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Analyze the Etiquette of a Business Culture- Saudi Arabia


Part 1

Culture & Etiquette

Analyze the Etiquette of a Business Culture- Saudi Arabia

Choose a country of interest to you.  Research 1-2 (credible) websites to conduct a cross-cultural comparison of business etiquette in your country.  Read and review all of the information you can about this country’s business culture and then answer the following questions below.

Directions: There are 4 discussion topics/questions for this forum. Minimum length requirement per question needs to be 1-2 full paragraph(s) (6-8 sentences is considered a paragraph).  To keep the forum clean, please follow these posting rules.

  • You must utilize/apply textbook concepts and outside research by having a minimum of 2 in-text citations and 2 references in APA format for 2 of the 4 topics. One being our textbook and one being a credible website, journal, or book.
  • Postings that do not follow the instructions provided will not receive full credit.
  1. The 5 Most Intriguing Aspects of Your Culture

Explain substantively the 5 most intriguing aspects of the culture that you have selected.  In your answer provide examples of several cultural dimensions such as: Individualism & Collectivism, Performance Orientation, Assertiveness, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Gender Egalitarianism (as mentioned in our textbook). Five Aspects of Etiquette

Discuss substantively and provide five aspects of etiquette that you would observe when interacting with members of this culture.

  1. Three Relevant Cultural Dimensions

Choose three relevant cultural dimensions (underlying sets of norms and values) and explain how they impact business etiquette in this country.

  1. Five Etiquette Questions

Write five questions about business etiquette that you would like to ask a person from the country that you chose.  Be descriptive and thorough.

Community Paper

For this assignment, you will write a 3-page paper using current APA format. You will describe your community. Is the area rural, urban, suburban, international, multicultural, impoverished, wealthy, etc.? You are to explore your local community to find places that employ social workers, such as social service agencies, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, afterschool programs, veterans facilities, mental health agencies, refugee resettlement agencies, Head Start, adult protective services, adoption agencies, etc. You are to describe your findings regarding places where social workers are employed in the area. Additionally, you are to mention the social work positions that may interest you personally.

Capstone Project Assignment

***Each module must be a minimum of 3 pages***

The Capstone class requires you to create a professional, influential and comprehensive Capstone Project that incorporates the central lessons learned throughout the graduate program. Your project will address and resolve systematic problems within an organization and describe the fundamental role that a human resources department can and should play in building and advancing the interests of the organization.

The Capstone Project is due in Week 8. Each Capstone Assignment is a specific part of this final project. Review the Capstone Project description below and the grading rubric in the Module 8 folder. Also review the student course syllabus for each Capstone Assignment description so you understand all components of this final project. Below is the scenario you should use for this project:


Ellard Williams, Incorporated, is a manufacturing firm founded in 1987 and based in the New England area of the United States. Almost 11,300 employees work for Ellard Williams, generating sales in excess of $200 million annually over the past 10 years while profits exceeded $15 million annually in seven of those years.

Over the past three years, however, a series of organizational mistakes, blunders, and mismanagement has affected the profitability of Ellard Williams. A recently completed strategic analysis indicates growth will slow, profits will fall, employee turnover will remain at higher than appropriate levels, and employee compensation will lag further behind the industry average. Employee motivation, performance and productivity has been identified as a critical deficiency within the organization, resulting in production delays, high defect rates in production, and management/employee confrontations that have been encouraged by three of the four labor unions representing almost 80 percent of Ellard Williams employees.

The strategic analysis indicated there were serious concerns about the competency and effectiveness of the 67-member human resource department. Labor management relations are strained, compensation practices change frequently and are seen to favor upper management, harassment and discrimination complaints have doubled over the past four years, performance appraisals are not completed, and the organizational culture stymies innovation and ingenuity. Consequently, management has lost confidence in the ability of human resources to be a strategic resource within the organization.

You are the founder of a respected human resource consulting firm. You have been contacted by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ellard Williams, Inc. who is requesting that your firm consider providing assistance and guidance to Ellard Williams in the following areas:

Role and Function of an HR Department (Module 1 Capstone Assignment)

  • Present the purpose and role of human resources in a large manufacturing organization
  • Assess the five most important duties/responsibilities of an effective human resources department, detailing how these duties and responsibilities specifically support and enhance the organization’s ability to meet its strategic objectives

Environmental and Organizational Factors (Module 2 Capstone Assignment)

  • Present the major social, economic, and technological issues that will impact an organization in the next 3-5 years.
  • For each social, economic, and technological issue, offer one strategy that an organization should consider to take advantage of this issue or mitigate its impact on the organization’s future performance or profitability.

