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Literature Review

Assignment Overview:
This assignment serves as an entry point into a larger public conversation on
queerness. Often as a student and as a professional, you will be asked to explain
complex issues to others and even make decisions based on your understanding and
reasoning. Writing a literature review provides you with an opportunity to refine your
understanding and raise questions about on-going public conversations about
Your literature review should be based on essays from our reader, as well as
secondary research you conduct using library resources (see below). Building on
the summary and response we have practiced in class, your goal is to put your sources
in conversation with one another, analyzing and synthesizing what is said, how/why it is
said, to whom it is said, who agrees and disagrees with whom, who offers a different
perspective from the others, the different contexts and rhetorical situations of the
pieces, and so on.
Through this analysis and synthesis, you should give your audience a clear
understanding of this important issue and articulate its implications for the larger public.
This assignment will feed into the recommendation report and the grant proposal later in
the course. Therefore, your literature review should identify questions or issues for
further exploration as we think about LGBTQ issues as an important public concern.
The Rhetorical Situation:
Genre: Literature Review. According to Graff and Berkenstein, literature reviews
require writers to coordinate a conversation among multiple sources, to explain their
positions fairly and accurately, and to analyze the ways in which the sources agree or
disagree with one another:
In the literature review, you explain what “they say” in more detail, summarizing,
paraphrasing, or quoting viewpoints to which you are responding. You need to
balance what they are saying with your own focus. You need to characterize
someone else’s work fairly and accurately but set up the points you yourself want
to make by selecting the details that are relevant to your own perspectives and
observations. (229)
A literature review also requires writers to analyze and explain lingering issues and
open questions in the conversation. According to Jack and Pryal, “A literature review
does more than just summarize current research: it often makes an argument for why
that research is or is not important, or it may argue for a particular direction for research
in that field” (284). Organizationally, the best literature reviews move topically first, and
only by source second. [Note: Specific fields or majors may have their own, more
narrow expectations for writing literature reviews. As you move into your major, be sure
to ask about expectations for how to write a successful literature review following the
field’s standards.]
Audience: Your audience for this first assignment is your instructor and your
classmates. You should also consider your peers not just as students, but as people
with a vested interest in the topic you are discussing. Although your readers will be
familiar with some of the texts you’ve chosen, you must still thoroughly represent main
ideas and key points and provide specific references to your texts in your literature
review, using TSIS moves to do so. The final draft of this literature review will be
entered into a class archive so that your summary and analysis can become a resource
for later assignments in this course.
Purpose: Your purpose for writing this literature review will be to accurately portray an
important issue related to your topic as initially presented in our reader. This literature
review will serve as both a broad overview of the topic and an entry point into the
conversation. Choose 2-3 articles from our reader and 4-5 outside articles from credible,
library-quality sources. These will be your texts to summarize accurately, examine
critically, and respond to analytically in order to give your audience a clear
understanding of the issue and the implications of your issue for the larger public. A
successful literature review will serve as a useful resource for yourself and your
classmates as our discussion of LGBTQ issues unfolds throughout the semester.
Writer’s Role: By synthesizing and discussing the current research on your topic, you
are becoming an expert on that topic. As an expert, you need to address the needs of
an audience expecting to be informed about your topic, and you need to demonstrate a
thorough understanding and a well-reasoned analysis. To do this, you will need to
present yourself as an informed thinker and writer. You can reflect your expertise and
demonstrate credibility by presenting the issue accurately and documenting your
sources properly.

Find out how much we would charge for this work.

Criteria for evaluation:
Criterion Points
Summarizes sources fairly and accurately, using TSIS conventions we
have discussed, to present a thorough view of the issue
Analyzes sources by explaining how they relate to one another and
contribute to the current understanding or thinking on the topic or question
Articulates how and why this topic is important for the larger public;
considers lingering issues and open questions remaining in the
Literature review is organized to provide readers with a coherent and
complex understanding of the topic
Writer represents him- or herself as fair, credible, and knowledgeable on
the topic, including the choice of credible and relevant sources
Demonstrates careful attention to language through correct spelling,
grammar, and appropriate tone and style
Documents sources ethically 10
Total: 100

How do we take care of your literature review assignment? 


