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Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

Employment is hard to find and hard to keep and a job isn’t always what one hoped for. Sometimes jobs do not sufficiently support our lifestyles, and all too frequently we’re convinced that our boss’s real job is to make us miserable. However, every now and then there are reprieves such as company holiday parties or bonuses, raises, promotions and even a half hour or hour to eat lunch that allows escape from monotonous workloads. Aside from our complaints, employment today for majority of American’s isn’t totally dreadful, and there always lies opportunity for promotion. American’s did not always experience this reality in their work places though, and not long past are days of abysmal and disgusting work conditions. In 1906 Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” was published. His novel drastically transformed the way Americans felt about the unmitigated power corporations wielded in the ‘free’ market economy that was heavily propagandized at the turn of the century. Corporations do not have the same unscrupulous practices today because of actions taken by former President Theodore …



Experience of an Immigrant

When I was deliberating topics for my case study ethnography report I was inspired to examine some one very close to me who is “undocumented”, someone whose experience I have seen first hand, some one who has affected my life and understanding of immigrants with his situation; my partner, Mario. This class has exposed us to many writings on the subjects of migration, immigration and emigration. I began to compare the concepts and information in the readings to Mario’s personal situation. I was curious if his answer would be “In search of a better life” when asked, “Why did you come here?”

By offering personal insights and experiences regarding his/our situation I would like to discuss issues directly related to the expected learning outcomes that the course Migration and Culture had put forth in the beginning of the semester, including: patterns, transnational events, understanding why people migrate and impacts on the host and home communities of the migrants.

I had crated a semi-formal interview with Mario and asked questions that might help me and others understand the issu…



The House of Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

Women of Dreams
The question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is often asked by teachers, parents, friends, and family addressing younger children. It would seem that most Americans have within them the sense that dreams do have the potential to become reality. People often choose to see the “bright futures” of children in order to reassure them they can be anything they want to be. It seems as though there are no barriers to reach a goal if enough hard work is applied. Does this truth transcend cultural divides? Do people of minority in the United States have the same hope about their futures as the majority does? Sandra Cisneros depicts the unique dreams of Mexican-American women despite cultural depression in her story The House on Mango Street.
The plot of The House on Mango Street symbolizes an immigrant family moving to the United States in hope of a future with more opportunities. It is a story about a girl by the name of Esperanza and the retelling of the events in her childhood. Esperanza faces many challenges growing up in an underdeveloped neighborhood of inne…



Immigrant short story

It started like any other day up on the hills of Rhein, but that day had the scent of freedom floating in the air. The journey ahead of me had been teasing me for weeks, I was just so anxious to get away and start all over again. I had made certain arrangements before I left, our family dog was not allowed on the ship that we were going to be arriving in America, so I had my parents take care of the dog for us. It was a hard thing to do seeing that the dog had become more than just a pet to the children and I, for we almost would recognize him as a family member. Most of our possessions we were able to keep with us, but we had to keep the load light since it was going to be a tight stay in the steerage. I wasn’t sure of what to expect in America, but my friend Niva had been writing me ever since she had arrived in America; begging me to witness the splendor of freedom given, and the different way of living. I was easy to be convinced into going because it seemed like nothing was really happening in my life, and I was desperate for a change.
The sea breezes were dancing around me as I waved goodbye to my ma and pa. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at what I was going to be leaving, it was my life and my past. Each of the children were given a photograph of the last time we were all together, including our dog Marcy and my ma and pa. Their small hands drifted in the breeze while waving goodbye to everything t…



Research Paper, Capstone Project, and Dissertations: Why are they Important?

Often, students are examined in their respective majors to test their mastery of the content that they have learned over time. The essence of this, in most instances, has always been to assess how well students can apply the content covered over the study period. The most popular evaluations are those that are to be submitted at the end of the study. There are various test that may be administered, but the commonest are research papers, capstone projects, theses, and dissertations. The choice differs from one institution to another, and to a larger extent, one region to another. The duration taken to complete each is different and with different approaches- however, the goal is the same.

