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Assignment Questions

Healthcare:-Benefits for same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partners

Healthcare:-Benefits for same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partners

1. Review current research and policy on this topic. At least 3 credible sources are required. If no policy exists, is there proposed legislation regarding this issue? Summarize your findings.
2. Explain the main issue, and define relevant terminology. Briefly note any differing positions; be objective in describing the concerns of the opposing viewpoint(s).
3. Present your own suggestion for a policy that is consistent with research on human sexuality, explaining and supporting why this would be a reasonable approach, and stating the ways in which your position is consistent with the text materials covered.

-40-50 slides (750-1000 words)
-typed, 14-point font
-PowerPoint or one of the free presentation software alternatives
-save on your computer or flash drive and then attached through the assignment link

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