“One of the current issues in the United States involves the so-called outsourcing of jobs: the transfer of salaried employment from American to foreign locations. Many economists say that this is a logical outgrowth of globalization, that it involves comparatively few jobs, and that it helps U.S. companies survive competition to which they might otherwise succumb –costing more jobs that the outsourcing did in the first place. India has become a major player in the outsourcing of certain jobs…
•“What are these jobs?” …
•“Where in India do they cluster and why?” …
•“Do language and/or time-zone location have anything to do with India’s success, and if so, how?” (de Blij and Muller 2010: 453)
After reading this chapter of the textbook, write an essay based on these questions. Most of your essay must be written using your own words only. You must also include a complete reference of the source/s you have used at the end of your essay, including the course textbook (a complete reference of this source is available in the course syllabus and at the end of this prompt).
Remember that there are no right or wrong answers, but you must present an argument that supports and/or rejects your position regarding this topic, applying the concepts learned in our course. Most importantly, your essay must be composed using your own words, and use key definitions related to the topic of this assignment, showing knowledge and command of this topic. Explain your answer in NO less than 500 words and no more than 800 words. This word count does not include your name, PID, the title of your work, or if you copy the questions in your work.
In case you use an external source, you must cite this/these source/s in the text, using parenthesis at the end of the sentence using quotation marks if it is a direct quote, include the last name/s of the author/s, year of publication and the page number (i.e., Neumann 2013: 63). If you are using an external source writing this information in your own words, then you must cite at the end of the sentence, using parenthesis, the last name/s of the author/s and the year of publication (i.e., Neumann and Price 2013). All sources cited in your essay must also be included in a separate page on a Bibliography/Reference section at the end of your essay. See note at the end of this file regarding plagiarism issues.
You must post your answer to this question by uploading your work to the Turnitin.com link provided before the deadline to receive full credit.
NOTE # 1: Late work will be accepted but will incur in a 10-point deduction for each week this is late. No late work will be accepted after Thursday, July 26.
NOTE # 2: Your answer must be your own, original thoughts. If you plagiarize your thoughts from a website, journal, or any other source, not only you will be sad because you cannot write the small number of words of your own, but because you will also earn a failing grade in the course.
NOTE # 3: You must format your work according to the required Technical Aspects described in the course syllabus: a) 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond, or Book Antiqua); one-inch margins all around; double-spaced; and, number the pages. Any written assignment that does not include all the required technical aspects will receive a 10-point deduction in their grade.