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Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management

Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management


As a group, you will work collaboratively to produce a literature review of a chosen
specific DIVERSITY management topics within H & T work context in the following:
(1) diversity training
(2) gender diversity
(3) sexuality diversity
(4) age diversity
(5) physical and intellectual diversity

development of thinking over the years. The literature review must be 2500
words in length (+/- 10%).

1. an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
2. definitions of key terms using relevant literature.

5. a demonstration of the appropriate use of grammar, spelling, punctuation and
Criteria & Marking:
The total mark for the research paper is 35%. The grading criteria for the
written paper are:
 content knowledge (40 marks);
 purpose and expression in paper (20 marks);
 organisation and structure (20 marks); and
 summarisation (20marks).

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Vice President of Operations

Vice President of Operations

Due Week 6 and worth 280 points

Refer to the scenario from Assignment 1.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Evaluate two to four (2-4) weaknesses that are evident in the selected organization’s product life cycle. Generate a new product design and product selection, and then determine three (3) strategies that the organization needs in order to strengthen the operation. Provide support for the rationale.
  2. Determine the key components of supply chain management for the company you have selected.  Determine three (3) major issues that could affect the structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and the supply chain of your organization. Provide a solution to each issue.
  3. Develop a total quality management tool that identifies and analyzes any future issues. Provide a rationale for developing the selected tool.
  4. Analyze three (3) advantages in employing the just-in-time philosophy in your organization. Evaluate three to five (3-5) means in which the philosophy could potentially impact quality assurance. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  5. Determine a qualitative and quantitative forecasting method for your operation. Next, create a table in which you identify the characteristics of the operation that relate to each method. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
  6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine the key components of supply chain management including structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and managing the supply chain.
  • Examine how the total quality management process is a strategy for a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
  • Identify the key elements of just-in-time manufacturing and its impact on quality assurances.
  • Develop a forecasting method appropriate to a production or service operation.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in operations management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about operations management using proper writing mechanics.

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company’s recruitment and retention programs

company’s recruitment and retention programs

How might being on the following lists assist in a company’s recruitment and retention programsa. Fortune magazine’s 100 Best Companies

b. Working Mother list of 100 best companies

c. Fortune magazine list of 100 fastest-growing companies in the United States

d. Money magazine list of 100 best places to live

e. Business Ethics magazine list of 100 Best Corporate Citizens

f. Computerworld list of Best Places to Work

g. Black Enterprise list of Best Companies for Diversity.

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Money Management

Money Management

Question 1: Investing in a specific company. 20% of the grade, 1000 words

Choose a company in a part of the world and domain where you feel at ease, and which has both shares on the stock market and also corporate bonds outstanding. Describe the company, consider the recent performance (e.g. five years) of the shares and the bond you have selected. That means that you have to research the price of the chosen bond and the share price five years ago and today.

You should probably use Morningstar as your source but you are not obliged to.

Had you invested 50/50 in the bond and the share, what would your average annual return over the last five years have been.

Complete your answer with a reflection on how you found the exercise (easy/difficult, interesting/rather a chore). We are not looking for a particular view – only that you have one.

Question 2: An investment strategy based on funds. 65% of the grade, 3000 words

To answer this question you are to develop an investment strategy specifically for yourself, and as realistic as possible, and reflecting your view of macro-economics and its impact on financial markets.

First analyse your own situation and risk profile (character, life-style, time horizon, objectives, etc) and your macro-economic view, then reflect them in a portfolio of mutual funds or ETFs using examples and providers chosen from David Costa’s book (but you can also use any mutual fund or ETF available in the Morningstar database).

Before selecting the investment vehicles you will need to determine your asset allocation and justify it. Normally five to seven mutual funds and ETFs funds will suffice for diversification. Bring an element of timing into your investment plan.

You are not obliged to one type over the other; make you choices and say why. That will require you to describe the funds. You should also wish to reflect your own view on likely global economic developments.

Question 3: How will you use your nestegg 15% of the grade, 500 words

Assume that you have built up funds from the portfolio in Question 2. How might you use such a nestegg in your retirement


N.B. As this is an academic paper, you must use the Harvard referencing system. You will be penalized for inaccurate, missing and erroneous referencing.


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The fundamental security design principles.

 The fundamental security design principles.


(4 Points Each) 1. List and briefly define the fundamental security design principles.

2. Describe the risk analysis approach and the steps in a detailed or formal risk analysis.

3. Describe the basic principles utilized in mandatory access control. How do these basic principles help MAC control the dissemination of information

4. What is a message authentication code

5. What is the security of a virtualization solution dependent upon What are some recommendations to address these dependencies


7. Describe the inference problem in databases. What are some techniques to overcome the problem of inference

8. Assume you have found a USB memory stick in the parking lot at work.

9. Explain why input validation mitigates the risks of SQL injection attacks.

10. What are the benefits and risks of server-side scripting

11. What is the difference between persistent and non-persistent cross-site scripting attacks

12. Briefly describe how Unix-like systems, including Linux, use filesystem quotas and process resource limits. What type of attacks are these mechanisms useful in preventing

13. Why are pharming and phishing attacks often used in concert with each other

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Internet on the past and current status of air pollution in the U.S. In your research

Internet on the past and current status of air pollution in the U.S. In your research

Conduct research on the Internet on the past and current status of air pollution in the U.S. In your research, consider the years before the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency in order to learn what conditions were like at that time. Research the current situation to gain a firm understanding of how things have changed.

