This will require you to select and interview a person who is employed within your chosen profession/industry.
The purposes for this assignment:1.To help you gain insight into a career of interest to you.2.To gain experience in information interviews and networking.
THE INTERVIEWED PERSON’S ORGANIZATION: It can be for-profit, non-profit, religious,political, or educational. The interview could be someone you are meeting for the first time, or someone you already know. It’s okay if they are a relative of yours, or someone with whom you have worked or now work.
THE INTERVIEW: Interviewing them in person is preferred. It is preferable that you interview them in their typical work environment.
REPORT IMAGE QUALITY: This assignment MUST NOT BE HAND WRITTEN!!! Use a computer.Make a copy for yourself and submit one copyto me.
WRITE-UP STYLE: Simply structure your report in a question and answer format.
For example:Question # 1: What is your official title? How long have you been in this line of work?
Answer: Mr. John Smith is the Director of Marketing for Airborne Express. He has worked in Marketing for five years and in the shipping industry for ten years…
This paper should NOT be written in paragraph form. In other words, this paper should not be written as an English composition, but as an interview.
WORDING: Your report should have completely thought out and thorough answers, not brief answers such as yesor no. Occasional direct quotesare acceptable, but the vast majority of this assignment must be in YOUR own words.
GRADING: Ask the questions, and tell me in your own words what they said in response to each question. Please inform me of any questions in which you experienced difficulty or lack of response from your interviewee.REQUIRED QUESTIONS TO ASK DURING
THE INTERVIEW:1.What is your official title? How long have you been in this line of work?
2.Describe a typical day in your line of work (if he/she says there is no suchthing as a typical day, ask them to explain their job functions)
3.What education, training and credentials did you have to get in order to work inthis career?
4.What do you likemost about your job?
5.What do you like least about your job?
6A How do you formally communicate with other members of the organization? (meetings, presentations, reports, etc.)
6B How do you informally communicate with other members of the organization? (email, text message, etc.)
7. Do you have any additional commentsor suggestions? (optional)
8. Add 2 or 3 questions of your own.