Unions/Labor and Management Relations (Module 3 Capstone Assignment)

  • Explain the impact that unions have on the operations of an organization
  • Describe the principle reasons labor/management relations are challenged and result in conflict
  • Recommend three strategies an organization should follow to promote positive and conducive relations between unions and management

Compensation (Module 4 Capstone Assignment)

  • Explain the main reasons that employees are motivated to perform in the workplace. In other words, what are the strategies or actions that motivate a typical organizational employee?
  • Describe the role of compensation in the workplace, including its effect/impact on employee performance
  • Create a compensation plan or model for Ellard Williams to adopt that will meet the needs of the employees, help attract talented employees, and not be cost prohibitive to adapt. Your compensation plan or model should reflect aspects of your motivation philosophy. Note: At present, Ellard Williams does not have the financial resources to compensate employees at market; therefore, its compensation plan or model must reflect this limitation

Recruitment and Selection (Module 5 Capstone Assignment)

  • Explain the critical mistakes to avoid in the recruitment process, mistakes that may have resulted in the recruitment challenges at Ellard Williams. This information would be beneficial to tailor the recruitment processes at Ellard Williams with current realities in the marketplace
  • Describe the general recruitment process that should be followed to attract the most talented employees, regardless of the type of organization. In particular, present the three most important steps or strategies that should be utilized to create a broader and more talented pool of candidates (for example, a strategy could be for a human resources representative to visit high schools, colleges, civic clubs, or local events to promote the organization).
  • Summarize the traits and characteristics of the most qualified applicant to a typical firm. A concern at Ellard Williams is that it may not be hiring the right person for the position and the CEO has requested that your consulting firm present Ellard Williams with a summary of the traits and characteristics that the most talented and effective applicant hired by a typical organization should have in order to best propel the organization forward

Team-Oriented Culture and Organizational Health (Module 6 Capstone Assignment)

  • Propose specific strategies a human resource professional can enact to create a more team-oriented, collaborative culture in the organization
  • Propose specific tools or tests a human resource professional can utilize that will assess the health of the organization or highlight potential negative issues within an organization. By doing so, human resources can more proactively address a situation before its effects the team-oriented culture of the organization, which then affects organizational productivity

Executive Summary (Module 7 Capstone Assignment)

  • Present the principle finding identified in the Capstone assignments you’ve developed throughout the course
  • Summarize the knowledge and skills that a competent human resources professional should possess and describe how the knowledge and skills can be acquired
  • Recommend strategies for transitioning the current human resources department at Elllard Williams from a purely transactional/process-oriented role within the organization to one in which it is a strategic partner in determining the future of the organization

Your consulting firm has agreed to provide assistance and guidance to Ellard Williams, and will present the CEO with an instructive and comprehensive report in eight weeks. Starting this week and continuing in each week, one component of the report will be presented by the consultant (student), with feedback provided by the CEO (instructor). In the eighth (final) week, all components of the report will be compiled, along with closing notes and information, and submitted to the CEO (instructor).

Final Submission Requirements:
Incorporate the feedback received from your instructor on each Capstone Assignment into a comprehensive Capstone Project. Your FINAL paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Include a 2-3 page Executive Summary
  • Be 21-28 pages (including Executive Summary) in length, incorporating all of the above assignments
  • Include at least 14 different scholarly sources

Are Police Effective in Controlling Crime?

Research paper should have the following elements:

  1. A thesis statement developed from the topic

Topic is: “Are police effective in controlling crime?”

  1. A survey of the research to support or refute your thesis as gathered and evaluated in the annotated bibliography
  2. Final conclusions regarding the current state of knowledge of your topic

The paper should be 15–20 pages and double spaced in a Word document. Use APA style for writing and citations.

This paper will build on your annotated bibliography. For the annotated bibliography you MUST glean 10 to 12 peer reviewed academic or empirical

See how to write a great annotated bibliography.

To address the paper topic: “Are Police Effective in Controlling Crime?” you should draw on the relevant theory and policy issues and apply them to the question, i.e. Are Police Effective in Controlling Crime? Your paper will build on your annotated bibliography and draw conclusions about a major aspect of the criminal justice process.

NOTE: Below are a few examples of Theories and Policy Issues that were discussed in the Course. They can be used in the Research Paper along with any other relevant theories or policy that may have an effect on policing or crime control.

Examples of Relevant Theories fromthe Course I’m current attending” are:

  • Social Construction Theory
  • Crime Control vs due process theory
  • Rational / legal theory, etc.

      Example of Policy Issues fromthe Course I’m currently attending “are:

  • Drug policy (example, federal anti-drug abuse act of 1998)

2) Mandatory action policy & pro-arrest policy

3) Sex Offender policy

4) Three strikes Policy


6) Juvenile Waiver Policies

7) zero tolerance policy, etc.

You can access a sample of an annotated bibliography and research paper here.

Just a Tips for structuring my Paper: Think about the 4 eras of policing and how criminology or Criminal Justice theories and policies passed during each eras, were involved in modifying the American Criminal Justice System over time, i.e from past (political era of policing) to current (Homeland Security era of policing). A little history about each era and how politicians many have been involved in making the policies changes during each era. Have the police been effective in controlling crime as a result of the progression of the policing eras?

Eras of Policing: Political Era; Reform Era; Community Era; (Homeland Security) Era

See how to write a great research paper that will give you an A.

