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Assignment Questions

global warming


Read about global warming at sites on the Internet. Write a 500-800 word (~2 pages, double spaced) paper that answers the following questions: • How much have global temperatures increased over the last century? • Why do scientists suspect man-made carbon dioxide is responsible? • Do scientists agree that global warming is an inevitable consequence of carbon dioxide production? • What efforts, if any, are currently underway to address the problem? These efforts could be governmental (US government, state governments, international/UN based, etc.) or run by other organizations such as Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, or even by businesses? You only need to address two or three efforts at a maximum. • Which of these efforts, if any, do you think are likely to succeed?   Alternatively, you may choose ONE result of global warming to write about in detail, with accompanying charts and discussion.  Suggestions include  • Sea level rise • Land and sea ice loss • The changing climate of Ohio • The migration of diseases and pests • The real and potential impact on human conflict and migration.


Include at least one well-explained, up to date graph of data.   Papers should be typed, double spaced, and submitted in .docx or .pdf format through the Blackboard SafeAssign portal for this assignment. Check your papers for correct grammar and spelling before submission.  Material not your own must be cited within the text to a bibliography entry at the end. References should be cited using a common citation style— APA, MLA, or Chicago.  See examples on the next page.  Use only original scientific material- do NOT cite Internet blogs or media (reputable media cite material with references; these sources may be used).  Your paper should include at least three sources.   Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Here are some places to start: NOAA  National Geographic  Science Daily  American Institute of Physics

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