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The Gemba Walk Presentation

The Gemba Walk Presentation



Complete a modified Gemba Walk.

Prepare for your preliminary walk by completing the following:

  • Refer back to this week’s Gemba walk presentation.
  • Survey your department or another area of your choosing. Decide upon where you will focus your walk.
  • Research both the setting where you will be doing your walk and explore external resources that will inform your setting.

Complete the walk by asking and answering the four W’s outlined in the Gemba Walk Presentation

Utilizing systems thinking concepts produce a 525- to 1,050-word executive summary.

  • Discuss the four Ws and your findings.
  • Where do you see opportunities to decrease muda (waste) and increase creativity and flow within processes or departments within your organization?

Answer the following two questions on separate sheets of paper it’s important that you DO NOT include these answers in your Gemba walk Credit WILL NOT be given if you do so. Title page is not necessary for your answers but can be used

1,) Review and consider the content you covered during Week Two.

Post a 260- to 350-word response to the following questions

Using Trbovich’s article, identify one area in your organization where you think you might be able to incorporate systems thinking.

  • Provide examples from this week’s readings and external research.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines


  1. ) Readthe Gemba Walk Presentation created by Eve Krahe, PhD.

Post a response to the following question

How will you prepare to begin your Gemba Walk?

infection from mucor is in the lungs

infection from mucor is in the lungs

In your post, you mentioned that most common place of infection from mucor is in the lungs. Research supports this as, “the most common place of involvement was lung (89.4%)” (Noorifard et al., 2015). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the signs and symptoms of pulmonary mucormycosis was fever, cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath (2015). Interestingly it was found that “fever was the most popular sign of the infection (100%)” (Noorifard, et al., 2015).

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patients that are immunocompromised

patients that are immunocompromised

Pulmonary Mucormycosis is most common in patients that are immunocompromised. Early diagnosis for early treatment is essential for this life-threatening disease. Yes, depending on the patient’s reason for having a low immunity, neutropenia can occur and increase the patient’s risk for infection even greater. But, the patient in our DQ had a high WBC count. The lab did not show differentiation of the WBCs. Doesn’t the elevated WBC count mean the person’s immune system is trying to fight the fungus? I do not think our patient needs colony stimulating factors for neutropenia. But our patient may need surgery as you pointed out. “There are four determining factor in the successful treatment of mucormycosis: early diagnosis, amphotericin B, surgical resection and reversal of host impairment” ( Oluwatobi, et al., 2016).

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Case study on incentive spirometer

Case study on incentive spirometer

A good intervention for an immunosuppressed patient is an incentive spirometer.  My grandmother would use an incentive spirometer for her COPD.  It wasn’t always easy to have her use the spirometer.  In addition, I have had to teach myself to use it, when I was diagnosed with pneumonia and had a very bad cough years ago.  It’s quite difficult to use when you are feeling ill and all choked up.

Some effective obejctives for a spirometer as a nurse include:

1. Teach patient of benefits of  Incentive spirometer

2. Teach patient that the reason for incentive spirometry is to help him fully inflate his lungs

3. Patient will report number of times used daily and mark progress with indicator

4. Patient will demonstrate knowledge of COPD process, meds, therapy and follow up care.


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Pandemic of childhood obesity

Pandemic of childhood obesity

Obesity continues to be on the rise and creates a multitude of other issues for patients as secondary diagnoses due to the obesity. In my experience and over the years I have seen clothing stores change their size charts, and restaurants offer larger portion sizes, with cheaper prices. There is a pandemic of childhood obesity with estimates the rate of obesity will continue to rise. What will it take for the community to focus on health education and maintaining a healthy weight? It appears there are efforts in some campaigns such as the former first lady, Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move!’ campaign, but I’m not sure it is enough. I do not see a huge change in childhood obesity or adult obesity. What can nurses do to support healthier habits and lifestyles in the community?


Most Prevalent Health Issues

Most Prevalent Health Issues

Select a program that you would like to develop in your community or city based on one of the six most prevalent serious health problems currently faced by communities today such as poverty, health security, and communicable diseases.

Based on your research, create a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document including answers to the following questions:

  • Identify your chosen problem and why it is a health community concern?
  • Identify how you will assess the need for the program? What type of data will you review?
  • How do you determine the target audience? List any one goal and three objectives. What do you want to achieve when you develop the program? What will be the outcome? What is the purpose of developing goal and objectives?
  • How will you get people in the community involved to gain support for your proposal?
  • What realistic method will be used to market the program in your community? Keep in mind the location, transportation, parking, and type of building.
  • How will you implement the program? What type of “best practice” strategy will you include in your program?
  • What type of feedback will you gather to analyze, if the program was successful? Why accurate feedback is critical to make certain, the program is a success? How will you collect objective data?

Provide at least two scholarly resources taken from the South University Online Library to support your efforts and topic.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

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wealth and power among countries.

wealth and power among countries.

Books Required Introduction to Sociology 9th Edition Author: Anthony Giddens, Mitchell Duneier, Richard P. Appelbaum, & Deborah Carr ISBN: 978-0393922233 Publisher: W. W. Norton (2014)

Assigned Reading: Ch. 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, You will accomplish this by writing a 4-6 pages APA formatted paper Homework: Choose one topic. You need to use it as your title.

1. Discuss systematic differences in wealth and power among countries.

2. Recognize the impact of economic standards of living on people around the world.

3. Analyze the success of new industrializing economies.

4. Compare various theories on explaining why some societies are wealthier

5. Analyze forms of inequality experienced by racial and ethnic groups in the United States.

6. Compare global migration patterns and their effects.

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The U.S. prison population

The U.S. prison population

1. Discussion Question:

2. Discuss the increase in proportion of U.S. population in age 65 and older.

3. Describe key theories of aging that focus on how society shapes the social roles of older adults.

4. Analyze the effects of global economic competition on employment and how it will change over the coming years.

5. Discuss how sociologists define and describe families 6. Why has the U.S. prison population increased steeply over the past three decades?

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The role of schooling in society.

The role of schooling in society.

Books Required Introduction to Sociology 9th Edition Author: Anthony Giddens, Mitchell Duneier, Richard P. Appelbaum, & Deborah Carr ISBN: 978-0393922233 Publisher: W. W. Norton (2014)

You will accomplish this by writing a 6- 10 pages APA formatted paper Choose one topic. You need to use it as your title.

1. Describe sociological thinking of families and how it has changed over time.

2. Analyze patterns of marriage, childbearing, and divorce.

3. Recognize alternatives to traditional marriage and family patterns.

4. Discuss sociologists’ explanations for achievement gaps between different groups of students.

5. Describe sociological perspectives on the role of schooling in society.

6. Identify whether education reduces or perpetuates inequality and how social/cultural influences impact educational achievement.

7. Identify current educational issues that concern sociologists.

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Case study on otitis media and otitis externa

Case study on otitis media and otitis externa

Children and adults often present with complaints of ear pain. Your differential diagnoses should include otitis media and otitis externa, in addition to other possibilities such as foreign body obstruction and cerumen impactions. Give a brief overview of otitis media and otitis externa, including signs and symptoms of the most common causative agents for both. In addition, discuss the physical exam findings that you might see with the conditions when visualizing various parts of the ear such as ear canal or the tympanic membrane. How will your assessment of the ear differ in children versus adults? What would be essential health history questions to ask patients that present with ear pain and why? Support your answers with appropriate references.

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