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diagnostic psychiatric evaluation

Case Study
SM is a 32 year old female that has come to see you for a diagnostic psychiatric evaluation due to a long history of depression. She has begun to see the signs that she has seen in the past when her depression is starting up again. She is sad for no apparent reason, cries easily, has little interest in her hobbies, finds it difficult to get up and going, and sometimes isn’t even enjoying playing with her son. This has never happened before. She wants to treat this before it gets any worse like it has in the past. SM is not on any current medication and has not been for about 5 years. She is married and she has stated that she and her husband are trying to add to the family.
After an extensive interview it was found that SM was a nurse working in a step down unit in the local hospital. She works 3 – 12 hours shifts a week usually. She has a 33 year old husband of 9 years and 1 boy aged 2 1/2 years. SM stated that her husband is working part time while he is finishing up his master’s degree. He will be done in August and they would like to have another child once he is finished with school. She stated that she felt that she was tired of waiting to have another child since she had some fertility problems with the first one and she is worried about how long it will take her to get pregnant again. She reports that she breast fed her son and plans to breast feed the next child. She had a physical by her PCP and she currently has no medical problems. She has a history of PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and she is overweight. SM stated she has experienced some bouts with depression in the past and has been put on a medication but she doesn’t remember what the name of it was. She maintains a fairly healthy diet and she walks and runs. She has done several 5k’s and recently did a 10K. She has a very supportive family. Money is tight since she is really the only income but she states that they are doing “ok”. She would like to move to a larger home but she does see the light now at the end of the tunnel as he will be done with school in a few months and be able to decrease the burden of the finances from her. She hopes this will enable them to move in the near future to a larger home. She stated she had episodes in nursing school where she could not sleep for “thinking” but that doesn’t seem to be a problem this time. She stated she has 1-2 beers occasionally on the weekends, is a non-smoker, and did not take “street drugs”. She is not taking any other medications except vitamins.
There are many ways to handle this issue so let’s discuss it. How would you treat? For this assignment, please locate at least ONE peer-reviewed article that provides rationale for your approach and provide the APA citation. Attach the article in case your peers are interested in reading it.
This Discussion Board will go for weeks 1 and 2 so the initial post is due the Sunday of Week One (of course you can always do it early)

suburban metropolis

Identify and explain SEVEN major factors that enabled Los Angeles to evolve as a “suburban metropolis.” Use your own words, please, not Fishman’s. Please keep out tiny details, quotes from the readings, and facts. No numbers or dates. I want to see your brain processing the content in Fishman’s writing. Focus on the main reasons behind L.A.’s horizontal, decentralized development. What were the key factors that enabled L.A. to become, prior to 1950, a sprawling urban reality? Explain.

Professional Organization Paper

Professional Organization Paper

Nurses are a powerful group politically in the United States by virtue of their numbers. National and international nursing organizations represent nursing views in political advocacy. Therefore, nursing organizations, as coalitions, are powerful and have the ability to create and change health care policy. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree and the grassroots efforts of APRNs have the power to influence the healthcare agenda. Through membership dues and other revenue sources, professional organizations have the resources to create a network of federal lobbyists, state government political affairs directors, and political action committees.
Select one of the following professional organizations:
 National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Facilities (NONPF)  American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)  American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)  American Nursing Association (ANA)
Search the website to determine a policy issue that interests you. Evaluate the financial, social and nursing implications. Identify at least two ways you could participate in the efforts the organization is putting forth to advocate for policy changes related to the issue you selected.

pathophysiologic changes


 Provide complete and concise answers to all questions, do not include questions or scenario, and submit to assigned drop box by deadline  Use scholarly writing for all answers o Include APA style title page, citations, reference list o Use correct grammar, complete sentences, paragraph structure, professional terms o Use scholarly sources (e.g., textbook, journals, government agencies) less than 5 years old o Paraphrase content (i.e., rephrase in your own words) and cite/reference source, do not use quotes

Part 1, Eyes:

1. Describe two common disease processes of the eyes in the elderly. Discuss the pathophysiologic changes at the tissue level and relate them to abnormal assessment findings. (20 points) 2. Provide at least two evidence-based health promotion recommendations related eye health. (15 points)

Part 2, ENT: Jeremy Tiller is a 26-year old male complaining of severe, sore throat which started 2-3 days ago. In addition, he complains of fatigue, difficulty swallowing some foods, and feels pressure in the right ear. He has tried over-the-counter pain relief and decongestants without relief. Over the past 3 days, the sore throat has become more severe and he complains of dyspnea and shortness of breath. He smokes has smoked about ½ a pack of cigarettes a day since age 16.

General survey: Alert and anxious male in distress. Appears thin. His vital signs are; heart rate 130 beats/min, respiratory rate 32 breaths/min, temperature 102 degrees Fahrenheit, blood pressure 130/66 mmHg, and pain 8/10 (0-10 scale) in the throat. His oxygen saturation is 89% on room air.

