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Audit,Assurance and compliance

Audit,Assurance and compliance

Incorporating another’s work or ideas into one’s own work without appropriate acknowledgement is an academic offence. Students should submit all assignments for plagiarism checking on Blackboard before final submission in the subject. For further details, please refer to the Subject Outline and Student Handbook. • Answer all questions. • Maximum marks available: 20 marks. • Due date of submission: Week 6, Friday at 5.00 p.m. 2 Case Study on Double Ink Printers Ltd (DIPL) Background Information You are a senior manager with Stewart and Kathy and you have been approached to undertake the audit of Double Ink Printers Ltd (DIPL). For the year ended 2015, taking over from the small audit firm of Jay and Associates. DIPL print books, magazines and advertising materials for the publishing, educational and advertising industries on a print-on-demand basis.

3 ‘Print on Demand’ revenue and receivables Each time a publisher wants to add a book to DIPL’s ‘digital library’ (a server storing all of the publisher’s books in a digital format, ready to print), it emails the book to DIPL in PDF format.

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Comparative Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Comparative Business Ethics and Social

Trimester 2, 2017
Assignment 2 Group Case Study
The case assignment for Term 2, 2017 is found in your textbook Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell (11th Edition) Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases on pp.528 – 534 available in your campus library: Case 12 Insider Trading at the Galleon Group

Assignment 2 – Group Case Study
Topic: In groups of 2 – 4 students each group must read and complete a case study report based on the case Case 12 Insider Trading at the Galleon Group found in the 11th edition of the prescribed Business Ethics text book by Ferrell I Fraedrich on pages 528 – 534.

You are not allowed to submit on your own as an individual. Each group will complete a detailed analysis and present a 3000 word report of your analysis to your lecturer. You must engage in additional research to gather more background information as well as current information on the company and situation.


You must address each of the 3 case questions at the end of the case study. You must submit a soft copy to the Blackboard `Final submission link’. Please, note that hard copies are no longer accepted. The percentage matching on safe assign must be no more than 20% with relevant Harvard references included.
Format: Report format, times new roman, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing. The report needs to consist at least the following:
a. Executive Summary: ideally one page but no more than two.
b. Sections 1: Introduction (2 marks)
c. Section 2: Main body of the report consisting the 3 questions at the end of case study (12 marks)
d. Sections 3: Conclusions (2 marks)
e. Reference List (10-20 references). (2 marks)
f. Structure (2 marks)

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Case study on business communication.

Case study on business communication.

a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study.
b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study.
c) Critically analyse texts and/or multi-modal material in a business context.
d) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment.
e) Evaluate the use and importance of technology in presenting business communication.

Part B: Report

• a comprehensive understanding of the topic you have chosen
• evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence
• critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent arguments
• effective communication in the form of professional writing skills, presented in a report format and;
• effective referencing skills (APA style)
• evidence of a contribution to group effectiveness (if completed as a group assignment)

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The Corporate Reports

The Corporate Reports

Part 1 – 20 Marks
‘During the sub-prime banking crisis it was claimed by many (especially banks themselves) that accounting requirements – as reflected in various accounting standards – that require reporting entities to measure many of their assets at fair value actually exacerbated the financial crisis (Laux and Leuz, 2009; Power 2010). This is a phenomena termed procyclicality.

It is argued that when markets for financial assets (such as shares, bonds and derivatives) are booming, the value of these assets held by banks, and shown at fair value within their statements of financial position, will similarly rise significantly above their historical cost – thus increasing the reported net assets and capital and reserves of the bank.

Part 2 – 20 Marks

‘In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development set out an aspirational goal of sustainable development – describing it as ‘development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’
Through their activities and relationships, all organizations make positive and negative contributions toward the goal of sustainable development. Organizations therefore have a key role to play in achieving this goal.

Sustainability reporting, as promoted by the GRI Standards, is an organization’s practice of reporting publicly on its economic, environmental, and/or social impacts, and hence its contributions – positive or negative – towards the goal of sustainable development. Through this process, an organization identifies its significant impacts on the economy, the environment, and/or society and discloses them in accordance with a globallyaccepted standard.
Marking criteria Assignment 2
1. Accuracy and presentation of content 2. Quality and clarity of writing 3. Critical analysis and evaluation of evidence 4. Depth and quality of research and data collection 5. Completeness and accuracy of referencing.

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Case study on nursing

 Case study on nursing

Unit Learning Written case study essay with headings (including El-P assessment) 1800 word count (+/-10%)
Sunday 3rd Sept at 23:59hr
Submit via Case Study Turnitin link via Blackboard site under ‘Assessments’ tab
• Develop an appropriate response to the acute nursing needs of a diverse range of
Outcomes for this clients.
assessment • Utilise evidence based practice to identify and problem solve the needs of patients in acute situations.
Assessment Instructions
Dave Sawyer (DOB: 24/10/1991) is a FIFO worker who lives near Collie. Dave has just completed his rotation of night shifts and flown straight home for his R&R days.
Dave went to ED, and on arrival Dave’s observations were: T-36.70C, HR-89bpm, RR-20pm, BP-139/68mmHg, 02-95% RA, pain score 9/10.