Research Papers

The structure of academics is designed in a way that every academic year has a syllabus with set objectives that need to be met. A research paper, one of these objectives, is basically a comprehensive paper detailing all the things that the students have learned in a certain academic course during the course of an academic semester.

To students, a research paper is intended to add a couple of benefits in their studies. First, the comprehensive nature of the paper requires students to read widely and fully comprehend the contents of the coursework. This enhances a student’s ability to conduct a research, and this skill is expected to help them when the time to do their thesis comes. Since it requires reading widely and fully understanding the specific course, the research paper also serve to help students to prepare for their upcoming examinations. Most importantly, since it is an assessment of a student’s attentiveness and seriousness during the entire semester, students will find it difficult to pass or even earn a credit in a course without scoring a decent grade in the research paper. We have provided a free sample of  an excellent research paper here. In case you need to learn more, read on what research papers entail.

Capstone Project

A capstone project is often  confused with a thesis or a dissertation. While they may share similarities, a capstone project, however, has some distinguishing features. A capstone project is a paper that is written by students at the end of their final year of studies, mostly covering two semesters. Through a capstone project, a student first identifies an existing real life problem, and then comes up with a viable solution using the acquired specialized knowledge and technical skills from their coursework.

There are some professional guidelines on writing capstone projects as well as quick tips to writing good capstone papers. All these will offer greater insight.

The benefits of writing a capstone project are numerous. The most important element of  capstone projects is that they come up with solutions to real life problems facing people, and hence they have the potential of making a direct positive impact to a community. Secondly, a capstone project gives a student a chance to conduct research in a field that they are enthusiastic about. This is expected to help the students as they prepare for their careers, or even further studies. Our services are not limited to this category, find out more writing services offered at Proficient Papers.


Dissertations are final year projects that require students to conduct extensive research on a topic of their own choosing. These could be additions to already existing research or a totally new topic. Dissertations are mostly a test of a student’s ability to choose their own topic and conduct research independently, and are more focused on the methodologies used. They are also designed to ensure that the graduating students are able to make contributions in their professional fields.

While preparing dissertations,  students engage in other research-related activities such as preparing annotated bibliographies and writing article critiques  with an aim of forming a foundation for the entire research. A dissertation is fundamental in the calculation of students’ final grades. More often, students are supposed to prove a certain theory that they have adopted, fill an existing research gap, add onto existing research, or even provide an approach to a problem of interest. Submitting a dissertation for grading should alway be done with caution. Most students tend to be reckless and end up submitting copies that have errors, leading to loss of points. We always advice students to seek  editing and proofreading services to make sure their final dissertation-projects meet the requirements. Should you have any doubts, we have prepared a great guide on writing final research projects that will give you a sure pass.

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Application for Finance Position

Tell us about your F&C experiences:
At Citigroup, I had to develop a new model to forecast revenues from partnerships, using return on investment ratio as proxy for profitability of the partnership and at Nestlé, when setting price and communication strategies, I had to be fully aware and have an understanding about management accounting and the implications of the strategies for the income statement.

I feel very comfortable with numbers and I enjoy the challenges associated with financial analysis, which are two of the reasons I am specializing in Corporate Finance. I am convinced that I have achieved the level of financial knowledge required for this position and, as my transcripts will show, my grades – not only, but especially in finance-related courses – are on the top of the class. During my master’s degree, I have:
– Conducted several financial analysis using value creation models, NPV and profitability ratios such as ROI, ROE, ROCE and income statement ratios, which also included risk profiling through beta measurements, operational risk and financial risk;
– Build fin…



