Source: In ‘Additional Files’
Ambrose, S. E. (1996). Crazy Horse and Custer: The parallel lives of two American warriors. New York: Anchor Books.
Part One
Consider the description of the Sun Dance on page 417 in the textbook. Contrast it with the descriptions earlier in the book of Custer’s moral teachings as a “Christian Soldier”. Identify the main differences that you see between the way Native Americans and European Americans approach religion. Are there any similarities? How do these very different ways of approaching religion affect the social behavior of Native Americans and of European Americans? Which group do you think is most true to its religious principles, and why? (200 words)
Part Two
How does religion define the way that people live their lives? How does it affect culture? Or, do you think culture affects religion? You may use your own experiences here. Be specific, but also identify whether your view stems from your personal understanding of religion, or whether it stems from an objective, non-personal view of religion. (150 words)