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Please write an essay in which you first clearly identify a single major achievement in Epidemiology (e.g., Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, Cholera). Then briefly describe one important tool that is used to measure its occurrence in a population. Briefly identify one source of public health data on that issue. Finally, incorporating the concepts of risk and rates, briefly discuss at least one major factor that influenced its occurrence.


You can submit your paper in Question and Answer format. In other words, list the questions and provide a short answer to each.

Which single achievement in Epidemiology is of particular interest to you? (Some examples include Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, and Cholera). Please write 2–3 sentences maximum.
Briefly describe that achievement in Epidemiology (1–2 paragraphs). In what era did this achievement occur? Be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.
Briefly describe one important tool that can be used to measure its occurrence in a population. Examples of Tools include surveys, surveillance, and biological monitoring. Please write 2–3 paragraphs about this, and be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.
Please identify one specific source of public health data on that issue and write one paragraph about it. Provide a description of the source and a link (i.e., hyperlink or URL) directly to the data source.
Incorporating what you learned in this module about risk and rates, what would you say was one major factor that influenced the achievement of this occurrence? Please write 2–3 paragraphs and be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion

Chinese private sector recruitment with U.S private sector recruitment

Compare Chinese private sector recruitment with U.S private sector recruitment. You do not have to include an abstract with your paper…however, the 10 pages should not include the title page. The paper will be 10 pages in length with at least 10 references using peer-reviewed journals and other academic publications. The paper will be double-spaced, 12 point font, and use APA format. Here is a PPT that explains what is a literature review and how you can approach the paper. I am also attaching a sample literature review. I would encourage you to use our FHSU Library as a resource as well.

breach a norm that is not normally broken

The point of this exercise is to breach a norm that is not normally broken. Take a common activity, and alter it slightly. While norms can be individually specific, you must break a social norm, preferably a folkway. This SHOULD NOT include breaking any laws or major mores. In fact, the more common the activity, the better the effect will be upon those observing you. While this exercise is meant to be entertaining as well as educational, students are expected to act in a responsible and mature manner during the course of the assignment.

As you analyze this experience, it may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:
–Which breach did you conduct?
–How did it feel to be the violator?
–Who were the other participants?
–What were their reactions?
When you write the paper, you will be take a position concerning a concept or theory discussed in class or in the readings. Then, using the reactions of others who witnessed your breach, you will support or challenge the concept or theory. You are expected to draw from the readings, lectures, and discussions in your paper. This is a normal academic paper, which includes an intro, body, and conclusion as follows:

1. Introduction
Questions to answer include: what are norms? What are they for? What do they give to individuals and to society? What happens when they are breached? Why do people care? Then, give us the purpose of the experiment and of the paper.

2. What you did
Please explain the norm that you breached, and show what the typical fulfillment of the norm looks like in our society. Then, briefly summarize the reactions you received (you should not talk about them individually yet—just a brief summary of them all).

3. Interpretation
In this section, you will look for patterns of reactions in your experiment, and in your group members.’ How did women tend to respond? Men? Older people? Younger? How did ethnicity or culture seem to affect the reactions of those around you? How did your own characteristics govern how your behavior was received? You will want to look at reactions in the context of socialization, and think of how each group has been socialized to respond to your behavior.

4. Theoretical Analysis
You will want to pick two or more theories from our course to explain how and why you performed, and others responded to your breach. This is NOT the time to include as many terms as you can from the course; instead, select two theories, explain how they work in detail, and then apply them to specific examples from your experiment. You can draw on any group member’s experience in writing this part, and show how the theory operates in these experiences. Some good theories to include in this part come from our social psychology chapter, chapter 4.

5. Conclusion
So, the big question is….did people notice your breach? Why do even mild modifications of “normal” behavior bother people? You will want to include the “taken for granted view” in your overall analysis of this experience.

Implement a Behavior Modification Project

Implement a Behavior Modification Project

Please select a specific unhealthy behavior you would like to change. Provide a bit of background about the behavior using references from the text (you may need to look up the behavior in the text appendix and read ahead about the behavior). Next, provide a brief definition of two theories from the list below:

Health Belief Model
Self-Efficacy Theory
Theory of Planned Behavior
Behavioral Theory
Transtheoretical Model
Health Action Process Approach
Use this theory info to explain your behavior and inform your plan to change the behavior. Next, write about your plan to change this behavior, replacement activities, and how you will record your behaviors. There are numerous behavior modification tally sheets on the Internet, feel free to conduct a web search for behavior modification tally sheets and use an available sheet to record your behaviors and turn in as an attachment to your assignment, or feel free to make your own tally sheet with the categories indicated in the next paragraph.

