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How one intends to use statistical applications and tools.

How one intends to use statistical applications and tools.

Question Details

This is a 250 minimum word forum post. This does not need to be in an essay format.

During our course we have explored a number of different statistical applications and tools. In this week’s forum you are to share how you intend to use one or more of the tools that we have examined in our course. Be specific. Be sure to include a description of the situation, the way in which you will employ the statistical tool you have selected, and provide some commentary about why you think the approach you have selected is appropriate and will prove to be useful. This is your opportunity to consider–and then share–how you will employ the knowledge that you have gained during our course. I look forward to hearing from you.

Please keep in mind that my evaluation of your post will be based on the extent to which you participated and fostered a positive and effective learning environment–for yourself and others. Participating and sharing are the keys. Naturally, simply copying another person’s post is prohibited.

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Understand the importance of developing a thorough plan that will guide the organization in the future.

Understand the importance of developing a thorough plan that will guide the organization in the future.

Question posed: Read an article in the business press about a major action taken by a corporation. You can start with Bloomberg Businessweek, Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, Fortune Magazine, The Economist or Harvard Business Review, to name a few.

Introduce the article; explain what the article entails and how it relates to the topics in this week’s readings.
Share the source.
Share your thoughts on what the major issues are and how the company can fix/eliminate the issues or capitalize on the opportunities.

Sentence structure and grammar is important. 250 words minimum.

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Personal Motivation and Demotivation (Equity Theory)

Personal Motivation and Demotivation (Equity Theory)

Question Details
Please give an example of an instance of personal motivation/ demotivation regarding equity theory and give a second example of an instance of motivation/demotivation regarding another theory of motivation. Provide a critique of the reasons that motivation failed or succeeded. Given these experiences, what lessons were learned and what recommendations are possible?

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not counting title and reference pages, and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA. Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

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Compensating Expatriates

Compensating Expatriates

“Compensating Expatriates Please respond to the following:

  • Analyze the issues and considerations that impact expatriate compensation to determine the single biggest challenge in setting compensation. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • From the e-Activity, determine which cultural characteristics should be considered when establishing a compensation program for a U.S. company planning to locate in the country you researched. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Pay and Benefits Outside the United States Please respond to the following:

  • Analyze the differences between minimum pay regulations and retirement systems in the U.S. and the other countries discussed in this chapter to determine how these differences affects the ability of U.S. companies to compete worldwide. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Select the minimum pay and retirement practices of one of the countries discussed in Chapter 15. Then, determine the likely result if those practices were adopted by the U.S. Provide your rationale.

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Leadership Style Interview for a Company’s Newsletter

Leadership Style Interview for a Company’s Newsletter

Question Details
Resources:  The Art and Science of Leadership, Ch. 4 & Ch. 6 and Leadership Newsletter Template.

Select someone in a leadership position at your organization or at a local company where you might seek employment. This individual could be a director, manager, supervisor, or CEO of the organization.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word profile of the individual that you interviewed for your company’s newsletter, and include the following:

  • Identify the individual and their position within the company, and briefly describe the organization.
  • Interpret the individual’s leadership style based on the Five-Factor personality model, and offer one or more examples of the management and leadership roles of this individual.
  • Explain one incident where this individual had to solve a difficult problem or situation because things did not go as planned.
  • Describe the lessons that she/he learned from being able to problem solve, even when what she/he had been taught did not work.

Format your profile in the form of a newsletter (the final format may vary depending upon the company’s style; please feel free to use either the provided template or to check the Internet or Microsoft® Word for additional newsletter templates).


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Formulating Leadership II

Formulating Leadership II

Question Details

Resources: The Art and Science of Leadership, Ch. 6 and Management Roles: Leading video

Your company’s Vice President of Human Resources has approached your team for assistance in recruiting and developing your organization’s future leaders. 60% of your company consists of millennials and your team has been charged with how to successfully increase the number of millennials as leaders in your organization. At this time, senior management is reluctant and disinterested in promoting the millennials to leadership roles. Your team created your plan in Week 2 -Part I of this assignment. Now, you are expected to develop a presentation for your senior leadership that will motivate them to encourage millennials as leaders in your organization.

Re-examine your plan from Part 1 as a team.

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes that contains the following components:

Determine how to cultivate millennials as leaders.
Include the pathway necessary to accomplish this goal by identifying the objective(s), methods of achieving the objective(s), and ways to measure success.
Evaluate how transformational leadership may assist in this process.
Include at least one video presentation within a slide.
Showcase some of the best practices needed by companies in order to prepare future leaders.

Cite a minimum of three peer reviewed sources not including your text.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.


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Leadership and Power

Leadership and Power

Question Details

Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on the interaction and influence among leadership tactics according to the following criteria:

Explain power and compare how it relates to leadership
Analyze the five sources of power
Summarize the relationship between influence and power
Determine how relationships between leaders and staff affect influence and power

Cite a minimum of two references other than the text.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.