Accruals Concept in Finance and Accounting

Accruals concept is the concept that attempt to correctly match all the accounting expenses (cost) to the income (revenues) to the year at which it occurs at that accounting period, thus referred to as accrued expenses. Whilst a going concern is an assumption that every business will continue in operation for the anticipated future, thus is a going concern for several years, unless if there is evidence i.e. owner acknowledgement. In the Introduction to Accounting Book by Marriott, Edwards& Mellett 3rd Edition it states, “The going concern concept assumes that the business is a permanent venture and will not wound up in the foreseeable future”
However, problems might arise in companies applying the two concepts, accruals and the going concern. Firstly looking at the accruals concept, “Under the accruals concept, revenue and costs are credited or charged to the profit and loss account for the year in which they are earned or incurred, not when any cash is received or paid” (http://www.tutor2u.net/newsmanager/templates/?a=1373&z=82 ) . Therefore this manipulates the accounting statement in way that income shown is not what the business received and then the concept attempts to spread the cost. Thus the concept provides a false picture as to what cash reserves are available within the business, which could result in serious cash flow problems. For instance, the income ledger may show thousands of dollars in sales, while in reality the bank account is empty because debtors haven’t paid you yet, therefore the problems will arise when the debtors finds it hard to pay off the credit, or they might delay with their payment due to unforeseen factors this will then affect the company’s working capital, which is the amount the business have for day to day expenses. Thus, the profit indicated in the profit and loss account or the balance sheet is unrealistic, in short terms this reflects a false picture on the actual business performance at the end of the accounting period i.e. yearly.

The main purpose of recording the business transactions, so called financial accounting is defined clearly in the Introduction to Accounting Book by Andrew Thomas 5th Edition: “Financial Accounting is the process of designing and operating an information system for collecting, measuring and recording an enterprise’s transactions and summarizing and communicating the results of the transactions to the users.” The part I want to draw attention on the definition is ‘communicating to the users,’ thus if there is a false reflection of the business cash or profit for the business at that short-term period, external users of the financial information i.e. potential investors’ evaluation on the business performance whether to invest or not will be adversely affected. This is because business might not be able to payback the invested money due to its liquidation problems. Therefore in a way, if the accruals concept results in this, there is an element of deceitfulness in the accounts to show the exact performance of the firm at that point of time.
The concept also brings about the technique of “depreciation of fixed assets in the balance sheet and profit and loss account. The concept requires the firm to estimate the net cost of the asset (i.e. cost less residual value) and charge it to the periods expected to benefit from its use (i.e. its useful economic life). In other words, this technique will be matching the cost of using the asset with the revenue it helps to generate.” (http://www.accaglobal.com/students/publications/finance_matters/archive/2000/43/15563). The problem with this is when different methods of depreciation are used within the firm or for firms within the same industry. Therefore the firm can not compare to its competitors accurately as different method have been applied in their accounting statement, and also comparing the performance of the firm from its past year(s) might be inaccurate.
The problem for companies applying the going concern is that it affects the business activity, in terms of how the entity functions basing on its objectives. The concept assumes that the firm is going to remain in existence for and beyond the foreseeable future; therefore the main objective will be on continuity. Therefore techniques like depreciation are used when preparing the books of accounts, fixed assets will normally be shown in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation. The use of this concept also includes a large amount of judgement on the future basing on the information accessible at that point of time when the judgement is made. Therefore historistic information is used, however they are other external factors that affect the entity in future that are not taken in account, i.e. the inflation might affect the prices with in the market, therefore the residual value that is used for depreciation for the fixed assets, might not be what has been predicted, therefore the firm is likely to either over-value or under value its assets…





