing Triangle Describe in detail how it does or does not. For this and all other Discussion questions, post your initial response (150 -250 words), and reply to at least TWO classmates’ postings with at least 75 words. Important: In this week’s initial posting, I would like you to use and cite/reference supplemental research.

  1. Answer here







Complete section

Read the Chapter 14 Case: Real Choices at Frito-Lay

Answer each question in 200 – 350 words.   A total of 800 word min.


  1. Summarize the case and identify the dilemma facing Frito-Lay.

Complete answer here





  1. Research the products and organization at fritolay.com. Identify and discuss the most important issues surrounding the successful use of CRM at Frito-Lay.

How does CRM link the marketing and sales functions of the organization

Complete answer here






  1. What is the purpose of trade sales promotions Identify three types of trade sales promotions that Frito-Lay should use to increase sales. Specifically how should these be implemented

Complete answer here









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The main fact of the Chinese growth

 The main fact of the Chinese growth

  • What’s the main fact of the Chinese growth model the 3 last decades (30%)
  • Compare the economic performance of China with one of other BRICS country, though the past decades 30%
  • How do you explain the difference between them 20%
  • If you plan to make direct investment in China, which industry do you concern to be involved. Explain the reasons. 20%


Use of tables, graphs and statistics required


DUE DATE : Monday night (in Shanghai)


Number of words : 7000 words


Written in English


Level : Undergraduate 3rd year


Not too economic not not historial, good balance between the two

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The effect of unfair competition laws on global trade.

 The effect of unfair competition laws on global trade.

Focus of the Final Paper

Submit a 9- to 11 page paper (not including the title and reference pages) on one of the topics below. You should incorporate relevant legal concepts and appropriate cases to analyze, explain, and support your writing.

  1. The impact of GATs, TRIMs, and TRIPs on global trade.
  2. The effect of unfair competition laws on global trade.
  3. The effect that international law on product liability and negligence have on global trade.
  4. The legal impact multinational trade agreements have on global trade.
  5. The effectiveness of international commercial law on international business transactions.
  6. The ability of international intellectual property organizations to effectively provide global protection for intellectual property.
  7. The impact of international licensing regulations on intellectual property.
  8. The impact of the CISG on international business transactions.
  9. The effect that different tax laws have on international business decisions.
  10. The ability of international law to control corrupt business practices.

The paper must address the following:

  • Analyze how the issue impacts trade in a foreign market;
  • Analyze how the issue affects global and/or domestic trade;
  • Apply legal concepts covered in the course;
  • Apply legal cases to develop the analysis; and
  • Provide an opinion relating to the topic.
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Case study on marketing

Case study on marketing

Second Annual Contest: The SM MarketYou have just been hired as a consultant by Sid Model of SM Market. Sid started a smallmeat and fish market several years ago in a suburban community with the concept ofproviding high-quality fresh meats and fish at a reasonable price. The first store has beena tremendous success; at the request of his customers, he recently expanded the store byadding a deli counter. The deli offers a wide range of pre-made side dishes as well assandwiches for the lunch crowd.

This was partially due tothe layout of the store. In order to expand the business, Sid purchased an adjacent storefor the new deli counter. In effect, it is two separate stores with a connecting doorway.This resulted in two lines forming, one at each counter, and resulted in some customerconfusion. Although he realized he had a problem, he was unable to develop a logical andinexpensive solution. Shortly after this, Sid was contacted by a local university lookingfor short-term IE projects.  In order to eliminate this problem, Sidinstalled two customer number devices, one for each counter. Now, when customersenter the single entry door, they must choose which line they wish to enter. They walkapproximately 20 feet to obtain a customer number, then another 20 feet to enter theappropriate line at the counter they have chosen. Customer numbers are calledsequentially and customers wait for their numbers to be called before they are served. Ifcustomers want to make purchases at both counters, they must follow this procedure atboth counters.