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One of the largest ethical and legal business cases in a very long time has involved Enron.  An excellent book on Enron entitled “The Smartest Guys in the Room” is a great book to read, if you get a chance.  You may also want to view the documentary by the same name, for this paper.  At the time of writing this assignment, the documentary is on Netflix or can be rented from Amazon.com.  On June 24, 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court decided Skilling v. United States, about Enron and specifically Jeffrey Skilling’s conviction.  You are required to read portions of this decision and write an approximately five page paper concerning the major legal and ethical issues in the case.  Please include updates, or what has happened since the Supreme Court decided the Skilling case, concerning the length of his sentence. You should use additional sources beyond the Supreme Court case for the update, which happened after the case.  Please turn in your paper through TurnItIn on Blackboard by 7:30 a.m. on September 6.  TurnItIn closes that day at the beginning of class.  We will discuss the papers in class that day.


The actual Skilling Supreme Court case can be found at the Supreme Court’s official website, supremecourt.gov.  Go to “Opinions,” then “2009 term opinions,” then the Skilling case.  (Even though the decision was in June of 2010, it is under the term starting the first Monday in October of 2009.   It can also be accessed free through FIU’s library, in the legal database Lexis-Nexis, under “legal” materials.  Search under Court cases for this Supreme Court case.  It can also be found, free, at findlaw.com, under “cases and codes,” under “Supreme Court cases,” by entering the party’s name, “Skilling.”  Once you access the full case, please read the beginning/introduction of the case, through the summary of the legal holding. Please read Justice Ginsburg’s majority decision.  The first part (I) gives a good background of Enron.  Part II gives a background of the legal issues before the Court.  Part III discusses the honest services statute.  Please also read Justice Sotomayor’s opinion.  Both Ginsburg’s majority decision, and Sotomayor’s dissent, should be discussed.


You should use additional credible and reputable resources, and please cite and put in a bibliography all resources used. Please do not cite to Wikipedia.


In the approximately five page paper, you won’t have the space to give a detailed analysis.  Please summarize what happened at Enron and the major legal issues before the Court, including what they decided and why.  Please use your own original writing; copying and pasting is not allowed.


The paper must also include an ethical analysis.  Use chapter 4 of the text as a starting point for the ethics discussion, for the ethical tests and theories.  Chapter 4 will be used throughout the course.  Please include an analysis on the major ethical issues you see.  There are numerous ethical issues, and you won’t be able to discuss them all.


The paper is to be approximately five pages in length, or longer, but concise business writing is valued.  It will be assessed on both content and written communication skills.  It is to be entirely your own work.  Please be sure to put any direct quotes in quotation marks plus cite in-text.  Plagiarism is a very serious academic honesty offense.  Turnitin has a similarity score, and if you submit before the deadline, you can see your score and resubmit, if necessary, before the deadline.  This paper is worth 10% of your grade, so please spend some time on this project, and start it early.

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The national Institute on Drug Abuse

The national Institute on Drug Abuse

The national Institute on Drug Abuse has spent $15 million on clinical trials toward finding out whether two vaccines can end the bad habits of nicotine and cocaine addiction. A switzerland based company is now testing an obesity vaccine. If the vaccines are semi- sucessful such that treatement costs and medical bills are reduced by an average of $15,000 per person per year, what is the present worth of the vaccines if there are 10 million beneficiaries in year 1 and an additional 15% each year through year 5? Use an interest rate of 8% per year

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Understanding Marketing and Customer Relationships

Understanding Marketing and Customer Relationships

Question Details

Purpose of Assignment

Understanding marketing as a multi-step process relying on building successful customer relationships is essential to helping organizations grow and achieve their goals. This assignment defines marketing, the customer value proposition, and creating mutually beneficial relationships between the organization and target, as well as applies these concepts to the student to create a personal brand.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Week 1 textbook reading, Week 1 video, American Marketing Association Website, and University Career Center: Crafting Your Image

Scenario: You have just graduated from the University of Phoenix with your Bachelor’s Degree. You have decided either to seek a promotion at your current work, explore new career opportunities, or open your own business and are using your marketing knowledge to position yourself for career growth.

Develop a 1,050-word response to the following using the scenario above:

Provide a definition of marketing from the American Marketing Association. Define the customer value proposition. Discuss the differences between the marketing process and advertising, the goals of creating a strong customer value proposition, and the unique relationship that exists between company and customer.
Use your workplace, a company you would like to work for, or an entrepreneurial vision and apply the concepts of the customer value proposition and relationship marketing to their operations. Introduce who the company, or business idea is and what they do. Provide examples demonstrating how the company uses these concepts successfully. Are there any ways they can improve in these areas? How?
Determine how your own personal brand links to the organization’s customer value proposition. Discuss ways you can integrate a customer value proposition and use relationship marketing to position yourself the best. Please share examples to illustrate your thoughts and reasoning.

Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources with at least one coming from the textbook, the Week 1 video, or the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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