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Assignment Questions

Interview with a pregnant woman

Interview with a pregnant woman (or someone who has been pregnant in the past)

You will conduct two interviews and write a brief reflective analysis paper (3-5 pages) explaining observed differences and/or similarities with regards to prenatal development and childbirth. The objective of the assignment is for you to recognize the real-life embodiment of topics covered in class. By interviewing two different people, you will be able to evaluate how these ideas in the book translate into real-life in two different people’s lives.

Your job this week is to interview TWO people who are either currently pregnant, or who have been pregnant in the past. This cannot be a self-interview! You must find TWO OTHER people to interview. Ask both of them the following questions:

With the number of difficulties associated with being pregnant in society today, would you describe your experience of getting pregnant as pretty easy or quite difficult? Feel free to explain if you would like.
Describe your pregnancy. (Feel free to prompt the interviewee with ideas like… “how did you feel? How would you describe the feeling of the baby moving? Was it difficult for you? Any complications during pregnancy” – save these or follow-up with these if the person does not answer with much info).
Overall, what was the best part of pregnancy? Worst part?
Describe your experience with labor and delivery. (Again, feel free to prompt with more specific questions if they are having a hard time describing their experience).
Can you describe the emotion of delivering a child?
How did your partner respond to the birth of your child?
ADD your own question if you wish…
It is really key to ask both people similar questions so that you can then write your analysis of their responses. I recommend you create a Word document with all of your questions with enough space to write their responses. I would love to see some of their responses verbatim when appropriate. Be sure to get appropriate background information for your paper (see below).

Once you have completed your interviews you are ready to write the paper. The paper will include the following:

1. A short description of each of your participants. Please keep these descriptions anonymous and provide only general details about age, family status (i.e. oldest of 3 children, or married), first pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, and/or other background information (such as ethnicity, occupation, etc if it is relevant to your discussion).

2. Explain what types of responses YOU EXPECTED each person to make based on what you know about prenatal development and childbirth (e.g. What kind of answer would you expect?). (Using terms from the book or other resources would help here!)

3. Describe the actual responses of your interviewees. Analyze similarities and differences

in their responses, and explain why each person answered the question as they did based on what you know about either their pregnancy or what you know about pregnancy. (Using terms from the book or other resources would help here!)

4. Explain how the responses you obtained either changed or reinforced what you have learned about pregnancy and childbirth. What assumptions did you make about each pregnancy while you were interviewing them? How did those assumptions change after you interviewed them? Did the answers “fit” with what you have learned about development? (Using terms from the book or other resources would help here!)

Does your paper:

1. Demonstrate analysis and evaluation of each person based on your knowledge of prenatal development and childbirth? (15 pts)

2. Express both your expectations about each person’s responses and what you learned from

their actual responses? (5 pts)

3. Present your position in a logical, interrelated set of ideas that cover all sections described in the assignment and follow the rules of grammar, syntax, spelling, and quality writing? (5 pts)

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