A Handful of Dates by Tayeb Salih.

Task: Write a short theme-based literary essay on the short story “A Handful of Dates” by Tayeb Salih. The essay should be at least 500 words and at most 600 words. Include an introduction, 1 body paragraph (with 3 or more quotations, based on one literary device), and a conclusion using MLA formatting for quotations. Include a title for the essay

Submissions: On Turnitin.com. Paper submissions are not necessary.

Format: Use MLA formatting for quotations and the short story title. Include your name and a title. Double space and write in size 12 font (preferably in Times New Roman).

To help you organize your essay, the basic guidelines are listed below:

  • Title
    • Write a descriptive and informative title (for examples of good titles, refer to the reading “How to Write an Essay” on LEA)
  • Paragraph 1. Introduction (must be at least 3 sentences)
    • Begin with “the hook/opener”
    • Include the name of the author, the title of the text (in MLA format), the theme, and the literary device you’ll be analyzing
  • Paragraph 2. Body Paragraph 1
    • Begin with a topic sentence (which is the literary device under analysis and the theme rephrased)
    • Must contain 3 or more quotations (in MLA format)
    • Explain in depth how your chosen quotations support the theme
    • End with a closing statement
  • Paragraph 3. Conclusion (must be at least 3 sentences)
    • Briefly summarize your arguments
    • Re-state the author’s name, the title of the text, and the theme
    • End with a closing statement about the theme

For this project, choose and research a drug that is already in use in other countries and is still not approved in the United States.

This project involves research and preparation of a one to two page paper on the following topic:

For this project, choose and research a drug that is already in use in other countries and is still not approved in the United States. Be sure to include the following:

Discussion of the time lag between approval in the U.S. and other countries
Possible reasons for this situation
Possible solutions for the situation
The reports will be graded on content and grammar. Part of the assignment is also to train you to be concise in your descriptions. Points will be deducted for material that runs over the two page limit.
Prepare the assignment as Word document (.doc or .docx).

Learn why such papers are important for a student. 

Amazon.com Case Study


  1. With respect to the distribution, why has Amazon succeeded when so many other companies have failed?
  2. From a theoretical standpoint, what is Amazon’s pricing model? Why is this so effective? How does this compare to

their competitors?

  1. Discuss how Amazon has used differentiation and positioning as two key components in maintaining a competitive


  1. Thinking about the changes in the macro and micro environment, what is next for Amazon? Where else can it grow?

In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case study should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not counting the title and reference pages). You are required to use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations.

Why should we do your case study? 