In financial terms, Exchange Rates (ER) refer to the worth of two different currencies in regards to each other (Sullivan & Sheffrin, 2003), whereas the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) refers to the net inflows of foreign investments. This is so if the investment is to acquire a lasting interest in terms of management where the enterprise that is operating in the specific economy in question is a different entity from the investor (Soltani, 2009).
In recent years there has been an increased understanding as to the forces of the concept and usage of economic globalization. This can only be implemented by the utilization of foreign direct investment by the multinational corporations. This is realized where and when a firm forms its base in one country but locates and or acquires its facilities for production in another country or countries. The realization of this could not have been at a greater time than now when there are conclusive reports that between 1986 through 1999, the GDP of the real world grew by at a rate of 2.5 percent annually whereas its export grew by 17.7 percent. Wh…




Food Borne Illnesses: Health Promotion

Dimensions, Positives, and Negatives of Food Borne Illnesses

The environment plays a central role in the health of the general populace, especially due to the fact that a large number of individuals are exposed to it at any one time. One of the ways in which the environment continues too impact human health is through food borne illnesses. These are illnesses that are transmitted through food, and which are caused by pathogens found in the environment the food is prepared in, or the environment in which the animals and plants live (Henry, 2012). As such, food borne illnesses continue to pose serious threats to the health of the society, and they must be addressed and dealt with in an efficient and effective way.

While food borne illnesses are dangerous and at times fatal, one must also understand that these illnesses affect the society from a broad perspective, and in a way that is centered around some social and environmental factors. Currently, the possibility of food borne illnesses going untreated exposes a fair portion of the population to the possibility of suffering from food borne illnesses, and especially so where important health promotion behaviors such as observing hygiene are neglected. This is one of the most detrimental negative health effects caused by food borne illnesses (Choffnes, 2011). However, it must also be acknowledged that food borne illnesses are also of great benefit to the promotion and development of health and the health sector respectively. In terms of health, outbreaks of food borne illnesses provide researchers and health experts with the opportunity to collect valuable and first hand data that would prove essential towards improving their understanding of the illnesses in question. Seeing as food borne illnesses are specific and often rare in occurrence, these outbreaks are essential to understanding food borne illnesses, as well as developing the health care system in a way that ensures it is prepared for future outbreaks (Choffnes, 2011). By contributing towards the development of healthcare and medicine, food borne illnesses are both negative and positive insofar as their influence on the society is concerned.

Food borne illnesses are also known to have significant impact on the psychological health of individuals. In many cases, individuals suffering from food borne illnesses are known to report having been infected through avenues that they are familiar with.  According to Doyle et al. (2015), this infection has been shown to actually result in a breach of trust from the patient, seeing as they are often infected through familiar surroundings. This could also cause undue stress on the individual, so much so that they could develop a mistrust and fear for situations that could result in a recurrence of the illness (Acheson, McEntire, & Thorpe, 2013). Additionally, it is worth acknowledging that food borne illnesses could be influenced by socioeconomic, cultural, and political factors. For instance, low socioeconomic status could possibly infer poor living standards, which could in turn result in poor hygiene and a low observation of health and health promotional behaviors (Henry, 2012). In such cases, being exposed to contaminated food becomes more likely, which thus increases the possibility of suffering from said illnesses.

The same case can be said of cultural factors. In some cultures, there may be a tendency for individuals to either observe low hygiene practices or to mix a variety of foods in their cuisines. The mixing of foods is particularly a leading cause of food borne infections, seeing as contaminated food containing pathogens can easily contaminate the rest of the food, which could potentially result in the multiplication of harmful bacteria that might further contaminate the food in question (Acheson et al., 2013). Like many other health issues, food borne illnesses also have a political component. The negligence of health issues that could possibly cause outbreaks of food borne illnesses by politicians and public officials could result in the hospitalization and possible death of many victims of said illnesses. As such, it is vital to ensure that the above dimensions are addressed to minimize the possibility of said factors resulting in outbreaks of food borne illnesses.

