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Business Management

Business Management

Question Details

Looking back on the topics covered in this course, which do you see as being most relevant to your current job or the job you’re seeking to obtain once you’ve earned your degree? Management of Employee Conduct: Agency (Topic selected)

In what ways has this course changed the way that you think about legal or ethical issues?

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The business of shares

The business of shares

A newly registered company, Silver Dollar Investments Ltd, has issued a prospectus dated 1st January 2017 inviting the public to apply for the following classes of shares. Both classes of shares have voting rights:

– 432,000 Ordinary A shares at $6 per share. The terms of the shares on issue are $2.50 on application, $1.50 on allotment, $1.20 on the first call and $0.80 on the second call.

– 200,000 Ordinary B shares at $3 per share, $2.00 on application and $1.00 on allotment.

If the issue is oversubscribed the directors will make a pro-rata issue of shares and the excess application money will be applied to allotment and calls before any refunds will be given.

On 28th February 2017 applications closed and applications had been received for the following:

Ordinary A Shares

Applications were received for 480,000 shares in total, with applications for 100,000 shares paying $6, applications for 200,000 shares paying $4.00 and the remainder paying only the application fee.

Ordinary B Shares

Applications were received for 250,000 Ordinary B shares, with all applications received paying the full $3.00.

On the 28th of March the shares were allotted, with all allotment money owed paid by the 15th of April. On the 28th of March share issue costs of $20,000 for the Ordinary A shares and $15,000 for the Ordinary B shares were also paid. The share issue costs related to legal expenses associated with the share issue and fees associated with the drafting and advertising of the prospectus and share issue.

On 1st May the first call is made on the Ordinary A shares and on 1st June the call money was received except for the call on 12,000 shares. The shares were forfeited on 15th June. On 20th June the $6 shares were reissued at $5 paid to $5.20. Costs associated with reissuing the forfeited shares totalled $10,000. The money has not yet been refunded to the defaulting shareholders.


(Include all workings)

(a) Prepare separate schedules, one for the Ordinary A share issue and one for the Ordinary B share issue that shows the break-up of:

· number of shares applied for;

· number of shares allotted;

· total cash received;

· cash received that relates to application;

· cash received that relates to allotment;

· cash received that relates to calls (in advance); and

· cash refunded. (4 marks)

Research Application

Research Application

In this assignment, you will use the Internet and other sources to gather and interpret information related to service and manufacturing organizations.

Select either a service or a manufacturing organization of interest to you. Research the organization using the Argosy University online library and the Internet. Based on your research, do the following:

  • Identify and classify the types of expenses associated with the operation of the selected organization.
  • Review the income statement and balance sheet of the selected organization. What is your overall initial impression of the company based on the financial data you reviewed?

Write a 2- to 3-page report detailing your findings in MS Word format. Apply current APA standards for writing style to your work

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Moneyball Analysis

Moneyball Analysis

Moneyball, a book by Michael Lewis (2003), highlights how creativity, framing, and robust technical analysis all played a part in the development of a new approach to talent management in baseball. It also exhibited great examples of the biases and psychological pitfalls that plague decision makers.

Review the article “Who’s on First?” by Thaler & Sunstein (2003) from this module’s assigned readings. This article reviews the book Moneyball by Michael Lewis.

Write a critique of the article including the following points:

Examine why sabermetric-based player evaluation is such a shock to other executives in baseball.
Evaluate why Beane is much more effective in his success by constructing a matrix of pitfalls and heuristics that highlight the differences between Beane’s team and other executives.
Moneyball highlights how people tend to overestimate the likelihood of success and end up facing financial loss—in this case, it meant forfeiting millions of dollars. Analyze a professional or personal decision (yours or otherwise) that highlights this predilection in spite of substantial losses.
Explain how you would apply Moneyball’s management lessons in your own endeavors.

Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc.

By Wednesday, September 6, 2017, deliver your assignment to the M1 Assignment 3 Dropbox.

Lewis, M. (2003). Moneyball. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points
Explained why sabermetric-based player evaluation is a shock to other executives in baseball.

Analyzed Beane’s effectiveness in a matrix of pitfalls and heuristics.

Analyzed a professional or personal decision that highlights the tendency to overestimate the likelihood of success.

Applied Moneyball management lessons in personal endeavors.

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.



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A multinational corporation

  A multinational corporation

 Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Review this link and research a multinational corporation (this link can be a helpful starting point). Then, answer the following questions:

  • How do the changing technology and the falling barriers to trade and investment reflect the success of this company?
  • How does the company show corporate social responsibility in terms of labor conditions, human rights, fair trade, and the environment?
  • What actions can a multinational corporation take that would make globalization a positive development for the global economy?

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Income Statement

Cost Classification, Income Statement Gateway Construction Company, run by Jack Gateway, employs 25 to 30 people as subcontractors for laying gas, water, and sewage pipelines. Most of Gateway’s work comes from contracts with city and state agencies in Nebraska. The company’s sales volume averages $3 million, and profits vary between 0 and 10 percent of sales. Sales and profits have been somewhat below average for the past three years due to a recession and intense competition. Because of this competition, Jack constantly reviews the prices that other companies bid for jobs. When a bid is lost, he analyzes the reasons for the differences between his bid and that of his competitors and uses this information to increase the competitiveness of future bids. Jack believes that Gateway’s current accounting system is deficient. Currently, all expenses are simply deducted from revenues to arrive at operating income. No effort is made to distinguish among the costs of laying pipe, obtaining contracts, and administering the company. Yet all bids are based on the costs of laying pipe. With these thoughts in mind, Jack looked more carefully at the income statement for the previous year (see below). First, he noted that jobs were priced on the basis of equipment hours, with an average price of $165 per equipment hour. However, when it came to classifying and assigning costs, he needed some help. One thing that really puzzled him was how to classify hisown $114,000 salary. About half of his time was spent in bidding and securing contracts, and the other half was spent in general administrative matters.