3. Describe some of the methods or instruments used to measure pollutants and how they function.

4. Does weather impact measurements of pollutants Explain and justify your claims.

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Conversations case study

Conversations case study

Think back over conversations you have had with friends, family members, co-workers, or classmates.

Select a conversation in which the other person wanted to talk about something that was troubling him or her. As you replay this conversation in your mind, think about how well you did in terms of empathic listening.

Develop a 1,050-word analysis including:

  • Explain whether you found yourself being critical when the person really just needed someone to listen.
  • Identify whether you let the person know, by your words or actions, you cared about his or her dilemma, even if you were not able to help in any other way.
  • Analyze your listening performance.

Note: Be sure not to disclose any private information; you can change the names of the people involved or the circumstances as needed to maintain privacy.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


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blend of decentralized and centralized computing.

blend of decentralized and centralized computing.

T F 1. Typically cloud computing services will be rented from an external company that hosts and manages them.

T F 2. The service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a form of client/server computing.

T F 3. The client/server architecture is a blend of decentralized and centralized computing.

T F 4. A cloud broker evaluates the services provided by a cloud provider in terms of security controls, privacy impact, performance, and so on.

T F 5. NIST defines three service models that can be viewed as nested service alternatives: SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.

T F 6. Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network.

T F 7. In an internet environment, multicasting is an easier undertaking.

T F 8. One way to assure that the packet is received by all members of the group is to broadcast a copy of each packet to each network in the configuration, over the least-cost route for each network.

T F 9. Both the broadcast and multiple unicast strategies are inefficient because they generate unnecessary copies of the source packet.

T F 10. IGMP takes advantage of the broadcast nature of a LAN to provide an efficient technique for the exchange of information among multiple hosts and routers.


II. Multiple Choices (15 points)

1. The magnitude of delay variation, called ________ , is a critical factor in realtime applications. A. jitter B. stuttering C. supernetting D. latency

2. Peak download rate for a 4G network is __________. A. 1 Gbps B. 100 Mbps C. 500 Mbps D. 384 kbps

3. Peak download rate for a 3G network is _________. A. 1 Gbps B. 100 Mbps C. 500 Mbps D. 384 kbps

4. Wireless communications is likely to be viewed as an essential part of an enterprise network infrastructure when:

5. The network vehicle used for worm propagation is ___________. A. electronic mail facility B. remote execution capability C. remote login capability D. all of the above

6. A worm that can attack a variety of OSs rather than a single OS such as Windows is ______________. A. multiplatform B. multi-exploit C. polymorphic D. metamorphic

7. The primary mechanism used in implementing denial-of-service attacks is the: A. worm B. Trojan horse C. bot D. all of the above




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A midair collision occurs within the Class D airspace

A midair collision occurs within the Class D airspace

A midair collision occurs within the Class D airspace of a local airport that has a control tower operated by the FAA. Visibility at the time of the accident was three miles (marginal VMC), and both aircraft had radioed the tower a minute or two before the collision, reporting similar positions. Each obtained landing instructions and the tower warned the second aircraft that another aircraft had reported inbound from the same area.

The aircraft were not yet visible to the tower controllers when the collision occurred. One of the distraught tower controllers later lamented to the news media: “I told Washington months ago that we needed radar at this tower and that if we didn’t get it pretty soon, there was probably going to be a midair collision. If only we’d had radar, we could have kept those planes apart.” Can the survivors of the people who died in the collision reasonably hope to successfully sue the federal government for the FAA’s negligence in not installing air traffic radar at this airport Explain.

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The CEO of MegaGlobe Business Solutions

 The CEO of MegaGlobe Business Solutions

Scenario: You are the CEO of MegaGlobe Business Solutions, a financial consulting corporation based in Chicago that has just recently opened new offices in São Paulo, Brazil and Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. As part of this transition, your employees will now be working collaboratively with employees at these locations to provide financial consulting services in these new markets. To assist with the transition, you will develop an internal leadership blog for your employees that addresses the implications of leading within a culturally-diverse and changing global business environment. This blog should focus on the need to positively adapt to a variety of leadership styles and individual differences within these cultures.

Write a 800 word internal leadership blog using the Leadership Blog template, and include the following:

  • Explain the implications of leading within a changing global business environment.
  • Describe the Team Leadership Model and how this relates to your current business practices.
  • Outline positive aspects of gender, diversity, culture, and teamwork that can improve overall business performance.
  • Apply principles of motivational leadership within a variety of diverse cultures.
  • Use at least one image, photo, chart, or graph to deliver a key concept within your blog


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