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Case study on urbanization or sub urbanization

Case study on urbanization or sub urbanization

Discussion Question By the due date, answer the question and respond to each prompt within the question. Your answer should be at least a page long and contain material gained through research. Please answer the following questions: What impact do population growth and urbanization have on the environment What is more harmful to the environment – urbanization or sub urbanization Why What can we do as individuals to lesson our impact on the environment Consider both the use of resources and pollution in your answer.

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Compensation Management and Incentive Pay

Compensation Management and Incentive Pay

“Compensation Management and Incentive Pay Select two (2) different organizations within the same industry. Research employee compensation for comparable positions within these organizations. Determine whether the compensation is similar between the organizations or there is a significant gap. Explain your findings, and suggest a rationale for any differences you find. Go to the Salary.com website and search the average salary for your current job title in your geographic area. If you are currently a fulltime student, search the average salary for a previous position you held. Next, use the results of your search to determine whether your actual current / past compensation is / was justifiable. Suggest one (1) method you could use to increase your compensation. Provide a rationale for your findings and suggestion.

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Case study on Diseases

Abby is a 20-year-old female college student. For at least the last 3 months, Abby has experienced ongoing anxiety and worry without a specific cause for these feelings. She has been restless and has noticed that her muscles feel tense and that these symptoms are beginning to affect her behavior in a way that is causing her to become distressed and that is preventing her from being able to complete her normal tasks. Abby correctly believed that it was normal to feel a little anxious sometimes; however, as the semester has progressed, she has not begun to feel significantly more comfortable.


On the recommendation of a friend, Abby visited the university’s counseling center and talked to Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith was warm and welcoming and, after discussing the limits of confidentiality with Abby and obtaining informed consent, encouraged Abby to describe her concerns. Dr. Smith listened attentively and asked Abby a few questions. They both agreed on an appointment date and time for the next week. Dr. Smith gave Abby a homework assignment to keep a written log of the negative thoughts or assumptions she has during the week and the circumstances under which those thoughts occurred. Abby was asked to bring the log with her to her next appointment.

Short-Answer Questions


Answer the following questions based on the scenario above. Answers should be short and concise.


  1. Which DSM-5 disorder matches the symptoms Abby is reporting


  1. Which theoretical model does the homework assigned by Dr. Smith match


  1. If Dr. Smith recommended medications only, which theoretical model would this match


  1. If Dr. Smith recommended medications in addition to therapy, which theoretical model would this match


  1. If Dr. Smith completed a free association exercise with Abby, which theoretical model would this match


  1. If Dr. Smith used unconditional positive regard in the treatment, which theoretical model would this match


  1. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:She had been in a car accident where she feared for her life. She had sleep disturbances including nightmares and became uncomfortable at the thought of driving, to the point that she avoided driving. She now believes she is a horrible driver, although her friends assure her this is not true. If these symptoms have lasted for longer than a month, which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms
  2. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:Every day for the past 2 weeks she felt down or sad for most of the day, had noticed an increase in her appetite, had been unable to sleep or concentrate, and felt tired. Additionally, this was interfering with her goals and tasks, and she reported that she had never felt manic or hypomanic. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms


  1. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:Every day for at least the past week she felt irritable with persistently increased energy and talkativeness, was easily distracted, did not seem to need sleep, and noticed that this behavior was interfering with her job. She reported that she has felt these symptoms before in her past and that she has also felt depressed sometimes. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms


  1. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:Throughout her life, she has always been suspicious of others. She reports that she really would like to have good relationships, but even as a child she knew that others, including family members, could not be trusted. She feels that she needs to stay on guard to protect herself. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms


  1. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby reported the following:She began drinking when she was 18 and now needs to drink more or higher concentrations of alcohol to continue to function. She reports that she has lost her part-time job because of her drinking and is in danger of failing out of college. She was hospitalized last weekend due to experiencing delirium tremens during withdrawal, and the doctor explained to her that she could die from this disorder. Abby recognized that her drinking was interfering with her life, and she knew that she did not want to die. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms


