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Diversity Management Project

Diversity Management Project

Question Details

The rough draft of your Diversity Management Proposal is due. It should be submitted in proposal format, except that is should be double spaced. Also make sure of the following:

Discuss the problem or opportunity
Describe the alternative solutions to the problem
Evaluate the alternatives
Discuss which alternative you selected and why.
Discuss any follow-up to determine effectiveness of decision.
Make sure to use correct tone. Remember that your audience for your proposal is the decision-makers of the organization who have the power to implement your change.
You should have one interview (phone or email is fine) and at least two scholarly sources.
All sources should be included on an APA formatted reference page.
The length of the proposal should be five to eight pages, plus the reference page.
Use visual markers (e.g., bullets and lists) and visuals wisely.

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Independent research on state behavior analysis and UML state-machine-diagrams.

Independent research on state behavior analysis and UML state-machine-diagrams.

In addition to your resources for this week, conduct some independent research on state behavior analysis and UML state-machine-diagrams.

State Diagrams in UML

Write a 1-2 page paper answering the following:

What is the Lifecycle of a Critical Business Object?
How does a state-machine-diagram capture the activity of a critical business object?
Choose a common business object and complete a state-machine-diagram depicting its lifecycle.

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The foundations and history of nursing

The foundations and history of nursing

How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events” media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice?


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Business Law

Business Law

Question Details

Select ONE of the scenarios below.

Scenario 1

Annie Bloom broke her left ankle and was admitted to the Baycare Rehabilitation Center for ankle surgery. During her stay, the doctor marked the incorrect ankle, and the surgery was performed on her right ankle, causing long-term nerve damage. Annie wants to sue for negligence and malpractice during her stay at the center. Annie is a resident of Massachusetts, but Baycare is located in New Hampshire. Answer the following questions:

In what court(s), federal and/or state, should Annie file her lawsuit?
On what jurisdictional bases would she file her lawsuit?

Scenario 2

Bob Jones operates a business that usually hires college graduates from the local university. Currently, Bob has a part-time position that does not require a college degree. Bob is considering hiring an unemployed welfare recipient instead of a student from the local university. Apply the “Guidelines for Analyzing a Contemplated Action” in your textbook to this problem. Be sure to address each of the steps involved in the analysis.

Part 2 Sources and Classifications of Law

Select any three (3) of the following terms or combination of terms, provide a brief definition in your own words and give an example of the type of law(s) selected.

Constitutional Law
Statutory Law
Administrative Law
Private Law
Uniform State Laws
Substantive Law and Procedural Law
Private Law and Public Law
Civil Law and Criminal Law

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Writing a business letter

Writing a business letter

Question Details

Write a letter using Microsoft Word asking a local business (real or imagined) to hold an event or to donate funds for your charity (real or imagined). In the body of the letter ensure you name your charity, what the donation will be used for, the benefits your charity offers to the local community and your contact information. Please read through the remaining directions and information. View the following links to learn about the setup up of a business letter

NOTE: No templates are to be used for this assignment

The content (body) of the letter is two paragraphs. The second paragraph would include contact information.
No templates can be used for this assignment. You need to start from a blank word document and complete the letter without the use of a template.
Include sender’s address, date, inside address (is the address for the person to whom you are sending the letter and is right before the salutation – see the links above), salutation, body of the letter, and signature block.
Include a bulleted or numbered list of at least three items in the body of the letter. For instance, this could be for how the donation will be used, benefits of your charity, or ideas for an event.
Change the font of the signature in the signature block of the letter so that it is a different font than that used in the rest of the letter.
Use at least two other font features like font size, bold, or underline in the letter. For instance, you might italicize the signature or contact information, change the font size of the bulleted list, underline the phone number, bold the name of the charity, etc.

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A strategic management plan

A strategic management plan

A strategic management plan addresses four different management functions: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation and control. Weeks 3, 4 and 5 individual assignments (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) are integrated to generate a strategic management plan. The purpose of the Week 3 individual assignment is to evaluate the internal and external environments of a company selected by the student, to analyze the competitive advantage of the selected company, to evaluate a set of suitable strategies, and to examine appropriate metrics.

This assignment provides students an opportunity to research a selected company as if they were involved in a company’s actual strategic management planning process. It allows students to see which management planning process and management plan the selected company is currently using, allowing them to measure the effectiveness of current strategies.

A Strategic Management Plan addresses four different management functions: Environmental Scanning, Strategy Formulation, Strategy Implementation, Evaluation and Control.

The Week 3, 4, and 5 Individual Assignments (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) are integrated to generate a Strategic Management Plan. This is Part 1 of the three part Strategic Management Plan.