Food Borne Illnesses and Chronic Diseases

            The true scope of the effects of food borne illnesses can be understood by delving into the relationship between food borne illnesses and chronic diseases. This becomes a critical discussion point for this issue, seeing as some food borne illnesses are known to cause chronic diseases. This is based on the variable nature of the bacteria that cause various food borne illnesses (Doyle et al., 2015). In this way, the onset of food borne illnesses could very well be the onset of chronic illnesses that individuals have to struggle with for long periods of time. This is especially the case with illnesses that are known to relapse or remit. Some common examples of these illnesses include Intestinal Cryptosporidiosis, Cyclosporiasis, Listeriosis, and Hepatitis (Choffnes, 2011). All these diseases are food borne, and they also share the commonality of being known to relapse. While these illnesses are known as remitting in nature, the environment to which individuals are exposed may also contribute to the longevity and chronic nature of such illnesses (Henry, 2012). The possibility of suffering from a mix of various diseases has been cited as one of the most dangerous health situations than an individual can be subjected to.

Measurement of the Impact of Food Borne Illnesses on Health and Health Promotion

            In order to fully understand the impact that food borne infections have on health and health promotion in the society, relevant data must be collected (Doyle et al., 2015). In such a case, it would be essential to first identify the common factors that surround outbreaks of food borne illnesses such as presence of contaminants, poor hygiene practices, and inadequate health amenities. By analyzing these factors and their relationship to food borne illnesses, the impact of said food borne illnesses can be assessed.
Secondly, collecting data on the number of victims in such regions will prove vital to understanding food borne illnesses (Choffnes, 2011). Additionally, it will prove vital to establishing linkages, if any, between victims of food borne illnesses. By assessing the victims for common factors such as socioeconomic class, areas of residence, cultural practices, and political affiliations, this measurement approach is bound to provide a holistic perspective on food borne illnesses (Doyle et al., 2015) and the impact that they have on health and health promotion within the society.

Outcomes and Evaluations

            First, I would like to see a decrease in the amount of food borne illness cases. This outcome can be measured through collecting data on food borne illness patients from health facilities in the region. A decrease in this number would indicate the presence of successful interventions.

Secondly, I would like to see improved health conditions within the most vulnerable environments that bear a risk of causing food borne illnesses. This outcome can be measured easily through environmental assessments of these environments and areas, to ensure that the likelihood of said environments causing food borne illnesses are decreased.

Lastly, I would like to see an improved application of health principles and health promotion behaviors in the at-risk populations, to ensure that they take appropriate measures to limit the occurrence of said illnesses. One such behavior would be observing hygiene during food handling and preparation. This outcome would prove more difficult to measure compared to the previous ones, but it could be measured through conducting surveys to assess the awareness of at-risk populations on food borne illnesses, and how they can prevent them in their societies.


Acheson, D., McEntire, J., & Thorpe, C. (2013). Foodborne Illness: Latest Threats and      Emerging Issues, an Issue of Infectious Disease Clinics. Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Choffnes, E. R. (2011). Improving Food Safety Through a One Health Approach: Workshop Summary. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.

Doyle, M., Erickson, M., Alali, W., Cannon, J., Deng, X., & Ortega, Y. et al. (2015). The Food           Industry’s Current and Future Role in Preventing Microbial Foodborne Illness Within the United States. Clin Infect Dis., 61(2), 252-259. doi.10.1093/cid/civ253

Henry, J. (2012). Advances in Food and Nutrition Research: Volume Sixty-Seven. Waltham,            Mass: Academic Press.

Forensic Psychology: In your initial posts to your peers, discuss your chosen case and describe how the case changed the profession of forensic psychology. Also, consider how the differences between psychology and the law have impacted the field historically.

Read about historical cases in forensic psychology on this website: History of Forensic Psychology.


In your initial posts to your peers, discuss your chosen case and describe how the case changed the profession of forensic psychology. Also, consider how the differences between psychology and the law have impacted the field historically.

In response to your peers, pick the peers who discussed a different case from your own when possible. Consider how you may have interpreted the differences between psychology and the law differently. Do you think there are any additional ways the differences play into historical cases that have changed the field?