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Assignment Questions

step-by-step procedure


Write a step-by-step procedure that provides a lay audience with precise instructions for performing a particular task, preferably one specific to your major discipline. The task could involve operating a piece of machinery, using a software product, preparing a meal, or any other technical process.

The selection of your subject is critical to this assignment. Do not choose a task that is so simple that instructions are not required or so complicated that the layman could not be expected to complete it successfully. Choose an object or process that is complex enough to provide you with sufficient material for a detailed procedure, but not so large or technically complex that you can’t conceivably do it justice in the time allotted.

Do not choose a task for which instructions are readily available in an existing book, manual, or Internet site, such as baking a cake, driving to the airport, or operating a cell phone. The object of the assignment is for you to break a procedure down into individual steps yourself and present those steps in a comprehensible manner, not to duplicate an existing documented procedure using different words.

Consider what you would expect to see in actual published instructions for your selected task. Elements such as graphics, safety warnings, or a list of required tools and parts should be included if your subject demands it.

As always, the appearance of your final document and the craftsmanship that goes into it are important to your grade. When you design your document, consider the audience that would be using your instructions and the nature of the task users would be trying to perform. The inclusion of some graphical content in your project is required. Be sure to use correct safety language and symbology, if appropriate to your subject.

You can create your document in Word, Microsoft Publisher, or any other software, but be conscious of your fonts and other elements that might not reproduce exactly on another computer. A PDF file is your best bet for a deliverable, as it retains all font and page layout information.



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