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Current Issues Analysis

Current Issues Analysis

The current issues analysis will give you the opportunity to examine current topics in human resource
management and practice your written communication and critical thinking skills.
• Select ONE article posted under ‘Current Issues Analysis’ on the ‘Content’ page in eCourseware. All
articles were published in HR Magazine from 2015 through 2017 and are available as full-text pdf files
via the UM Library Business Source Premier database. I am posting each article in eCourseware for
your convenience. Skim through each article and pick one that interests you the most. (Note: I will
post a new set of articles for the second assignment due later in the semester).
• Read the article. You may want to print it out first.
• Write a brief summary and analysis of the article. Specifically, discuss the following:
1) What is the purpose of the article
2) What are the key points or ideas in the article
3) How would the information in the article help a practicing manager or business owner
4) What additional information would be helpful on the topic, or what else would you like to
know about this topic beyond what was discussed in the article
OR QUOTE ANYTHING FROM THE ARTICLE. If you simply copy and paste, or quote, what the
author wrote, I promise you will get a very poor grade, possibly a ‘0.’
Writing and Formatting Guidelines:
• Your paper should be no longer than one page, double-spaced, minimum 10 pt font (Arial, Calibri, or
Times New Roman), with 1-inch margins.
• Include the full article reference at the end of your paper. If you omit this, your paper will be returned
with a grade of ‘0.’ Here’s are examples of how to cite an article:
One author:
Lytle, T. (2017, May). Putting mentoring in reverse. HR Magazine, 46-51.
More than one author:
Enelow, W., & Kursmark, L. (2017, June/July). Mastering the HR Resume: 7 ways to showcase your
talents and accomplishments. HR Magazine, 30-32.
• Proofread your paper to ensure that it is well-written and free of errors (spelling, grammar,
punctuation, sentence structure, correct word usage, etc.)
• Submit your paper to the eCourseware Dropbox in a Microsoft Word file. Papers submitted in any
other format will not be accepted. Papers submitted via email will not be accepted without advanced
You have several weeks to work on this assignment. There is no justification for a deadline extension. Manage
your time carefully and start early!
• See grading rubric next page.
MGMT 3215-M50 Current Issues p. 2 of 2
Grading Criteria Maximum
Part 1: Purpose
Purpose of the article clearly stated 10
Part 2: Key Points
Key points in article clearly identified and summarized
Part 3: Practical Application
Discussion of how information would help a manager or business owner. 15
Part 3: Additional Information
Identify additional information on the topic that would be helpful.
Formatting and Writing:
All formatting and writing guidelines are followed. (Reminder: Paper will
not be graded if full reference not cited at end).

Total Points 60

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