Marketing Excellence Amazon.com

Founded by Jeff Bezos in 1995, Amazon.com started as the “world’s largest bookstore” and, ironically, owned no books. Bezos promised to revolutionize retailing, however, and over the years he has blazed a trail of e-commerce innovations that many executives have studied and companies have followed. Amazon initially set out to create personalized storefronts for each customer by providing more useful information and more choices than found in a neighborhood bookstore. Readers could review books and evaluate them on a one- to five-star rating scale, while fellow browsers could rate the reviews for helpfulness. The company’s personal recommendation service aggregated buying-pattern data to infer who might like which book. Amazon also introduced its revolutionary one-click shopping, which allowed buyers to make purchases effortlessly with a single click. Amazon started to diversify its product line in the late 1990s, first with DVDs and videos and then with consumer electronics, games, toys, software, video games, and gifts. The company continued to expand its product offerings and in 2007 launched Amazon Video On Demand, allowing consumers to rent or purchase films and television shows to watch on their computers or televisions. Later that year, it introduced Amazon MP3, which competed directly with Apple’s iTunes and had participation from all the major music labels. Amazon’s most successful product launch was the Kindle, its branded electronic book reader that delivered hundreds of thousands of books, magazines, blogs, and newspapers in a matter of seconds. As thin as a magazine and light as a paperback, the device has been the company’s best-selling product since 2009. Today, you can find virtually anything you want on Amazon.com. The company has successfully established itself as the biggest online retailer in the world by enabling merchants of all kinds to sell items on the site. In addition to its core business, Amazon also runs an “Associates” program that allows independent sellers and businesses to receive commissions for referring customers to the site in a variety of ways, including direct links and banner ads as well as Amazon Widgets, mini-applications that feature the company’s wide selection of products. Associates can create an Amazon-operated online store easily, with low risk and no additional cost or programming knowledge. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) takes care of picking, packing, and shipping the merchant’s products to its customers. One consistent key to Amazon’s success is its willingness to invest in the latest technology to make shopping online faster, easier, and more personally rewarding for its customers and third-party merchants. During peak season in 2012, the company sold approximately 306 items per second, or 26 million items per day. Small wonder that it continually looks for ways to improve delivery. For a $99 annual fee, Amazon Prime provides unlimited free express shipping for millions of items. While free shipping and price cuts are sometimes unpopular with investors, Bezos believes they build customer satisfaction, loyalty, and frequency of purchase orders. In 2013, Amazon.com announced a partnership with the U.S. Postal Service to begin delivering orders on Sundays. Bezos also predicted on 60 Minutes that the company may use drones in the near future to make same-day delivery of lightweight products within short distances of distribution warehouses. (Critics find this unlikely for many reasons, though.) Amazon has also maintained competitive and low prices throughout its product expansion. The company understands how important it is to keep its prices low in order to drive the volume it needs to remain a market leader and expand geographically. Amazon’s practice of selling books at heavily discounted prices, however, has upset some of its channel partners in publishing, as have its attempts to become a publisher in its own right. From the beginning, Bezos has said that even though he started an online bookstore, he eventually wanted to sell everything to everyone through Amazon.com. The company continues to invest significantly in technology, is focused on the long term, and has successfully positioned itself as a technology company with its wide range of Amazon Web Services. This growing collection of infrastructure applications meets the retailing needs of companies of virtually all sizes. Amazon has successfully reinvented itself time and again and created a critical channel for merchants around the world who are able to reach more than 244 million customers worldwide.

PSY111 Foundations of Psychology for the Health and Human services

PSY111 Foundations of Psychology for the Health and Human services

Assessment item 5: Short answer exercise B

Task: For this assessment, you must complete ALL parts of ALL three (3) exercises.

Each of the exercises is broken into smaller tasks.


This assessment will allow you to further develop your skills in selection of material, comprehension and application of theory, and referencing. The exercises explore the topics of Psychological Disorders and Treatments, Social Psychology and Motivation.


Each exercise should start on a separate page and have clear headings (e.g. Task 1, Task 2, etc.) to indicate which questions are being answered.

You do NOT need to provide the actual full question for each task, just a heading such as “Task 1”. You should provide a separate reference list at the end of each exercise, so altogether you will have 3 reference lists within the assignment

.  Important note:Please remember that this is a psychology assignment, so you should try to include principles and theories of psychology wherever appropriate, and use appropriate psychology sources (e.g. psychology textbooks, psychology journal articles) to support your answers.**Remember to also refer to the detailed information about this task including format/presentationrequirements and the marking criteria in your Subject Outline




Choose ONE

(1) of the following case studies (at the end of this exercise). Write which case study you have chosen (e.g. Case study #1, John).

TASK 2 (200 words)

Identify the psychological disorder in your chosen case study (use the proper name for the disorder as per the DSM-5 and be specific e.g. Social Anxiety Disorder not just Anxiety) and provide arationale on how you identified this disorder, including key symptoms. (Criteria: Selection of material, Comprehension And application of theory, Critical thinking; evaluation And analysis of psychological literature, Referencing and presentation)

TASK 3 (300 words)

It is common for psychologists to use a combination of therapies in treating an individual patient. Based on your diagnosis of the disorder in TASK 2 (above), choose a combination of TWO (2) therapies that you believe would be the most effective for treating the disorder you have identified in the case study. In your response, you should provide a justification for:

