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Case study on Online Library’s Learning

Case study on Online Library’s Learning

To construct your diagram, you can use symbols and shapes found in Microsoft Word. (If you aren’t familiar with using symbols and shapes in Word, the NAU Online Library’s Learning Express video tutorials can help, or you can view “Creating a Simple Flowchart in Microsoft Word,” a YouTube video hosted by Floyd Jay Winters, for a very quick introduction.)

Alternatively, you may wish to use a web-based mind mapping tool such as Coggle or WiseMapping. These tools are specially built to make web-based mind mapping easy, and give you the ability to export your work as a .PDF for upload to the dropbox.

If you’d like to draw your mind map by hand and scan it as a .PDF for upload, you can do that, too. Just make sure you have access to all the tools and know-how you need to get the job done (See Alan Henry’s LifeHacker article “5 Best Mobile Document Scanning Apps” for ideas).

(2) Review the steps in the diagram to determine how technology could impact the workflow. Then, create a revised diagram that integrates the use of technology.

(3) In a 1-page double-spaced report, compare the workflow in both diagrams. Summarize how the workflow can be maximized through the use of technology and outline steps of the work flow that can be redesigned to better accommodate the use of technology.

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