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Case study on Management and Reduction

Case study on Management and Reduction

In 2012, Americans alone produced over 250 million tons of garbage. One large component of this waste consisted of oil-based plastic bags, which are used by grocers, restaurants, and stores nationwide. In order to reduce this source of waste, many countries are banning plastic bags or taxing customers for their use. Discuss at least two environmental problems caused by such extensive plastic bag use. If you were in charge of environmental policy, what plan might you propose to reduce or eliminate their use Discuss the economic impacts of implementing your plan versus the financial impacts of making no change in our current use.

Support your answers with factual information.Refrences.We check for plagiarism!


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Personal Learning Portfolio

Personal Learning Portfolio

Assignment 1 –
Personal Learning Portfolio (60%) Submission information Weighting Details Date/Week See Study Schedule Place Via Blackboard Turnitin Format MS-WORD (Not PDF or PowerPoint or Publisher) The assignment is a personal learning portfolio.

Four weekly tasks will be set and students will write an entry in their portfolio of about 500 words for each of these.  Each entry in the portfolio will require investigating a particular resource such as a video or report, observing and reflecting upon a work situation or analyzing a problem situation.  The key activities that will help you build the portfolio are:

1. Reflection

– thinking about the questions in regard to your own experience, organisational environment capabilities and desires. 2. Collaboration – exchanging ideas with your colleagues, friends and mentors and testing out the solutions and directions you have arrived at 3.

Information – researching further, using your existing knowledge of the Internet, business and the materials presented in this course. You should use a small number of academic references for each activity (<= 5), but refer to other reliable or useful Internet resources such as online articles, reports, videos and so on. 2.

Task 1

– Decision Making Typologies This task is directed at your ability to conceptualise problems or real life situations using material and concepts from the unit (CLO 2.1) 1. Consider Simon’s normative model of decision making (intelligence, design, choice, implementation) 2. Think of a decision you made recently in your personal or family life. 3. Write down exactly how you approached the decision in terms of the model 4. Where does the model break down 5.

Is the model still useful, can it be adapted or improved to support everyday decision making Task 2– Inputs to decision making – data, information & knowledge; systems analysis This task is directed at your ability to apply technical skills to authentic situations using material and concepts from the unit (CLO 2.2) Identify a recurring or annoying problem or inefficiency at work.

Consider the business analysis and mapping tools presented in the lecture. 1. Define the problem clearly 2. Map the processes and show where the problem occurs. 3.

Present a solution(s) to the problems Task 3

– Decision making issues – uncertainty, biases, in personal and group decision making This task is directed at your ability to critically reflect on processes and assumptions using material and concepts from the unit (CLO 2.4) 1. Reflect critically upon the lecture information about group decision making. 2.

Which distortions disturb you the most and why 3. What alternative decision-shaping technologies, techniques or processes will you use to improve your managerial practice Perth Graduate School of Business (PGSB) MBA6030 – Information, Contemporary Technologies and Decision Making 13 Task 4 – Methodologies and tools for solving complex problems: soft systems, dialogue mapping, IBIS, satisficing.

This task is directed at your ability to solve complex problems using material and concepts from the unit (CLO 2.3) Consider the various tools and methodologies presented in the lecture about complexity, wicked problems and group deliberation: in this exercise you will identify a problem at work and collect a group of colleagues to resolve the issue and consensually decide a course of action. You should: 1. Identify a genuine, but not necessarily major, issue which may contribute to improvement at work or home 2.

Select a group of colleagues, some friends or a partner to work on this. 3.

Decide upon a workshopping tool such as soft systems, brainstorming, decision quadrant etc. You may download or use from the cloud a free piece of software to project on the screen, such as Dialogue Manager or MindMeister. 4. Conduct the workshop for about one half to one hour 5. Document any outcomes, new knowledge, solutions, decisions or consensus to emerge 6.

