For this assignment, you will create a presentation on
Our Sixth Mass Extinction.
Feel free to use Google to find your information, but BE SURE you are using reputable sources and INCLUDE a working link to your source(s)! One great Google search tip: if you add “” (without the quotes) to your search terms, you will only see education sites in your results! Avoid K-12 school sites, but college sites are generally reliable. You could also check out sites like (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., BBC (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., etc.
Your presentation will include an
Description of the Issue
Discussion of Resolution (or not) of the Issue
Working Links to Sites Used
Your can create your presentation on any type of presentation software that can be uploaded and displayed on Canvas. You can use video clips, photos, animations, and other types of video/audio aids to support your ideas and make your presentation interesting