The slaughtering, processing, and packaging of meat has long been associated with a high
incidence of accidents, injuries and illnesses. When the Occupational Safety and Health
Act (OSHA) of 1970 became law, the meat and meat products industry was designated by the
Department of Labor as one of the five Standard Industrial Classifications (SICs) to receive
priority attention as part of OSHA’s efforts to target those industries having the highest rates of
occupational injuries. In this paper I will explain why I agrees with the conclusions and recommendations of the Human Rights Watch in regards to worker safety concerning immigrant workers and why new laws need to be written that ensure worker safety regardless of their immigration status. The Human Rights Watch determined that jobs in the majority of meat processing, beef, pork and poultry plants were so inherently life and limb threatening and this commerce went as far as to blatantly breach international agreements pledging a safe and healthy work environment with impunity. Due to the high rate of injury at that time which …