Compare the meeting to one which might NOT use such a tool Weekly Readings Each week you should take a look at the following readings prior to the seminar: they are in blackboard or accessible via the web link. Mod. Reading 1 • Mintzberg, H. (1975). The manager’s job: Folklore and fact. Harvard

 Some suggested titles are as follows:

Title Field of Research Theory and Decision: an international journal for multidisciplinary advances in decision sciences Cognitive Science Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Business and Management Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Information Systems Decision Support Systems Information and Computing Sciences Decision Sciences Business and Management Judgment and Decision Making Psychology Group Decision and Negotiation Business and Management Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision

Analysis Business and Management Risk, Decision and Policy Business and Management International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining Information and Computing Sciences Perth Graduate School of Business (PGSB) MBA6030 – Information, Contemporary Technologies and Decision Making 7 Web based resources These can be useful for checking up on recent developments and for gaining access to international newspapers.

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Hazards that led to the sentinel event

Complete a root cause analysis (RCA) that takes into consideration causative factors, errors, and/or hazards that led to the sentinel event (this patients outcome). Please see attachments for more info and follow the template accordingly. Thanks in advance.




It is 3:30 p.m. on a Thursday and Mr. B, a 67-year-old patient, arrives at the six-room emergency department (ED) of a sixty-bed rural hospital. He has been brought to the hospital by his son and neighbor. At this time, Mr. B is moaning and complaining of severe pain to his (L) leg and hip area. He states he lost his balance and fell after tripping over his dog.

Mr. B. states that he has no known allergies and no previous falls. He states, “My hip area and leg hurt really bad. I have never had anything like this before.” Patient rates pain at ten out of ten on the numerical verbal pain scale. He appears to be in moderate distress. His (L) leg appears shortened with swelling (edema in the calf), ecchymosis, and limited range of motion (ROM). The admitting nurse finds that Mr. B has a history of impaired glucose tolerance and prostate cancer. At Mr. B’s last visit with his primary care physician, laboratory data revealed elevated cholesterol and lipids. Mr. B’s current medications are atorvastatin and oxycodone for chronic back pain. After the nurse completes Mr. B’s assessment, Nurse J informs the ED physician of admission findings and the ED physician proceeds to examine Mr. B.


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Determining the Best Positioning Strategy for North Melbourne Children’s Hospital Alan Miles

Determining the Best Positioning Strategy for North Melbourne Children’s Hospital Alan Miles

Determining the Best Positioning Strategy for North Melbourne Children’s Hospital Alan Miles, North Melbourne children’s hospital’s marketing director, stood to gaze out the conference room windows onto the two ribbons of train tracks that curled near the hospital on the south side of this city.

North Melbourne children’s hospital being a private hospital, he was thinking about how rival hospitals had recently hired marketing directors like himself. The urgency to advance North Melbourne children’s hospital’s marketing effort was going to intensify in the next year.

Alan’s meeting with Kate McDonald (CEO) and Jen Ramsey (Marketing Research Manager) was going into its second hour. So far, what they have agreed on is the goal – “North Melbourne children’s hospital wants the hospital to become the preferred hospital in the high-growth areas of the region.

Accordingly, we are studying positioning possibilities, so that the board can select the best positioning for next year’s communications campaign intended to boost the number of patient cases 10 percent in the following year.” However, they do not know which positioning would help North Melbourne children’s hospital the most.

Assume the role of Jen Ramsey (Marketing Research Manager) and answer the following questions. Questions:

1. Define the management-decision problem confronting North Melbourne children’s hospital and a corresponding marketing research problem(s), including specific components; and show the linkages between the management-decision problem and marketing research problems. 2.

North Melbourne children’s hospital would like to undertake research assisting their positioning strategy. What type of research design(s) should be adopted and why 3. Use secondary sources to rationalise the variables that should be investigated in the qualitative and / or quantitative phases of this study.  Reference lists that comprise only of webpage links will not be acceptable. 4. Discuss the role of qualitative research in understanding the problem(s) at hand.

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