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Critical Thinking: Analyzing Evidence in Competing Interpretations of the Past

Critical Thinking: Analyzing Evidence in Competing Interpretations of the Past

1421: The Year China Discovered the World (2002)

Read this entire worksheet first, keeping in mind the main themes and questions before you start the assignment.  Refer to the Rubric for Critical Thinking (attached to the D2L Dropbox as well) to ensure that you meet all of the requirements in your content answers.  Complete all four pages in Word or an equivalent program.  Post your completed worksheet.  Please work ahead.

  1. Based on your notes and preparations for our class on Thursday, what kinds of sources did you find about Zheng He online, were they primary sources or secondary, who created them, are they credible academic sources or pop culture pieces, and what did they argue about him?
  2. Use the skills of critical thinking and historical analysis to examine the website for 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, by Gavin Menzies.


Identify and articulate Menzies’ main historical argument.  What does he argue about 1421 and Zheng He specifically?

See a coursework sample here

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