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Homework Answers

On Steinbeck

On Steinbeck

1302 John Steinbeck Essay Prompts

Potential essay topics.  Choose one:

  • Evaluate the use of fictional methods by Steinbeck to make political arguments.
  • Analyze one of the characters such as Tom Joad, Jim Casy, or Rose of Sharon as an archetype who represents a larger, American trait.
  • Evaluate Steinbeck’s attempt to portray the universal human need for dignity balanced with the novel’s realism and specific portrayal of life in the Depression years.
  • Surprise me. Develop your own argument using evidence from Grapes of Wrath.


  • 1000 words
  • Double space
  • 10 or 12 point font
  • Standard written English
  • One inch margins
  • Cite with footnotes in Chicago style, not in parenthetical MLA style.


  • Your paper must have a main idea/thesis/argument. It cannot be a summary of the reading.
  • Your paper must be carefully edited. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling count.
  • Cultivate your own voice/style. You will be writing a lot of papers in college, at least three in this course, so find your voice.  This does not mean the papers are about you.  Do not write about yourself.
  • You must demonstrate understanding and familiarity with both core text by Steinbeck.
  • These are reading response essays, not research papers. There should be no other source material beyond Steinbeck; do not summarize content you have read on the internet.


  • Meet the format requirements
  • Have a strong main idea
  • Write clearly and edit your work

A papers do these three tasks strongly, B papers may be weak in one area, C papers may be weak in two areas, etc.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the theft of words or ideas from another writer and dishonestly passing them off as your own.  Any plagiarism- even a few sentences or a single paragraph- will result in a ZERO on the paper.  Do not be tempted to submit work you did not create.

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