Next, implement the plan for two days and report about how it is going. Please include information about the following areas in your paper:

Specific behavioral goals
Knowledge of when the behavior is most (or least) likely to occur
Concrete plans to change the behavior
Self-monitoring of the behavior
Periodic evaluation of whether the plan is working
Stick with the plan even after you turn in this assignment as you will be asked to provide an update on your adherence and behavior modification project in your final Signature Assignment, due in Week 8. Please include four scholarly resources in the paper. Use in-text citations for the resources in the paper and then include a reference page at the end of the assignment.



Vargas Family Case Study

Vargas Family Case Study: Meet the Family
Read “Topic 1: Vargas Case Study” and imagine that you are going to conduct a first interview with this family. Write a 700-1,050-word paper that addresses the following:
Discuss how you would build alliance with this family.
Develop some hypothesis about the family patterns that you believe are maintaining the problem.
Conclude by outlining your expectations for each phase of treatment (rapport building, assessment and intervention, and closure).
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Drug Research Project

Drug Research Project
For your next research project, you will be researching and problematizing various
aspects one specific drug, selected from the list below. Your goal is to locate
credible materials (both academic and popular sources) in which you discuss four
major aspects of this drug: Historical, Legal, Scientific, and Socio-cultural.
• You will be writing about 5 pages of research (MLA Style).
• You will need 6 sources for this project, as described below.
• You will be required to use MLA or APA format when writing (in-text
citations, works cited page, etc.)
• You should be in this essay – your reaction, your voice, your tone, your
thoughts and reflections as you make your way through this project.
Your choices for this project are: (pick one)
• LSD-25
• Methamphetamine
• Psilocybin mushrooms
• Cocaine
• Heroin
Historical Section:
2 sources
1 page


When was this drug invented or discovered or when were some of the first recorded
uses? How was it received at the time? How has the opinion of this drug changed
over time? What history does this drug have? Famous users? Inventors?
Legal Section:
1 Source
1 Page


What laws or legal issues surrounded this drug in the past? When did the drug
become illegal, restricted, or otherwise “dangerous” according to American law?
What about other countries and other laws?
Scientific Section:
1 Source
1 Page
How, according to scientific research, does this drug work? What are its chemical
properties? What happens when humans consume or ingest this drug? What
happens inside the body or brain? Is there consensus among the scientific
community about if this is good or bad or indifferent?
2 sources
2 pages


What are some of the ways this drugs has been used by various cultures, including
our own? How has this drug influenced our culture or society (think, music, art,
literature, science, religion, etc.)? What are some specific examples of this drug at
work in our society or culture?
Evaluation Criteria:
20 The research is valid, credible, and relevant
20 The writing demonstrates proper use of MLA format, including in-text
citations and works cited page
10 Each section is properly labeled and organized.
30 The research is intertwined with the author’s own voice and style (not just
cutting and pasting research)
20 The work was relatively free of grammatical and surface level issues.
100 points

Korean and Japanese companies

Compare and contrast the Korean and Japanese companies. Consider the following:

a)HRM system of Japanese and Korean
b) Internationalisation activities of Japanese firm and Korean firms
c)Innovation Management of Japanese and Korean firms

I advice students to :

a. sum up their answers in the introduction;

b. back up statements with evidence.
Ex “foreigners changed Japanese firms” or “keiretsu are worse/better than chaebol” are substantive statements unless you can state which foreigners changed Japanese firms in what way, or how keiretsu are better/worse than chaebol in what ways. Explicit examples and precise statements are key to doing well on the essay.

c. keep to the topic. If it’s a related topic but not directly relevant to the essay question, leave it out. 
Otherwise, it shows that you cannot distinguish from relevant vs irrelevant facts.

d. make sure you have a conclusion

e. write legibly.

 Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis

Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis, you constructed basic contingency (crosstab) tables. You might be surprised to learn that you can estimate a simple logistic regression model, with a categorical predictor, using the descriptive values presented in the crosstab table.
In this assignment, you use Microsoft Excel to construct a specialized tool that creates basic logistic regression models given a crosstab/contingency table. As if that were not useful enough, this Excel tool is not specialized—you can use it given any crosstab/contingency tables you encounter in research. In the field of statistical research, this is just about as exciting as you can get!
To prepare
Review the sections in the Osborne text that present a template for constructing an Excel worksheet.
Review the video in the Learning Resources, in which Dr. Matt Jones explains how to harness the power of Excel using contingency tables.
Think about the types of variables that are useful for crosstab tables.
By Day 7
The Assignment
Using one of the datasets provided, select two variables that allow you to construct a 2×2 contingency table. Use SPSS to run the initial crosstab table, using any two variables that you think are appropriate. Then, use Excel to construct a table in which you report:
Conditional probabilities
Conditional odds
Odds ratios
Relative risk
Be sure to apply the template from the Osborne text. Note that page 42 has a completed example that should help you determine these values. Be sure to use formulas and cell references in Excel so that the spreadsheet you create can be used as a tool for calculating similar values for other datasets.
Once you have created the tool, write a 1- to 2-paragraph summary in APA format interpreting your results. Submit both your Excel file and your summary to complete this assignment.