  1. If instead of the symptoms listed in the scenario, Abby’s former roommate reported the following:During a significant portion of the past month, Abby had talked to herself out loud and told her roommate that she had heard voices telling her to harm herself. Her roommate reported that Abby had told her that she occasionally stated that she was Joan of Arc and that the school mascot was stalking her. Her roommate asked to change rooms, and now that Abby was living alone, she did not appear to have bathed in more than a week. This was not typical behavior for Abby, as she had been known to be meticulous with her appearance and hygiene. The roommate expressed her concern for Abby and stated that although she had noticed some of these behaviors since she first met Abby more than 6 months ago, the behaviors seem to have increased over the past month. Which DSM-5 disorder label might match her symptoms

Management Planning and Control

 Management Planning and Control

Learning Portfolio Activity (10 marks): Apply innovative problem solving processes to address business issues related to Management Control Systems (MCS)
This set of activities is based on the case study: University of Southern California (US): Responsibility centre management system (p. 786 textbook). This is the same case as for activity 5 and 6. There are three learning objectives:
Learn to find and use innovative problem solving processes
Apply innovative problem solving processes to address business issues (program learning objectives 2.2)
Learn something about how to come up with innovative management planning and control solutions

Task 1 hints:

We define an innovative problem solving process as the use of any process to support innovative problem solving which is new to you, and it is effective. The process should be designed to enable you to think differently. An example would be the use of the business model template and set of questions we use in Seminar 1, which can be used to better understand and communicate key characteristics of organisations. Other examples include the double diamond approach, design thinking approaches, reframing, prototyping, ‘what if’ thought experiments, visual thinking, among others. You may focus on one, or combine more than one, innovative problem solving process
You may want to revise the Mandatory open source learning module on creativity which you did during the preparation / orientation weeks before attempting this task.

Task 1 innovative problem solving processes selection (300 words and one visualisation maximum;

also a photo of you applying the innovative problem solving process to task 2)
Search for some different innovative problem solving processes, and select one which you think would be useful in completing task 2. Apply it to task 2, and if you do not find the process useful in completing task 2, try a different process.
In less than 300 words, explain what the process is and how you found it, why you selected it, and how it was (or was not) useful in completing task 2.

In less than 300 words and at least one visualisation, briefly describe the ‘control problem’, your innovative ‘solution’, and the reasons why you think the solution would work. Provide a logical justification for your solution, such as reference to cases or other evidence to support your logical argument.
NOTE: A visualisation includes any visual medium including picture, diagram, causal map, graph etc.
You must provide a logical justification for your solution.
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Case study on healthcare

Case study on healthcare

Assignment: Health Information Patient Handout One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract as well as educate users. In this Assignment, you design a health information document on a topic that is of interest to you. To prepare: 1. Select a health issue of interest to you. 2. Identify the audience or population that you seek to educate about this issue. 3. Search the Internet to find credible sites containing information about your selected topic. 4. Review the two health literacy websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on strategies for presenting information. To complete: A. Design an educational handout on the health issue you selected.

1. Include a cover page. 2. Include an introduction that provides: a. An explanation of your issue and why you selected it b. A description of the audience you are addressing

B. In the handout itself: a. Develop your handout in such a way that it attracts the attention of the intended audience. b. Include a description of the health issue and additional content that will enhance your message (i.e., key terms and definitions, graphics, illustrations, etc.). c. Recommend four or five sites that provide clear, valuable, and reliable information on the topic.

Note: Remember to keep the information in your health handout and its design at the appropriate level for the audience you are seeking to inform. Submit your Assignment as a Word document.

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ethical decision making and moral action

ethical decision making and moral action

Compile a comprehensive job description for your line of work or intended line of work (Probation/Parole Officer); •Identify all of the stakeholders related to the position; •Describe at least three practical work scenarios where ethical decision making and moral action must be taken in the position; •Evaluate the pros and cons of two ethical theories applicable to the work scenarios you chose; •Create your own code of ethics for the position and the foundational sources for your code; •Design a best-practices checklist for your chosen position;

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Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training

Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training

Diploma in Education and Training (DET)

Your aim is to become a staff member who is on great demand by students and also has work to accomplish quality assurance framework while delivering sessions, and assessing students.

You are supposed to consider your own working context or choose a working environment which you are familiar with. In any case you must produce references of the work place chosen and also review related documents.

