For this assignment, please review the following website and answer the 4 questions in 1-2 double spaced pages:
- Briefly compare and contrast twocontraceptive methods that are discussed on the website in terms of cost, effectiveness, and how it is used.
- Watch at least twovideos of real stories from one contraceptive method. For example, you could watch two real stories about the diaphragm. Did the two stories share anything in common? If so, what was it? Describe one thing you learned from each video about the method.
- Go to the Questionstab on the website and read at least onequestion and the answer that was provided. Why did you pick that question? Did you learn anything new? If so, what did you learn? If you did not learn anything new from reading the response, do you think that the respond was adequate? Why or why not?
- Please share your thoughts on the overall Bedsider website. Did you like it? If so, why? Describe what you like or dislike about the website. Is the website missing anything that you think should be provided?