The annotated bibliography that MUST glean 10 to 12 peer reviewed academic or empirical


Case: Accenture-Retaining for Itself


Case: Accenture-Retaining for Itself

Accenture is a firm that provides a wide range of consulting and services to organizations worldwide. With more than 170,000 employees, the firm has clients in 120 countries that receive many HR and other consulting services. Among others, these services include organizational, strategic, and change management analyses; leadership training and development; and technology assistance and supply chain assistance. Large and small client organizations also outsource various operational functions to Accenture instead of performing them internally with employees. Thus, Accenture has many individuals who serve as consultants and support experts on specialized areas and industries.

Because of its many professional consulting and support staff members, Accenture has to manage its own human resources effectively in order to serve both itself and its clients. The rapid growth of this widespread firm has caused Accenture to hire up to 60,000 employees in just one year due to the expansion of clients and the need to replace employees who have left to become employees at other firms, to become independent consultants, or to work as employees at client firms.

What Accenture does for its own employees illustrates one reason why it is widely used by clients. At the heart of Accenture’s approach for itself is to consider its employees as a virtual workforce. This means that numerous employees work in many different places at different times, often using work-life balancing, technology resources, and work-related job flexibility. With offices in more than 150 cities worldwide, the work locations and schedules vary so much that numerous Accenture consultants have to reserve a desk at an office when they need to be there. Otherwise, many employees are encouraged to work outside offices.

The out-of-office environment presents an extensive HR challenge for Accenture in terms of engaging its employees. Many consultant employees work intermittently with a variety of managers and coworkers, in teams as large as 1,000 consultants, throughout multiple countries.

To practice retention in its own firm, Accenture does extensive training and development of employees. All new Accenture workers participate in “New Joiner Orientation” where they learn what is expected of them, do sample client projects with coworkers, and become linked to personal career counselors. Career training and development efforts include a wide range of activities, access to Accenture’s “Career Marketplace” website, and training in how to work effectively on different types of projects and in global locations. The value of these activities is shown in the fact that almost 39% of Accenture’s open U.S. jobs are filled by current employees who change and/or increase their job levels.

What Accenture’s employee retention program emphasizes is that the firm does not just consult about HR and other services for clients, but also does for itself what many current and potential clients need to do, which is to view HR planning and retention as crucial for organizational success and growth.54

Why should you choose us to do your assignment? 


Review the case studies for the week, Accenture-Retaining for Itself.  Provide an Introduction paragraph to briefly explain the case. Use a main heading for each case question to address the topic area being addressed. Provide a brief Conclusion paragraph at the end to give a brief synopsis.

In your case analysis, demonstrate critical thinking along with research support (three credible sources that include at least one recent library journal article) to cover the situation and possible issues, along with providing suggestions for improvement. Consider yourself in the role of a consultant examining the firm and people who work there. What are the concerns to address if applicable? What suggestions and best practices elsewhere might be applied to make improvements?  How might the firm implement your ideas? This is your opportunity to problem solve and practice a management perspective for a workplace.

Use APA format for references at end of paper on separate last page, and use  in-text cites in body where sources are applied to give proper credit.  Double space the paper and indent the first word of each new paragraph. Your case analysis will be 2-3 pages for content.  Include a cover sheet which identifies you as the student. Use a header with page number on top right corner. Save the file name with your last name and upload as an attachment using the title assignment link.  The case analysis paper will be evaluated using the Supplemental Case Study Rubric.


  1. Identify how some Accenture-type efforts have and have not occurred in your current and previous workplaces. Also, discuss why focusing on employee retention pays off for Accenture clients, and not just for Accenture itself.
  2. Go to the Accenture website, www.accenture .com, to research and gather job- and career-related information that might need to be adapted by other employers. As part of this research, examine how Accenture markets itself to current and potential employees.

See also, what a case study entails.

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Critical Thinking: Analyzing Evidence in Competing Interpretations of the Past

Critical Thinking: Analyzing Evidence in Competing Interpretations of the Past

1421: The Year China Discovered the World (2002)

Read this entire worksheet first, keeping in mind the main themes and questions before you start the assignment.  Refer to the Rubric for Critical Thinking (attached to the D2L Dropbox as well) to ensure that you meet all of the requirements in your content answers.  Complete all four pages in Word or an equivalent program.  Post your completed worksheet.  Please work ahead.

  1. Based on your notes and preparations for our class on Thursday, what kinds of sources did you find about Zheng He online, were they primary sources or secondary, who created them, are they credible academic sources or pop culture pieces, and what did they argue about him?
  2. Use the skills of critical thinking and historical analysis to examine the website for 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, by Gavin Menzies.


Identify and articulate Menzies’ main historical argument.  What does he argue about 1421 and Zheng He specifically?

See a coursework sample here

Discussion: Forensic Evaluations

Read the following article on ethical issues in forensic evaluations: Ethical Issues in Conducting Forensic Evaluations. by Kalmbach and Lyons

In your initial posts to your peers, discuss some of the major ethical issues that arise when conducting forensic evaluations and how they can impact the outcomes. What does it mean to be competent? How does it impact an evaluation? How do you think one becomes competent?

In response to your peers, think about your ideas of competence and if they differ. Do you think this plays into the field professionally? Do you think it impacts the weight of an evaluation?