Note: You are required to review recent articles, books and other relevant literature. Wikipedia is strictly not allowed for references to answer any part of the task given. You must reflect practical understanding of each question and are required to provide candid academic references of any evidence you have in relation to the answer.

Task 1:Presentation with Notes

You are required to perform a professional presentation with detailed referenced notes.Thepresentation should be addressed to your current college management answering all the questions in provided below;

Define the concept of professionalism and dual professionalism in education and training
Explain ways in which own professional values influence own practice in an area of specialism

Task 2:Report

Explain ways in which social, political and economic factors influence education policy
Analyse the impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice in own area of specialism

Task 3: Report
Analyse the impact of being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies on curriculum design, delivery and assessment in own area of specialism

Task 4: Report

Explain key aspects of policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organisation
Analyse the impact of organizational requirements and expectations on curriculum practice in own area of specialism

Task 5: Report

Analyse the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of own organisation
Explain the function of self-assessment and self-evaluation and the quality cycle
Evaluate a learning programme taking account of the quality maintenance of own organization
5.4 Identify areas for improvement in the learning programme taking account of the outcomes of evaluation

Your lecturer will advise you about the assignment structure, and the date when you must hand in your completed work.
You should make sure that you plan your work carefully, to ensure that you cover all the requirements of the assignment, and complete it within the time limit specified.
Learning Outcome
Learning outcome

Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to:

Task No

(Page no)

LO1 Understand professionalism and the influence professional values in education and training 1.1 Define the concept of professionalism and dual professionalism in education and training 1
1.2 Explain ways in which own professional values influence own practice in an area of specialism 1
LO2 Understand the policy context of education and training 2.1 Explain ways in which social, political and economic factors influence education policy 2

2.2 Analyse the impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice in own area of specialism 2
LO3 Understand the impact of accountability to stakeholders and external bodies in education and training 3.1

3.4 Analyse the impact of being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies on curriculum design, delivery and assessment in own area of specialism. 3
LO4 Understand the organisational context of education and training 4.1 Explain key aspects of policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organization 4
4.2 Analyse the impact of organisational requirements and expectations on curriculum practice in own area of specialism 4

LO5 Be able to contribute to the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of own organisation 5.1 Analyse the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of own organization 5
5.2 Explain the function of self-assessment and selfevaluation and the quality cycle 5
5.3 Evaluate a learning programme taking account of the quality maintenance of own organization 5
5.4 Identify areas for improvement in the learning programme taking account of the outcomes of evaluation 5
Learner declaration
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Living through historical events

We have all lived through some of the subjects covered in Unit IV. Living through historical events is easily more visceral and likely interesting than reading about past history in a textbook. With this in mind, I would like you to answer the following two questions for this final discussion board:

1) In your opinion, what has been the most significant event(s) in American History in your lifetime How has your life been shaped by this event

2) One hundred years from now, students in a history class will be studying this material through a very different lense. What do you think/hope will be the biggest historical theme(s) that will emerge from these decades and your lifetime

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coordinating and heading the dismissal meeting

  coordinating and heading the dismissal meeting


Describe a step-by-step process of conducting the dismissal meeting. Determine the compensation that the fictitious company may provide to the separated employee.

Using Microsoft Word or an equivalent such as OpenOffice, create a chart that depicts the timeline of the disbursement of the compensation. Predict three (3) ways that this layoff may affect the company. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.

Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.


Develop effective talent management strategies to recruit and select employees. Design processes to manage employee performance, retention, and separation. Analyze laws governing employment and how organizations can ensure ethical practices. Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic human resource development. Write clearly and concisely about strategic human resource development using proper writing mechanics.

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Challenges of Alternative Energy

Challenges of Alternative Energy


In “Nine Challenges of Alternative Energy” (pp. 386-397), David Fridley argues that the growing cost of and demand for energy, along with the growing concerns of the global climate, leaves us facing, not just a need to explore alternative energy options, but also a myriad of ethical concerns. What are Fridley’s core reasons for concern, and what solutions does he offer his readers Do you find his solutions singly or collectively persuasive If so, please explain exactly why. If not, please explain exactly why not.


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