Quantitative Critique Assignment
Grading Rubric (100):
Use this document as a fill-in template for your answers. Do not change or alter this form; leave it in its entirety. Avoid typos, misspellings, contractions, inappropriate match of nouns and pronouns or subject and verbs, incomplete sentences, idiomatic language. Use sentence structure that reflects graduate level writing (10). Fill in your well-crafted answers below each subheading, use 12 font. The quantitative study to critique is in the supplemental reader; work individually and independently. Use the critique power point (quantitative slides) to guide your critical thinking.
Background/Significance for the Clinical Problem (5)
- Explain why this study is important to nursing knowledge validation. Use the 6 step knowledge generation/validation process (C & K) to support your answer.
Literature Review (5)
- Explain how the literature review demonstrates the rationale for conducting the study, identifying the gaps in the current knowledge, and the quality indicators for the literature reviewed.
Purpose Statement (5)
- State the purpose and explain how the purpose is related to the significance of the clinical problem and the gap.
Research Question (5)
- State the express or implied question and explain how it addresses the purpose, and if answered, will fill the gap in knowledge, and provide clinically important practice implications and research recommendations.
Theoretical/Operational Framework and Diagram (10)
- Create a computer generated diagram of the theoretical/operational framework as you understand it that explains the horizontal and vertical linkages between concepts, variables (EI) under study, and values, and linkages to the elements of the metaparadigm.