1- Title: (5 points)
a)Does the title clearly and concisely describe the study?
b)Are the variables included in the title?
Is the population /sample included in the title?
Abstract: (5 points)
2- Is an abstract included in the article?
a) Does the abstract include a statement of the problem and/or purpose?
b) Does the abstract briefly summarize design, methodology, results, and conclusions?
3- Confidence in Findings of the Report: (10 points)
What are the qualifications and reputation of the investigator?
a) What evidence is there in this report that they are qualified to conduct this study?
4- Is the article published in a referred journal?
Statement of the Problem: (10 points)
a) Is the phenomenon of interest clearly identified?
Has the researcher identified why the phenomenon requires a qualitative format?
b) Are the philosophical underpinnings of the research described?
Assignment Questions
Critique of Qualitative
Previous Articlenegligence analysis