Dave is allergic to elastoplast (causing pruritus and welts), is not on any medications, and has no other medical problems.
You are looking after Dave on his return to the ward post-operatively at 11:45hrs. Doctor’s post-op orders are for routine observations, dressing to stay intact for 72hrs, keep leg elevated, and neurovascular observations four-hourly. He is awake and alert, and he has a dressing on his right calf, with minimal sanguineous ooze evident. Dave’s observations on return to ward are: T-36.10C, HR-66bpm, RR-16pm, BP-109/71mmHg, 02-95% RA, and pain score 2/10.
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Advanced Thermodynamics

Advanced Thermodynamics

1. Provide a brief yet concise answer to the following concept questions:
a. The heat conduction equation in a medium is given in its simplest form as indicated below. Describe all aspects of this system (i.e., shape, transient / steady-state, constant / varying properties etc. – NB more elements then listed to be considered)

b. Draw the thermal resistance network for a (i) a single-layer plane wall (ii) a five-layer composite wall and (iii) a three component wall where each material is in parallel and explain how the thermal resistance and heat transfer compares in each case. Include radiation and convection.
c. Sketch the velocity and thermal profiles of flow in a pipe at the regions indicated. Comment on the Nusselt number (hence heat transfer coefficient, and thus heat transfer) in each region.

To maximise heat transfer would you recommend the flow be laminar or turbulent

Entrance Developing, Fully developed, Re 10,000
Re 2000 2,000 Re 10,000
d. Sketch the convection currents for the following enclosures. In all cases THo3 = 40°C and T7oia = 30°C. Tilted enclosures have been rotated 45°. Comment on the effectiveness of the heat transfer between the two plates.
2. A 100-mm diameter cylindrical rod generates uniform internal heat at a rate of ^^)*n = 2x10s W m# and has a surface temperature of 125°C. The rod is in a room where the ambient temperature is 24°C and the combined convective and radiation heat transfer coefficient is 350 W/m2/K. The properties of the rod are, k = 30 W m • K, p = 1100 k^^ mG and ^^I = 800 J k^^ • K. Assuming steady state conditions, find

a. A unique expression for the temperature profile in the rod
b. Plot this temperature distribution
3. A building has a composite wall of plywood LS = 50mm, k = 0.72 W m • K, insulation Lb =
150mm, k = 0.046 W m • K, and gypsum plasterboard LI = 13mm, k = 0.81 W m • K as indicated
below. On a hot summer day the convection heat transfer coefficients are ho = 60 W m# • K and hi =
30 W m# • K. The inside and outside temperatures are 20°C and 32°C respectively.

The total wall surface area is 420 m#. Neglect Radiation.

a. Draw the thermal resistance network and determine the thermal resistance of the wall
b. Determine the total heat loss through the wall
c. The temperature of the insulation where it joins the plywood
d. Determine the percentage change in heat transfer through the wall if the insulation thickness is halved
4. A tube has an outer diameter of 15-mm, inner diameter of 12-mm and a length of 3.5-m. The internal surface temperature of the tube is maintained at 27°C. Water enters the tube from a large reservoir at m =
0.4 kg s and TT,i = 57°C
a. What is the outlet temperature of the water, TT,o Assume the water has an average mean
temperature of 37°C.

b. What is the exit temperature of the water if it is heated by passing air at T., = 130°C and V = 10 m/s in cross flow over the tube Assume an average film temperature of 105°C.
5. Thin sheets of steel (L = 5m, W = 10m, t = 5mm, ) exit a heat treatment facility with a uniform
temperature of 950°C. They are to be cooled in a room where the ambient temperature is 24°C. The
properties of the steel plate are: k = 28.5 W/m/K and p = 7822 kg/mG.

Calculate the heat transfer rate

a. The sheets are suspended vertically

Fujii, T and Imura, H “Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Plate with Arbitrary Inclination” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 15 (1972) p7.55

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Leading Change in Management

 Leading Change in Management


Marking Criteria for the Online “Leading Change Management” Survey and Feedback Report
No Submission Partial Completion Full Completion