ENT: Upon inspection of his mouth, the breath smells foul and the right palatine tonsil is erythematous and covered with thick, whitish exudate. The right tonsil is also edematous and displacing the uvula to the left. Upon examination of the ears, they are nontender. The right tympanic membrane is intact, but erythematous and bulging. His whisper test is 100% in both ears. For Mr. Tiller,

3. Identify potential medical diagnosis(es). Explain abnormal findings that support diagnosis (10 points) 4. Provide one prioritized, nursing diagnosis for the patient with “related to” and “as evidenced” by statements. Note: Actual problems take precedence over “risk for” problems (10 points) 5. For chosen nursing diagnosis, provide one measurable outcome with meaningful timeframe (5 points) 6. For chosen nursing diagnosis/outcome, provide evidence-based nursing interventions with scientific rationales. Note: Include what the nurse should “monitor/assess”, “do”, and “teach” to the client (15 points) 7. Discuss one potential healthcare referral need for the client (10 points)

developmental psychology

Review and an article published in a scholarly journal in the field of developmental psychology (eg: Journal of General Psychology; Journal of Social Psychology; Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, Families in Society).

After reading the article, write a review Include:

1. a description of the rational for the study
2. a statement of the hypothesis/hypotheses under investigation
3. a summary of the method used in the study
4. a summary of the findings
5. a summary of the implication of the study,
6. a description of your own reaction to the research

organisation and the industry to which it belongs

The report must address the following issues:

Issue 1
Provide a brief description of this organisation and the industry to which it belongs. You may also want to include in this description any mission statements, value statements or ‘slogans’ that this organisation utilizes to communicate its purpose. In describing this organisation, please also identify its orientation towards marketing and provide relevant, detailed and factual supporting evidence to substantiate why you have identified this specific orientation. Finally, include a brief description of the product(s) this organisation offers the market. And comment on what role the brand has in this organisation’s marketing strategy.
Issue 2
Analyse each of the 5Cs for this organisation:

a. Company – what are the strengths and key resources, what are some of the weaknesses? What are the opportunities and threats?

b. Customers – who is the company serving and what type of behaviour is ‘typical’ from them?

c. Collaborators – describe their suppliers, distributors or other partners that help the company to deliver their products to the market? If company doesn’t have any – explain why it is not necessary.

d. Competitors – who are the current main competitors, are there any potential new threats or new entrants to the marketplace?

e. Context – what other factors affect this organisation (e.g., legal, political, technological, etc.)?

Issue 3
How does the firm go about collecting information (e.g., market research, market intelligence, etc.) about the 5Cs? For example, how does it learn about?
a. What customers want? b. Which competitors pose a threat? c. How the context of business is changing, if at all? d. What role collaborators play in the process?
Issue 4: Developing marketing strategy
Based on the market analyses, outline potential market segments that are available to the chosen organisation. Recommend and justify:

– a choice of target market(/s)

– a value proposition for the target market(/s).
– a positioning statement for the target market(/s).

Issue 5: Developing marketing tactics (25% of assignment marks)
Recommend and justify a detailed marketing mix (4-7Ps) to support the marketing strategy described in Issue 4.

** In all cases, please remember to justify your argument(s) in this assignment by explaining and providing reasoned arguments for why you have formed your views. Please ensure that you support your arguments by explicitly applying and drawing insights and conclusions from relevant marketing models, concepts and theory covered in the course to date. Do not simply rely on offering personal conjecture or opinions.

origins and impact of agriculture

In essay format write a response that fully answers the question, incorporating specific examples, rough dates, and geographic locations. You MUST provide cited examples and support from the sources used in this course. Complete sentences must be used—NO bullet points. Each question is 50 points. Be sure you clearly respond to each question and provide enough information to support your answer.

I. Write an essay on the origins and impact of agriculture. What led to it? Where and when did agriculture develop? What was developed? How did it spread? What changes occurred in society afterward? Why is knowing where plants and animals were first domesticated important? Please provide examples for your response. II. Write an essay about the rise of complex societies. What is a complex civilization? Choose one of the societies that we have discussion to help you describe the process. When and where did this society develop? How and why did it begin? How is complexity displayed in that society? How is it not? What has been the historical significance of the society that you chose? Be sure that you provide specific examples to support your answer.

