Why does someone need to proofread and edit their essays? Is it because they do not trust their writing skills or merely because they feel there are some missing bits?
Well, the answer lies within the context of the owner of the work. Generally, it is common sense that submitting papers for grading, publishing, or whichever purpose they may be intended for requires a final draft that is devoid of errors. You cannot just submit a Ph. D. paper for publication in a scholarly journal without being sure and confident that the paper is excellent in all aspects.
This is where editing and proofreading come in. When a paper is edited, a few additions, deletions, and other changes are made in a written paper. This makes sure that all the deliverables outlined in the rubric are met. When a paper is proofread, typical errors such as grammatical errors, typos, omissions, and plagiarism are checked. Many scholars and students find this a hard task. It is not easy to spot errors. Some opt for software such as https://app.grammarly.com and http://www.gingersoftware.com/proofreading
The software may be of great help, but remember they have been designed by humans, and thus may not be perfect or even the best options. However, they help a big deal especially when one cannot seek Editing and Proofreading services. It is always advisable to seek experts and professional editors. Most custom essay writing websites have such experts and will readily offer the services at a fee.
Do not submit papers that have errors, rather see these services.
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