0% 5 to 10 marks = 5% 10 to 20 marks = 10%
Feedback Report:
1. Please comment on the overall look of this ‘Leading Change Management” survey here -:
2. Did you understand what was required of you to complete this survey
What changes can you recommend to make this easier
3. What makes you, you section
Was this clear to you
Is the gender section appropriate/useful
Are the age categories appropriate
Are the current occupations sections useful
Additional comments:
Leading Change Management Survey – itself -:
4. Section 1 – Passion for Change:
What did you like about this section
Was it easy for you to understand/use
What improvements would you suggest
5. Section 2 – Change of Plan:
What did you like about this section
Was it easy for you to understand/use
What improvements would you suggest
6. Section 3 – Change for the Better:
What did you like about this section
Was it easy for you to understand/use
What improvements would you suggest
7. Individual Report:

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Market Entry and STP Strategy

Market Entry and STP Strategy

Length: 3500 words
Submission method options
Alternative submission method


In this assessment, you will continue to use the country and focus organisation you worked on in Asst 2. Here you will develop the next steps in their international marketing plan.
Part 1 requires you to evaluate all realistic market entry options for this organisation in your target country market (typically at least three, including your preferred option). These options should be discussed, covering advantages and disadvantages, how they might work and reasons for adopting or discarding each one, within the context of your company and the chosen market.

In Part 2, it is now necessary to identify potential market segments (target markets) in the chosen country and consider how they might be serviced by your organisation. You must show your understanding of the concepts involved and your ability to think through and express marketing strategy options.

In justifying your choice for the STP strategies, you must:

• Explain the strategic approach you used to segment the market, and justify why you have selected particular target market segment(s) in the chosen market. These may be within the B2B sector, B2C or a combination.
• Identify your recommended positioning strategies for each target market.
More detail on what should be included in these sections is available in the Project Guide in Resources.

This assessment has been designed to:

• demonstrate the application of the knowledge gained in the subject to the development of strategies in an international market;
• allow you to develop your information searching and critical thinking skills; and provide you with further experience in academic writing

On successful completion of this assessment, you should:
• be able to interpret and assess the impact of marketplace variables on marketing practice in the global marketplace;
• be able to select markets and justify market entry options; and
• be able to create justifiable and effective marketing strategies.

Marking criteria

Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Critical analysis skills – Student applies and integrates critical analysis when selecting and justifying marketing strategies
Value 30% No evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis. No attempt to take and understand multiple perspectives Little evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis.

Attempts to take and understand multiple perspectives Some evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis. Takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide a critical discussion of the relevant issues Evidence of independent investigation, and original questioning and analysis.

Independently takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide an insightful critical discussion of the relevant issues. Strong evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis. Independently takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide an insightful and/or exhaustive critical discussion of the relevant issues

Application skills – This criterion is about linking theory to a specific context
Strategic perspective This is about strategic recommendations for the company

Realism – This is about practicality/realism in the country context

Communication – This is about the presentation of the work including: Structure, Format, Grammar
Value 15% Poor grammar, spelling, punctuation, concepts were not clear, materials difficult to read – no tables or figures, inconsistency in style and content between sections. Word count is 10% over or under limit.

Some grammatical errors, sentences were clear and complete, clear structure and formatting, some diagrams, but not explained and only decorative, some inconsistencies in style and content. Adheres to word limit.  Adheres to word limit.

Free of grammatical errors. Structure and format were clear. Sentences were well constructed. Language was concise. Excellent use of relevant graphics Clear consistency in style and content. Adheres to word limit. Free of grammatical errors. Structure and format were clear, logical and consistent. Sentences were well constructed. Exceptional use of clearly relevant graphics. Obvious consistency in style and content, with relevant links between sections. Adheres to word limit.

Referencing Skills

This criterion is about the application of APA referencing  Application was still inconsistent with some points remaining unreferenced. Both in-text and reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA
This Asst should be a maximum of 3500 words. Please use headings/sub-headings to highlight changes in topic.
‘In your own words’ is critical in displaying your understanding of the material, rather than being expert at copy and paste.

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Drivers of International Marketing

 Drivers of International Marketing

We have provided three resources for you to use to help you with Assessment One. Even if you feel very confident about your researching and referencing skills, please go to each resource before you begin the assessment as you will need to use them to complete the task.
Access the following in your Resources folder on Interact:
Online research using Google Scholar
Finding sources using Primo Search
Referencing using APA style
How to apply theory to practice
Then, select an Australian-based organisation with which you are familiar.Use theory and real world examples to illustrate your points.
Market needs
Cost – scale
Students should NOT contact the organisation at any time while undertaking this assessment.

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Case study on Strategic Plan

Case study on Strategic Plan

Create the Final Strategic Plan. The Final Strategic Plan contains the elements of all the previous weeks’ components and incorporates instructor feedback. The strategic recommendations will be evaluated and the best options chosen for recommendation. The final strategic plan contains:

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary (350 to 700 words)
  • Company Background
  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Value Statement
  • Environmental Scan
  • Internal and External Environmental Analysis
  • Strategic Recommendation
  • Implementation Plan
  • Organizational Change Management Strategies
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Conclusion
  • References


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