War  and  Economic  Development

War  and  Economic  Development

Prior  research  on  the  effect  of  war  on  economic  development  has  been  inconclusive.   While  war  is  destructive  of  human  and  physical  capital,  waging  war  may  increase   employment  and  production  and,  so,  boost  GDP.  You  may  recognize  this  as  the  “war   is  good  for  the  economy”  argument.     To  investigate  the  actual  impact  of  war  on  economic  development,  I  assembled  three   massive  data  sets:     • GDP  per  capita  from  the  Maddison  Project;   • The  Index  of  Economic  Freedom  from  the  Cato  Institute,  and   • A  measure  of  war  that  includes  the  magnitude  of  war  from  the  Center  for   Systematic  Peace.     From  the  latter  source,  I  also  obtained  data  on  assassinations,  coups  and  other   violent  changes  in  government,  and  attempts  at  the  same.  These  data  are  to  be   found  in  the  file  EC516Assign3Data.     Your  assignment  is  to  regress  the  natural  logarithm  of  GDP  per  capita  on  the   following  set  of  variables  including  war  (specifically,  war,  the  lagged  value  of  war,   coups,  the  lagged  value  of  coups,  the  lagged  value  of  the  index  of  economic  freedom,   the  major  regions  of  the  world  [with  Europe  and  its  Offshoots  being  the  excluded   group]  and  the  lagged  value  of  the  natural  logarithm  of  GDP).  This  assignment   demonstrates  the  ability  of  regression  to  simultaneously  take  many  factors  into   account.     You  are  to  calculate  your  regression  for  a  particular  year,  for  example,  2015  (which   can  be  found  in  Grade),  interpret  your  results  with  an  emphasis  on  the  impact  of   war  but  also  considering  the  other  elements  of  the  analysis,  and  report  your

Electricity Markets

Problem Set:

1. You have been hired to analyze the electricity market on the newly inhabited island of Paradisum. There are m identical households on the island that have a demand for electricity during the day but not during the evenings (they prefer the natural light of the stars). The daytime preferences from consuming electricity for household i is represented by 𝑈(𝑞𝑖) = 𝑎𝑞𝑖 − 𝑚𝑞𝑖 2 2 .

There are n identical producers of electricity in Paradisum. The cost function of producer j is 𝐶(𝑞𝑖) = 𝑤𝑞𝑗 2 + 𝑆𝐶, where SC is a one-time fixed start-up cost, incurred only when the producer decides to generate electricity.

Both households and suppliers are price takers (i.e., in Paradisum, we have perfect competition in the electricity market).

As the analyst of this electricity market, you are asked to answer the following questions.

Demand Side:

a. What is the daytime electricity demand curve for household i for a given price of electricity P?

b. What is the daytime demand curve of the entire market for a given price of electricity P?

Supply Side:

c. What is the supply curve for producer j for a given price of electricity P?

d. What is the market supply curve for a given price of electricity P?

Competitive Equilibrium:

e. Provide expressions for the competitive equilibrium daytime price and quantity of electricity as a function of the parameters a, n, m, w and SC.

f. What is the equation for how much each producer j generates as a function of the parameters a, n, m, w and SC?


g. What is the equation for the profit for each producer j as a function of the parameters a, n, m, w and SC?

h. You have learned that a=100, w=$4, SC=$100, n=2 and m=10. Using the equations you derived above, what is the equilibrium market price and quantity? What is the quantity of electricity consumed by household i? What is the amount of electricity generated by producer j? What are the profits of producer j? What is the aggregate consumers’ surplus, producers’ surplus and total surplus?

i. Is this market equilibrium that you have found in h, a short-run or long-run equilibrium? Why? If the firm is not in long-run equilibrium, explain the adjustment process that will occur and derive the long-run equilibrium?


j. A new company, Avarum, purchases the island and appropriates all the generation assets from the individual producers. Avarum will operate industry as a legal monopolist (with one plant as there are no capacity constraints to a plant). What is the new equilibrium price and quantity of electricity? What is Avarum’s producer surplus? What is the consumers’ surplus? Is this equilibrium more or less efficient than the previous competitive equilibrium? If yes, provide a measure of the inefficiency.

Data Set:

2. A load duration curve measures the number of hours per year the total load is at or above any given level of demand. It can be constructed for a given region by measuring the total load at hourly intervals for each of the hours in a year (typically 8760), sorting them, and graphing them starting from the highest load. The result is a curve that slopes downward from the maximum load in the peak hour, hour 1, to the minimum load, baseload, in the most off-peak hour (See Figure 1-4.1, page 42 of Stoft).

Hourly Ontario demand can be found at the IESO website http://reports.ieso.ca/public/Demand/ and hourly Alberta demand can be found at the AESO website http://ets.aeso.ca/ (hint Select Report called Pool Price).

a. Using the data found on the above websites, create load duration curves for each province for the years 2007 and 2017 (each province may be represented on a separate graph).

b. Describe some of the key trends in demand for each province (i.e., what has happen to demand over the ten years in terms of peak demand growth, peak demand vs baseload demand variation, other)?

c. A jurisdiction’s annual load factor is equal to the ratio of the annual average hourly demand to annual hourly peak demand. Calculate the annual load factor

for each province. What might the differences between the load factors for each province suggest about the nature of electricity consumption in each market?

d. For each province, in what season did the peak demands occur? What might this suggest about the relative weather in each province and the nature of energy consumption?