1. Classify the costs in the income statement as (1) costs of laying pipe (production costs), (2) costs of securing contracts (selling costs), or (3) costs of general administration. For production costs, identify direct materials, direct labor, and overhead costs. The company never has significant work in process (most jobs are started and completed within a day).

2. Assume that a significant driver is equipment hours. Identify the expenses that would likely be traced to jobs using this driver. Explain why you feel these costs are traceable using equipment hours. What is the cost per equipment hour for these traceable costs?

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Business case study

Business case study

Question Details

Select one of the major change forces listed below. For your selection, provide a brief explanation of the type of organizational change required to help manage that force.

A. Generational change (millennials)

B. Artificial Intelligence (robotics)

C. eCommerce (the age of the Internet)

D. Globalization (technology-driven solutions)

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Cost Identification and Analysis

 Cost Identification and Analysis

Cost Identification and Analysis, Cost Assignment, Income Statement Melissa Vassar has decided to open a printing shop. She has secured two contracts. One is a fiveyear contract to print a popular regional magazine. This contract calls for 5,000 copies each month. The second contract is a three-year agreement to print tourist brochures for the state. The state tourist office requires 10,000 brochures per month. Melissa has rented a building for $1,400 per month. Her printing equipment was purchased for $40,000 and has a life expectancy of 20,000 hours with no salvage value. Depreciation is assigned to a period based on the hours of usage. Melissa has scheduled the delivery of the products so that two production runs are needed. In the first run, the equipment is prepared for the magazine printing. In the second run, the equipment is reconfigured for brochure printing. It takes twice as long to configure the equipment for the magazine setup as it does for the brochure setup. The total setup costs per month are $600. Insurance costs for the building and equipment are $140 per month. Power to operate the printing equipment is strongly related to machine usage. The printing equipment causes virtually all the power costs. Power costs will run $350 per month. Printing materials will cost $0.40 per copy for the magazine and $0.08 per copy for the brochure. Melissa will hire workers to run the presses as needed (part-time workers are easy to hire). She must pay $10 per hour. Each worker can produce 20 copies of the magazine per printing hour or 100 copies of the brochure. Distribution costs are $500 per month. Melissa will receive a salary of $1,500 per month. She is responsible for personnel, accounting, sales, and production—in effect, she is responsible for administering all aspects of the business.


1. What are the total monthly manufacturing costs?

2. What are the total monthly prime costs? What are the total monthly prime costs for the regional magazine? For the brochure?

3. What are the total monthly conversion costs? Suppose Melissa wants to determine monthly conversion costs for each product. Assign monthly conversion costs to each product using direct tracing and driver tracing whenever possible. For those costs that cannot be assigned using a tracing approach, you may assign them using direct labor hours.

4. Melissa receives $1.80 per copy of the magazine and $0.45 per brochure. Prepare an income statement for the first month of operations.

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The importance of the balance of payments as an accounting measure

The importance of the balance of payments as an accounting measure

One of the more important measures in regard to international economics is the balance of payments. Think of it as a national accounting measure that looks at the flow of goods and services into and out of an economy in a given period of time. It also shows capital flows into and out of a country. Until 1980, the United States tended to run a positive-to-neutral balance of payments position and was a creditor nation. In the course of the past 30 years, the United States has moved to a negative balance of payments and to being a debtor nation.

Review and discuss the following:

  • Discuss the importance of the balance of payments as an accounting measure.
  • Discuss the current account and its components and the capital and financial accounts and their components.
  • How important is the U.S. deficit in traded goods in regard to the balance of payments?

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Psychological conference on psychology and mass media

Psychological conference on psychology and mass media

You will be attending an upcoming psychological conference on psychology and mass media. While packing for the conference, you are struck by a particular advertisement you see on television. You have seen this same product advertised in magazines, on the radio, on billboards, and on the Internet. This commercial has you thinking more about the interplay between psychology and mass media. You decide to analyze the advertising campaign and use it as an example during the conference. This analysis will form the Key Assignment for this course.

Using a psychosocial perspective and media research, you will analyze a product campaign to fully demonstrate your understanding of the effects and impacts of propaganda, social influence, persuasion, and attitude changes on society. You will also examine how your own behaviors are influenced by popular media and mass communication.

Select a company that is currently promoting one of its products and has an extensive advertising campaign running at this time.

Part 1 Tasks (From topics Weeks 1–4):

Write a paper (12–15 pages) that analyzes a product’s advertising campaign. The analysis of the product’s advertising campaign (the Key Assignment final paper) will include the following sections: 

  • A brief (1–2 pages) description of the product and the advertising campaign under analysis, including the types of mass media used
  • Media effects research and sociopsychological theories that are applicable to the campaign (Week 1 topics)
  • A discussion of the mass media impacts (Week 2 topics)
  • The use of sex and violence in the campaign (Week 3 topics)
  • A discussion of emotions, persuasion, and stereotypes as they relate to the product’s advertising campaign (Week 4 topics)


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