Assignment Steps

Write a 1,050-word report in which you select a company you are familiar with or a company where you currently work, and do the following:

Evaluate the internal and external environments of your selected company using an environmental scan.
Analyze the competitive advantage of your selected company.
Evaluate the strategies your selected company uses to create value and gain competitive advantage.
Examine the measurement guidelines your selected company uses to verify its strategic effectiveness.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the measurement guidelines your selected company uses.

Cite 3 scholarly references, including at least one peer-reviewed reference from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Scholarly Activity

Scholarly Activity

Question Details

Research how qualitative research is used in your field. Using this information, write an essay that describes how qualitative research tools can be used to aid in decision making within your field. Be sure your essay addresses the following questions/topics:

1. Describe specific qualitative methods and tools that could be used within your discipline to gather data. Include your rationale.

2. Evaluate their effectiveness with respect to certain areas within your discipline.

3. Include company or organizational examples within your essay, as relevant.

4. In your opinion, what is the future of qualitative research both within your discipline and in general?

Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of three pages (not including the title page and the reference page) and must include an introduction, a thesis statement (concise summary of the main point of the paper), and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above. Your response must include a minimum of two credible references. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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Key Decision-Making Criteria and Support Systems

Key Decision-Making Criteria and Support Systems

Question Details

NEED TO ANSWER ALL TWO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS…also specify which answer goes to which discussion question

question 1

What are some examples of end-to-end business processes that a database project will affect? Which workplace departments would be effected and why? How would you translate them into a business use case? Please provide an example.

question 2

Today, airlines are struggling to stay in business and they look to cut down on costs wherever possible. Fewer flights are being scheduled, airplanes are more crowded, and airlines are overbooking flights. Many times passengers are left without seats, and frequent flyers regularly chose to give up their seats and delay their departures in exchange for free ticket vouchers. Also, passengers are being bumped from flights involuntarily more often. The purpose of overbooking is not to leave passengers without seats, but to compensate for the millions of no-shows that decrease the amount of expected revenue.

This week for your discussion, conduct further research on this issue and please comment on the following:

Do you feel that the decision support system utilized by airlines to overbook flights is working well?
Answer from the viewpoint of the airline.
Then answer from the viewpoint of the customer.
What organization, people, and technology factors are responsible for excessive bumping issues?
Be specific! Then provide thoughts and feedback on one other student’s post. How were your thoughts similar and different? What additional insight can you provide?

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purchasing an existing business

 purchasing an existing business

Red Dog Ltd began operations on 1st July 2016 by purchasing an existing business for $700,000. The fair values of the assets of the purchased business were as follows:


Fair value $







The excess of the purchase consideration over the fair value of the assets acquired was recorded as goodwill.

The depreciation regimes for the financial reports and the company income tax return respectively are listed below. The company income tax rate is 30%.

Depreciation Regimes




Depreciation rate:













Reducing Balance

Reducing Balance

Reducing Balance





During the first year of operations, the company recognised the following transactions which are treated differently for tax and accounting purposes:

· Insurance of $38,000 was paid for during the year. Of this amount, $26,400 is prepaid for next year.

· Rent is paid for in arrears. $26,000 is owing at the end of the current year and $9,200 has been paid in cash.

· Employee Entitlements (Annual, Sick and Long Service Leave) totalling $16,000 were provided for during the year. No payments were made.

· Allowance for Impairment for Accounts Receivable was $4,000.

Items in the income statement which were treated the same for accounting and tax purposes were:

· Sales $900,000

· Cost of Goods Sold $456,000

· Salaries and Wages $84,000

· Other expenses $19,200

Other items in the statement of financial position as at 30th June 2017 are:

Year end balances


Inventory on hand


Accounts receivable


Goodwill (net)


Accounts payable


Cash at Bank


Additional information:

· No debts were written off as bad during the year.

· For year ended 30th June 2017 the profit before income tax of Red Dog Ltd was $114,000.


a) Prepare a schedule that shows the calculation of taxable income and current tax liability for Red Dog Ltd for the year ending 30th June 2017. (2.5 marks)

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Research Methods

Research Methods

Question Details

Most problems companies face are due to a lack of information; with complete and accurate information, the problems could be solved. Using the CSU Online Library, explore the topic of how research is conducted in organizations to address problems or issues. Then, select a company that is of interest to you, and respond to the following questions/topics:

Briefly describe your company. Identify potential problems or issues (current or future) that your company might address with a research study.
What indicators are prevalent demonstrating that the company is effectively (or ineffectively) using research studies within the organization?
How might the company use secondary research? How might they use primary research?
What might this company do in the future to expand its research? Include your rationale.

Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of three pages in length (not including the title page and the reference page) and must include an introduction, a thesis statement (concise summary of the main point of the paper), and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above. Your response must include a minimum of two credible references. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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