How one intends to use statistical applications and tools.
Question Details
This is a 250 minimum word forum post. This does not need to be in an essay format.
During our course we have explored a number of different statistical applications and tools. In this week’s forum you are to share how you intend to use one or more of the tools that we have examined in our course. Be specific. Be sure to include a description of the situation, the way in which you will employ the statistical tool you have selected, and provide some commentary about why you think the approach you have selected is appropriate and will prove to be useful. This is your opportunity to consider–and then share–how you will employ the knowledge that you have gained during our course. I look forward to hearing from you.
Please keep in mind that my evaluation of your post will be based on the extent to which you participated and fostered a positive and effective learning environment–for yourself and others. Participating and sharing are the keys. Naturally, simply copying another person’s post is prohibited.
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