  • why these two (2) therapeutic approaches would be effective based on evidence from the literature (that is, why are the techniques used within each of these therapeutic approaches suitable for this patient), and •how the two (2) therapeutic approaches might work together to treat the disorder List of therapeutic approaches
  • Psychodynamic psychotherapy • Psychoanalysis •Behavioural therapy •Cognitive therapy (either Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy or Beck’s cognitive therapy) • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy • Gestalt therapy• Client -centred therapy • Group therapy • Pharmacotherapy •Electroconvulsive therapy (Criteria: Selection of material, Comprehension and application of theory, Critical thinking; evaluation and analysis of psychological literature, Referencing and presentation)



– John

John, 53, a married man, whose life is complicated by his mother living with him and his wife, complains that he feels tense and irritable most of the time. He fears that something will happen to his mother, his wife, his children, or himself. He has no definite idea what it is that he fears might happen.

He also worries about work, money and his health and finds it difficult not to worry. Often he breaks out in profuse perspiration. His mouth always seems to be dry, even though he drinks a great deal of water and he cannot sleep.


– Heather

Heather, a 20 year-

old University student, has an intense fear of speaking to people she does not know very well. During her first and second years, she chose subjects with large lectures, where

she could hide in the back of the lecture theatre and not speak to other students or participate in

class discussions. Heather received high marks in all of her subjects. In her third year, Heather is

now required to attend subjects of smaller class sizes in which class participation and small group

work is required. She is sure that she will do something embarrassing, such as vomit, and others

will judge her negatively. Because of these fears, Heather has trouble sleeping at night and is

considering dropping out of University.



Karen is 24 years old. She describes often having difficulty breathing, where her breaths get very

shallow and she feels like she is going to stop breathing. She feels that the air feels like it gets

thinner and is not coming up through her nose. She then takes short rapid breaths and gets very

dizzy and disoriented. She reports feeling like she cannot sit or stand still and will start pacing,

Reflective Brief #3: Engaging and Supporting Young Children

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to learn about and reflect on their knowledge of research-based, recommended practices. Students will be expected to prepare written briefs in which they reflect on the readings and identify practices that plan to implement in their own classrooms. Additional readings and guidance for writing each reflective brief can be seen below.

Briefs must be typewritten in APA format and may not exceed 5 pages.


Reflective Brief #3: Engaging and Supporting Young Children
Review the assigned readings and share your thoughts on

1-how best to engage and support young children with special needs.

2- Describe what practices you might implement and why. Provide a clear rationale for each practice that is supported with references to course readings.

Required readings (please download from link :


*Division for Early Childhood [DEC]. (2014). DEC recommended practices in early intervention/early childhood special education 2014. Retrieved from http://www.dec-sped.org/recommendedpractices – Environment and Instruction topic areas

·       *National Association for the Education of Young Children [NAEYC]. (2003). Early childhood curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation: Building an effective accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8. Retrieved from https://www.naeyc.org/positionstatements/cape – pp. 6-9 

·       *DEC/NAEYC. (2009). Early childhood inclusion: A joint position statement of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute. Retrieved from: http://www.dec-sped.org/position-statements

·       *Coogle, C. G., Floyd, K., Hanline, M. F., & Kellner-Hiczewski, J. (2013). Strategies used in natural environments to promote communication development in young children at risk for autism spectrum disorder. Young Exceptional Children, 16(3), 11-23.

·       *Donegan-Ritter, M. (2017). STEM for ALL Children: Preschool teachers supporting engagement of children with special needs in physical science learning centers. Young Exceptional Children, 20(1), 3-15.

