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Program Management,ProgramCritique and Presentation

Program Management,ProgramCritique and Presentation

• You should write no more than 3000 words for your writtensubmission.

Many of you will be engaged in a particular industry or have a particular background. It may be health, construction, environment, business transformation or manufacturing.

This is intended to be a group assignment, although it can be completed individually. This assignment has two components:
1. ActivityA-Writtencomponentoftheassignment(30%ofyourfinalUnitmarks)

2. ActivityB-Presentationcomponentoftheassignment(20%ofyourfinalUnit marks)
ActivityA-Thisentire assignmentrequiresyoutoresearchandchoose a program that you will critique. This critique will be summarised in the form of a written document, and submitted before the deadline through Turnitin.
ActivityB-Youwill alsoberequiredtoprepareandpresent a presentationtothe classsummarising your chosen program, and highlighting the issues you have identified in your examination of the issues.
The key activities that will help you complete all of this assignment are:
1. Selection – thinking about which program to examine based upon your knowledge andinterests
2. Collaboration – working with a group and exchanging ideas with your colleagues, friends and mentors and testing out your ideas and concepts with others.
3. Information – researching further, using your existing knowledge, using ECU library, using academic journals and industry publications, the internet, business and the materials presented in thiscourse.
4. Presentation – understanding the core principles that will help you deliver an impactive but succinct presentation of the issues you have discovered during yourresearch


• You should write no more than 3000 words for your writtensubmission.
• .

Many of you will be engaged in a particular industry or have a particular background. It may be health, construction, environment, business transformation or manufacturing.
Your first task is to find a program or megaproject in an industry of your choosing, either from published journals, Internet research or from your own experience. You will research the program deeply and critique the main program issues. This means that you should consider whether the program was properly constituted, how it linked to strategic plans, how it was executed, and what lessons can be learned from it for future programs for the organisation, and for the program management discipline as a whole.
During the course of the semester, you should be prepared to present a summary of your work to the class. A suggested list of key headings of your presentation could be:
• Program Overview andOutcomes
• Program StrategyAlignment
• Program BenefitsManagement
• Program StakeholderEngagement
• ProgramGovernance
• Program Management SupportingProcesses
• Issues and Problemsencountered
• Lessons learned and proposals to improve (use the concepts of Program Management or any othersuggestions)

It is recommended that you use slides (e.g. PowerPoint) to give your talk structure and visual support

• Each slideshould
• Have no more than 3 keyconcepts
• Show key concepts as words or shortphrases
• Use graphics to make slides visuallyappealing


• Have whole sentences written onthem
• Be monotonous inappearance
• Be ‘busy’ by containing too muchdetail
• Remember to talk freely and use the slides as prompts andguidance
• Avoid exclusively reading from theslides

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