·       *Jamison, K. R., Forston, L. D., & Stanton-Chapman, T. L. (2012). Encouraging social skill development through play in early childhood special education classrooms. Young Exceptional Children, 15(2), 3-19


See also a related task

Advocacy for Counseling Profession and Clients

1. Discuss the issues of bias and prejudice as they apply to the counseling relationship and acceptance of individual differences. How do you feel this will be an issue for you in your work?
2. Why have counselors and mental health programs placed so much emphasis on advocating for diversity and parity of services? How might you take responsibility for responding to these concerns?
3. Discuss five ways in which you can effectively expand your world over the next two years to help you understand the perspectives of others who are different than you?
Exceptional knowledge of the issues of bias and prejudice as they apply to the counseling profession.
Exceptional knowledge of the need for advocacy and
parity for diverse populations.
Exceptional knowledge of a world perspective in the
counseling profession.

Creating an Internal Assessment Survey

Differentiate the key assessment metrics in achieving an operational project plan.

Presently, your multinational organization uses steel at locations across the U.S. and globally with operations in Mexico, Russia, India, and China. Your boss is tasked with developing a global Request for Proposal (RFP) for gathering and comparing steel suppliers. In preparation for his RFP, he has tasked you with building an internal data collection tool to identify key questions to include within the RFP. The purpose of your survey is to identify all key information that is needed for the RFP, and the data collection tool will be sent to managers across the U.S. and globe. The data collection tool is a survey administered through email. Furthermore, the tool must contain a maximum of 10 questions and include the following:

Disease Brochure

Communication of information is an essential part of the biomedical industry. Doctors,
pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals must regularly convey complex
scientific concepts in an easy-to-read format to a variety of audiences.
Your task is to produce a 500-word brochure that explains the scientific basis of a disease of
your choice, aimed at recently-diagnosed sufferers. There are hundreds of diseases to choose
from – try to think of something unusual. It must, however, fall under one of the following
• Cardiovascular diseases
• CNS /Neurodegenerative diseases
• Inherited diseases
• Cancer
• Autoimmune diseases

You can find a similar task here

Your task is to explain the molecular causes and disease processes plus any current treatments
and their mechanism of action. Do not waste space talking about symptoms or prognosis.
Instead you must talk about the cellular and biomolecular aspects of the disease only. Your
intention is to be a) clear, b) concise and c) accurate while also presenting the information in
an educational manner. Think of innovative and clever ways of presenting your work, such as
a folded double-sided brochure or a fact-sheet.
The purpose of this assignment is to work towards achieving the following learning outcome:
• Demonstrate research/inquiry skills by identifying, evaluating and collating appropriate
information from scientific sources (MED2BMS ILO 2)
At the same time, you will also working towards improving your skills in explaining the key
biological processes involved in human disease by use of descriptive disease-specific examples
(ILO 1) and also develop an appreciation for the scope and workings of the biomedical
profession (ILO 3). Specific details of the assessment criteria, and performance expectations
on which the grading is based, will also be made available on the LMS.
**References are required for the brochure. They can take any form you wish – Harvard, APA,
footnotes at the bottom of each panel, etc., and you should only reference scientifically
authentic sources. Pictures may also need references if they contain scientific information, such
as a microscope image or diagram. Non-informative images, used for presentation purposes do
not need referencing provided they are taken from a suitable free source such as ClipArt, or a
free stock photos site.

Global Health Issue: Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia

Choose a Global Health Issue for Assignment #3

In week 6 for your third assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation of a global health issue identified by the WHO as health topics from their website http://www.who.int/topics/en/. Select one issue from this list below for your third assignment or contact your instructor if you wish to select another global health issue for this assignment.  Please do not pick an issue which you have already selected for any of your choice DQs or previous assignments. You will present your PowerPoint about your selected global health issue as part of the week 7 DQ.

Top of Form

  • Prescription drug abuse
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Childhood pregnancy
  • Heroin abuse
  • Stroke
  • COPD
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Traffic accidents/Inuries
  • Malnutrition
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Poverty
  • Preterm birth
  • Rape
  • Suicide
  • Foodborne dseases
  • Mental health disorders
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Radiation accidents
  • Epilepsy
  • Zika Virus
  • Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia
  • Antimicrobial Resistant Diseases
  • Vector Borne Diseases
  • Avian Influenza
  • Viral Hemorrhagic Diseases
  • Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
  • Climate Change
  • Parasitic Diseases